Feb. 2004 Albemarle Emmaus Newsletter Page 2 of 4

From Sound to Sound with the GOOD NEWS, Vol. 13, Issue 2, Feb. 17, 2004
http://www.albemarleemmaus.org/ P.O. Box 1198, Edenton, NC 27932

"Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going."

— JimRyan

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Community Calendar

March 4 – 7, 2004: Men's Spring Walk AE # 56 "I Want To Know You More" Mike Twiddy Lay Director

March 6, 2004: 6:30 PM Mini-Gathering & AE #56 Candlelight, Assembly of Praise, Columbia, NC

March 14, 2004: AE Board meeting 2:30 pm @ Cape Colony CoC (not on mailed copy)

March 18 – 21, 2004: Women's Spring Walk AE # 57, “Surely The Presence” Miriam Hughes Lay Director

March 20, 2004: 6:30 PM Regular Gathering & AE #57 Candlelight, Assembly of Praise, Columbia, NC

April 17, 2004: 2:30 PM DODU, 6:30 PM Gathering @ Evangelical Methodist Church, 820 Okisko Rd, Elizabeth City. A HOOT follows the Gathering

April 17, 2004: Right after the Gathering is a HOOT @ Mt Hermon United Methodist Church: Elizabeth City (not on mailed copy)

April 29 – May 2, 2004: Kairos PCI-9, Elizabeth City, NC

Sun / Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / Sat
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13
14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20
21 / 22 / 23 / 24 / 25 / 26 / 27
28 / 29 / 30 / 31

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May 8, 2004: 6:30 PM Gathering & Board Elections @ First Assembly of God, 1201 W. Queen St., Edenton, NC

June 12, 2004: Gathering @ New Bethel Missionary Baptist, Hertford, NC July 15th – 18th, 2004: Fly With Christ on AC #23, at Chowan College, Murfreesboro, NC

Patty Cooper and the History Committee still need logos and/or photos from:

AE-2 AE-41 AE-45 AE-46 AE-47

You may have already noticed we have past Emmaus Walks and Chrysalis Flights on or web site at www.albemarleemmaus.org/. We can scan name tags to get Walk Logos. If you can help with any of these items, contact Patty or send an email to the AE Email and we'll forward it to the right place.

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Upper Room Emmaus of the Albemarle Area

P.0. Box 1198

Edenton, NC 27932-1198

Return Service Requested

Non-profit organization
US Postage Paid
Edenton, NC 27932-1198

Feb. 2004 Albemarle Emmaus Newsletter Page 2 of 4

Please pray today for each of these AE #56 AE #57 Pilgrims (and put your Agape Letters in alphabetical order)

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AE #56 Pilgrims

"Albemarle Emmaus Men's Spring Walk"

AE #56 "I Want To Know You More"

March 4 – 7, 2004

Mike Twiddy Lay Director

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Bob Andrews – New Life

Stevie Askew – Shiloh Free Will Baptist

Gary Aspin – 1st Baptist Kitty Hawk

Tim Barber – Maple Grove Christian

Billy Barrow – Edenton United Methodist Church

Ward Blanchard – Mt. Olivet United Methodist Church

Greg Bonner – New Bethel Missionary Baptist

Dave Combs – Shiloh Baptist

John Cormicle – Open Door Baptist Church

Marvin De Witte – Edenton United Methodist Church

Gary Edmondson – Trinity Baptist Fellowship

John Edmondson – Trinity Baptist Fellowship

Danny Ellinwood – Pearl Street Pentecostal

Fred Ervin – Philippi Church of Christ

Bobby Eubanks – Pritchard Road Baptist Church

Jason Gibbs – Riddle Pentecostal Holi

Tom Gray – Buxton United Methodist Church

Skip Gurganus – Jamesville United Methodist Church

Jimmy Hagwood – Plymouth 1st Baptist

Troy Holland – Open Door

Ronald Inge – Trinity United Methodist Church

Michael Jackson – Grace And Truth Comm Church

Ed Jarman – Bandon Chapel

Doug Kretzer – Albermarle Baptist

Wayne Mathews – Riverside United Methodist Church

Donnie Mcclease – New Bethel Miss Baptist

Don Mckinney – Holly Neck Church of Christ

Elmer Midgett – Mt. Olivet United Methodist Church

David Mizell – Mt Zion Free Will Baptist

Vernon Mizelle Jr – Albermarle Baptist

Leve Moore – Maple Grove Christian Churcg

Dennis O’Shell – 1st Baptist Kitty Hawk

Luther Overton – Evangelical Methodist

Matt Priest – Faith Pentecostal Holi

Tom Reid – Trinity Baptist

Jerry Roberson – Maple Grove Christian

Burl Swain – Holly Neck Church of Christ

David Swain – The Body Of Christ Currituck

George Toler – Bethany United Methodist Church

Randall Wells – University Church Of God

Stuart Wescott – Mt. Olivet United Methodist Church

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Feb. 2004 Albemarle Emmaus Newsletter Page 2 of 4

"Albemarle Emmaus Women's Spring Walk"

March 18 – 21, 2004

AE #57 "Surely The Presence"

Miriam Hughes Lay Director

AE #57 Pilgrims

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Letitia Ambrose – Roper Pentecostal

Cathy Ange – Christian Hope Church of Christ

Sabra Askew – Shiloh FWB

Carolyn Baker – Capehart Baptist

Susan Barber – Maple Grove Christian

Lisa Barnes – Faith Christian Fellowship

Vickie Barrow – Edenton United Methodist Church

Carol Bazemore – Maple Grove Christian

Brenda Benjamin-Debona – New Community

Susan Brown – Corinth Baptist

Harriet Dehart – St. Pauls Episcopal

Lois De Witte – Edenton United Methodist Church

Michelle Ellinwood – Pearl St Pentecostal

Alice Eubanks – Pritchard Rd Baptist

Judy Fuller – Sunbeam Baptist

Loreta Gurkin – Maple Grove Christian

Dell Hagwood – Plymouth 1st Baptist

Barbara Harrell – Riddle Pentecostal

Phyllis Harris – Newbegun United Methodist Church

Rexanne Harrison – Calvary Bible Church

Diane Holland – Open Door

Tammy Inge – Trinity United Methodist Church

Dawn Johnson – Bath Church Of God

Samantha Jones – Courland United Methodist Church

Veronica Jones – Manteo Baptist

Tobi Kirkman – Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church

Jamie Lilley – Cedar Branch Baptist

Karen Mathews – Riverside United Methodist Church

Gail Midgett – Mt Olivet United Methodist Church

Charlotte Mizelle – Albemarle Baptist

Jerri O'Shell – 1st Baptist Kitty Hawk

Jo Ann Overton – Evangelical Methodist

Jackie Owens – New Bethel Miss

Bobbie Phelps – Cherry Church Of God

Deb Porter – Evangelical Methodist

Amy Priest – Faith Pentecostal Holiness

Alice Reid – Trinity Baptist

Laura Smith – Covenant United Methodist Church

Emily Stevenson – Corinth Baptist

Tammy Wescott – Coinjock Baptist

Dina White – Christian Harbor Baptist

Jean Wrighton – Bagley Chapel

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Feb. 2004 Albemarle Emmaus Newsletter Page 2 of 4

as listed at the February 14th Gathering
·  AE-45
·  AE-56 Team & Pilgrims
·  AE-57 Team & Pilgrims
·  All Service Men & Women
·  Paula Allen – knee surgery 2-20-04
·  Lisa Askew – kidney transplant Feb. 20
·  Rick Baker's family – Rick died Feb. 13
·  Andy Broome
·  Janet & Leon Browning
·  Phyllis Browning
·  Barbara Bunch – back surgery
·  Dave Bundy
·  President Bush
·  Iris Byrne
·  Christopher – for a job
·  Donnie Clatterback – Dan & Mike unsaved
·  Steve Creech
·  Peggy & Robert Daughtrey
·  Emily Davenport
·  Jimmy Davenport (AE-53) – Job out of Beer Industry
·  Jimmy Davenport (AE-53) – New job so I don't have to work in beer business
·  Deana – salvation
·  Phil Grasty – (Buddy's Dad)
·  Randy Haberstumpf – medical tests
·  Carrie Harrell – YWAM, Nashville, Mission Trip, Turkey
·  Vonciel Head – Cancer
·  Tammy Hockenberry – unspoken
·  George Hodgson – (age 2) for no lung problems
·  Jaymes & Kim Holden – to sell their house / ·  Harriet Howard
·  Israel & and All God's People
·  Angie Jackson – health
·  Walston B. Johnson Family – Salvation
·  Ginny Kilroy – (age 17) cancer
·  Ken Landis
·  Fred & Kathy LeLong – health problems
·  Doris Meiggs – (FBC needs pastor)
·  Susan Miller – Cancer
·  Gene Morin (on list twice)
·  Need for a job
·  Kathreen Nelson – Surgery Feb. 20 in Greenville (on list twice)
·  Barbara Nixon – Ukrainhe Mission Trip
·  Pete Oliver (on list twice)
·  June Overman – (E.City First Baptist for unity)
·  Carl Payne – Back
·  Brent & Kathy Phelps – family
·  Prodigal Spouses
·  Pat Ruckle
·  Sharon Ruckle
·  Angie Selleck – heart problems
·  Bennie Seward – back problems
·  Laura Smith – (AE-57 Pilgrim)
·  Jacki Surles – health
·  Hugh Twiddy
·  Unspoken prayer request
·  Ann Vaughn
·  Herbert Lee Waterfield
·  Florence Whisler – (Joanne White's Mom) adjustment rec.from stroke
·  Carter Whitt
Please remember that when writing prayer requests we cannot print what we cannot read.
Late prayer additions & updates can be added to the Prayer Request Web Page at http://www.albemarleemmaus.org/

Get Ready for the May Elections. Contact a Board member with nominations for Board positions.


With two walks right around the corner, it's a good idea to start thinking about AGAPE. There are many ways to share Agape with other Pilgrims.

Your biggest act of Agape is your faithful prayers - sign up the 72 Hour Prayer Vigil at monthly Gatherings or right here online at http://www.albemarleemmaus.org/ on the Albemarle Emmaus Community Prayer Vigil pages. Also, your attendance at Candlelight, Mananitas and Closing are acts of Agape love.

You might be called by a Head Cha on a walk to help with Agape Feasts, snack Bags, entertainment, or other behind the scene activities. Those are forms of Agape Service.

Another form of Agape love is by providing all the "stuff" it takes to put on a weekend.

Our community currently uses 550 decorated placemats each walk weekend - that's 2750 per year just for the Emmaus Walks (plus another 630 each Chrysalis Flight). Placemat patterns are available at http://www.albemarleemmaus.org/agape/pmats.html with blank place mats available from our Emmaus Community Agape Coordinators Joy Denton (252-482-7105) and Mandy Morgan (252-482-3618).

Warm fuzzies clothespins, First Stones, Joy Flags Lovable Button felt flower backs, cloth agape bags, wooden crosses and lanyards are needed for each walk. Providing any or all of these items is an act of Agape Love. These are things that can be prepared and given to the Emmaus Community Agape Coordinators at Gatherings throughout the year. We use 42 of each item for each walk.

Remember the Agape Bags you received on your walk? Could anyone forget? You are encouraged to send Agape to Pilgrims each walk. The names of Team and Pilgrims are provided in the monthly newsletters just prior to each walk and can be found online at http://www.albemarleemmaus.org/

Handwritten letters are best, but any Agape that is sent needs to be ALPHABETIZED BY LAST NAME. Each weekend more than 10,000 pieces of Agape are delivered - WOW!

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Remember the following logistics when sending Aqape:

1)  First and last name need to be on the envelope - not your name, not nicknames, etc.

2)  Separate personal from general Agape - put a "P" in the right hand corner of personal letters or separate them in bags or bundles and make sure they are clearly labeled.

3)  Team and Pilgrim agape needs to be separated and properly labeled.

4)  Pilgrims receive personal letters in their cloth bags on Friday, and then receive additional agape Friday and Saturday nights. Team members receive agape in their Cloth Bags on Friday and then Saturday night. Please do not include "Friday" or Saturday" as part of the Agape label. If you want it given at a particular time include it in a bag labeled that way.

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5)  NO GIFTS - Please. Nothing bigger than 4-1/2 X 6 inches will be given to a Pilgrim unless there is one for every Pilgrim. Only letter sized envelopes will fit in the cloth Agape bags. Wrapped gifts and Gift bags will be given back to sponsors at Send - off if any are brought. Please save any gifts for the Pilgrims for their 4th day.

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De Colores ! ! !

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From: Bob Mullins
To: Albemarle Emmaus Community
Subject: Kairos #42
Date: Thu, 29 Jan 2004 20:16:02
Kairos #42 will be held at Collins Correctional on March 25-28, 2004. If sending Agape you can e-mail me at or mail to Holy Spirit Church 2017 Haley Road, North Collins, NY 14111-9750
God Bless
Bob Mullins - Rector