3rd Floor Refurbishments – Patient TowerCN 1511


June 6 2017

To Advertise:

1. August 10th,2017

2. August 17th, 2017


Memorial Hospital at Gulfport will receive Sealed Bids with Qualification StatementsuntilThursday, September7th, 2017at 2:00 PMfor the furnishing of all labor and material and performing all work necessary and incidental to BID Package#53rd Floor Refurbishments, Patient Tower, MEMORIAL HOSPITAL at GULFPORT,in accordance with plans and specifications.

5 / Hospital Casework


Generally, the scope of work is to provide hospital casework and solid surface lavatory counter tops with integrated bowls as per specification and drawings material only delivered to memorial hospital. Bid package 5 will be part of the 3rd floor refurbishment project, with the project coversapproximately26,550 SQFT. This work will include gypsum board construction over metal studs, providing fully operational HVAC system, electrical, plumbing, medical gases, nurse call, and communication systems. The build-out scope of work will include finished carpentry, gypsum board and acoustic ceiling panels, sound proofing in walls and ceilings, metal door frames with wood doors and hardware, and interior glazing, rubber and luxury vinyl flooring, ceramic tile walls and flooring, painting, crash rails and corner guards.

All work is complete with materials, labor, and equipment necessary to perform the said work, including coordination with other trade contracts as contracted by Memorial hospital. Strict conformance to infection control guidelines, construction noise abatement, and ability to organize work with flexible hour’s and manage disruptions during the continuity of construction related work is vital to the successful completion of this project.

Bidders shall have proven and demonstrated ability to construct and renovate in a fully operational 24 hour acute care Hospital or other In-patient care facility within the last five years. Contractors and subcontractors with work experience in Memorial Hospital at Gulfport are encouraged to respond to the solicitation, however, Memorial Hospital will take into consideration all bidders who have demonstrated acceptable qualifications.

Work shall be completed as indicated on the individual Forms of Proposal (see Division 00 Section 003500)liquidated damages shall apply for non-compliance.


Bids submitted by mail must be addressed to: Memorial Hospital at Gulfport, P.O. Box 1810, Gulfport, MS 39502, and Attention: Mr. Greg Quigley, Director Engineering Department. Bids hand deliveredbefore1:45 p.m. on bid date shall be delivered to the office of Mr. Greg Quigley, Engineering Office, Memorial Hospital at Gulfport, 4500 13th Street, Gulfport, MS 39501. Bids hand deliveredbetween 1:45 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. on bid date shall be delivered to the Roy Anderson Corp. in the Large Engineering Conference Roomat Memorial Hospital. All bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at MEMORIAL HOSPITAL at GULFPORT,LARGE ENGINEERING CONFERENCE ROOMat2:00 P.M. onTUESDAY, September 07TH, 2017.

Instructions to bidders, plans and specifications, and other documents pertaining to construction of this project, may be reviewed at the following places, beginningAugust 10th, 2017.

  • Memorial Hospital at Gulfport – Engineering Office
  • AGC OFFICE of Gulfport
  • ABC OFFICE of Gulfport
  • ARC Ridgeways of Biloxi

Copies of Instructions to Bidders, plans and specifications, and other documents pertaining to this Bid Package#5 Hospital Casework3rdFloor Refurbishments, Patient Tower, MEMORIAL HOSPITAL at GULFPORT, MSmay be obtained beginningAugust 10th, 2017without a deposit by requesting an electronic set of documents from the Construction Manager as indicated below:

  • Mail: Roy Anderson Corp, P.O. Box 1810 Gulfport, MS 39502

– Attn: Daniel A Normand

  • Phone: (228) 297-4176 – Attn: Daniel A Normand
  • Email:

Bids shall be submitted in sealed opaque envelopes. Envelopes shall be clearly marked SEALED BID: MEMORIAL HOSPITAL at GULFPORT,3rd Floor Refurbishments - PATIENT TOWER, BID Package #5 as applicable.

No bids will be accepted after 2:00pm.

“No bid shall be considered awarded until such time as all contract documents have been signed and received by both parties.”

The Board of Trustees of Memorial Hospital at Gulfport reserves the right to reject all bids and to waive any formality. Attention should be directed to the fact that MemorialHospital at Gulfport is a publicly owned hospital and subject to Mississippi State Laws related to bidding. No bidder may withdraw his bid for a period of ninety (90) daysafter date set for opening thereof.