Upon completion of this chapter you will be able to:
C Name the author of the book of Luke.
C Identify to whom the book of Luke was written.
C State the purpose for the book of Luke.
C Write the Key Verse of the book of Luke from memory.
C State the Life and Ministry Principle for the book of Luke.
TO WHOM: All believers, although the first intended audience was the Greeks to whom he
presented Jesus as the perfect man. He also addresses one specific believer, Theophilus.
PURPOSE: The purpose is to write an orderly account of the ministry of Jesus (Luke 1:1-4). KEY VERSE: Luke 19:10
LIFE AND MINISTRY PRINCIPLE: Our mission is identical to that of Jesus: To reach the lost with the good news of the Gospel.
MAIN CHARACTERS: Jesus, the twelve disciples
Chapter 1
1. Luke specifically addressed his gospel to whom?(3)
2. Why did Luke write?(4)
3. What were the names of John the Baptist's parents?(5)
4. What is said concerning the age of his parents?(7)
5. What other miracles occurred in the events surrounding his birth?(7,11,15,20)
6. What did the angel prophesy concerning John’s reputation, character and mission?(15-17)
7. What was the name of the angel?(19)
8. What happened to Zacharias because he doubted?(20-22)
9. What was the name of the angel that announced the birth of Jesus?(26)
10. What is said concerning the character of Mary?(27-28)
11. What was Mary to call her son?(31)
12. What prophecy was made concerning Jesus?(32-33)
13. What is said concerning the manner of conception?(35)
14. What phrase indicates Mary's submission to the word of God?(38)
15. Explain the difference between"mother of my Lord" and "mother of God".(43)
16. How can one magnify the Lord?(46)(Consider the definition of magnify)
17. What happened to Zacharias when he wrote of his son "His name is John"? (64)
18. What did Zacharias prophesy concerning his son?(76-79)
Chapter 21. When was Jesus born?(1-2)(Note also Luke 1:5.)
2. How was the prophecy of the location of the birth of Jesus fulfilled?(4)(Micah 5:2)
3. Where was Jesus laid after he was born?(7)
4. What significance is "first born" son?(7)(See Sections 63, 69, and 94.)
5. What did the angel say to the shepherds regarding Jesus?(11)
6. Where did the shepherds find Jesus?(16)
7. At what ceremony did Jesus receive his name?(21)
8. Why was Jesus presented (not baptized) in the temple?(27)
9. What two older people recognized Jesus as Christ in the temple?(25,36)
10. What did Simeon say to Mary regarding her son?(30,32,34)
11. What is the only event recorded in the Bible regarding the boyhood of Jesus?(41-42)
12. Where might not be a good place to look for Jesus?(44)
13. What was the reaction of those who heard him in the Temple?(47)
14. What was the reply of Jesus when Mary said;”thy father and I sought thee sorrowing"?(49)
15. What shows the obedience of Jesus to Joseph and Mary?(51)
16. In what four ways did Jesus grow?(52)
Discussion Question
Is it possible today to only suppose Jesus is in your company?(43-44)
Chapter 31. Which gospel writer gave the most detailed history regarding the time of Jesus’ birth? (1)
2. What is fruit worthy of repentance?(8)
3. What instructions did John give to the multitudes?(11)
4. What instructions did John give to the publicans?(13)
5. What instructions did John give to the soldiers?(14)
6. How did John consider himself in comparison to Jesus?(16)
7. Who did John say would baptize with the Holy Ghost?(16)
8. Luke’s genealogy begins with whom and ends with whom?(23,38)
9. How is the virgin birth safeguarded?(23)
10. How old was Jesus when he began his ministry?(23)
Chapter 41. What did Jesus announce as the purpose of his ministry?(18-19)
2. What was the significance of the widow to whom Elijah was sent and the leper cleansed in the days of Elisha?(24-27)
3. How did the Jews try to kill Jesus?(29)
4. What was the double miracle of the healing of Peter's mother-in-law?(39)
Chapter 51. What shows Simon Peter’s reluctance followed by obedience?(4-5)
2. What did Peter, Andrew, James and John leave to follow Jesus?(11)
3. What did Jesus teach regarding the garment and the wineskins?(36)
Chapter 61. What did Jesus know about his accusers?(8)
2. What three things did Jesus command the man with the withered hand to do?(8,10)
3. How long did Jesus spend in prayer before choosing the twelve apostles?(12)
4. What will be our reward for giving?(38)
Discussion Question
How do the four lists of the twelve apostles compare?(Mt. 10:2-4, Mk. 3:16-19, Lk. 6:14-16, Acts 1:13)
Chapter 71. What did Jesus encounter at the city called Nain?(12)
2. What did Jesus tell the disciples of John to tell John when he asked, "Art thou he that cometh or should we look for another?"(22)
3. How did Jesus commend John the Baptist?(28)
4. How did Jesus liken that generation?(31-32)
5. What illustration did Jesus give the Pharisees when they criticized him for allowing a sinner woman to wash his feet with tears?(41-43)
6. What did Jesus say to the woman who anointed His feet?(48,50)
Chapter 81. What was the seed?(11)
2. How does one develop a relationship with Jesus Christ?(21)
3. Describe the demoniac before his encounter with Jesus.(Mt 8:28, Mk 5:2-4, Lk 8:27)
4. Describe him after his encounter with Jesus.(35)
5. What happened to the legion of devils in him?(32-33)
6. What did the people of the Gadarenes ask Jesus to do?(37)
7. What did the ex-demoniac want to do?(38)
8. What did Jesus tell him to do?(38-39)
Chapter 91. What subject did they discuss on the mountain?(31)
2. Show how Jesus taught that the kingdom of heaven is bigger than what we realize.(50)
3. What did James and John want to do to the Samaritans who did not receive Jesus?(54)
4. Show what the followers of Jesus must give up for His service.(57-62)
Chapter 101. Why did Jesus sent the seventy out by two's?(1)
2. When the seventy returned what were they rejoicing about?(17)
3. What did Jesus say they should rejoice about?(20)
4. What question prompted the parable of the Good Samaritan?(29)
5. What could the various people in this parable represent?(30-35)
6. How did the characteristics of the two sisters differ?(39-42)
Chapter 111. What did the disciples ask Jesus to teach them?(1)
2. What prompted the above question?(1)
3. What is the main point of the story of the friend at midnight asking for bread?(5-8)
4. How did Jesus show that God never intended for the Holy Spirit to be hard to receive?(11-13)
5. Who did Jesus say would be blessed?(28)
6. Who did Jesus say would rise up in the judgment to condemn that generation?(31-32)
7. For what two things did Jesus pronounce woes upon the Pharisees?(42-44)
8. For what two things did Jesus pronounce woes upon the lawyers?(46,47,52)
Chapter 121. What did Jesus say was the leaven of the Pharisees?(1)
2. What did Jesus say regarding material possessions?(15)
3. What did the rich man say to his soul?(19)
4. What did God say to the rich man?(20)
5. What servants did Jesus say would be blessed?(37,43)
6. What is required of one to whom much is given?(48)
Chapter 131. What two illustrations did Jesus use to show that everyone must repent?(1,4)
2. What did the man with the fig tree desire ?(6-9)
3. What caused the woman to be bowed together for 18 years?(11,16)
4. How did Jesus show that the ruler of the synagogue who criticized him was a hypocrite?(15-16)
5. How did Jesus answer the question “Are they few that be saved?”(24)
6. What illustration did Jesus use to show how he wanted to gather the children of Jerusalem together?(34)
Chapter 141. Where should one find a seat when you are invited to a special occasion?(8-10)
2. Who should you invite to a feast if you want to be blessed?(12-14)
3. What were the excuses given by those who refused to go to the supper?(18-20)
4. What two illustrations did Jesus use to show one should "count the cost" before becoming a disciple?(28,31)
Chapter 151. What caused Jesus to telltheparables of the lost sheep, lost coin, and lost son being taught?(1-2)
2. How does the way one got lost differ in the three parables?(4,8,13)
3. Do these parables refer to backsliders or sinners who never knew before?
4. What happened in each parable when the lost was found?(5,9,24)
5. In the parable of the lost son, what were the character qualities of each of the three main characters?(12,20,28-29)
6. Why didn't the father go out looking for the son as did the shepherd and the woman who lost the coin?
7. How did the prodigal son talk to himself?(17-18)
8. How did the prodigal plan his confession?(18-19)
9. How did the attitude of the prodigal son change in this parable?(12,18-19)
10. What vital lesson do we learn from the three parables?
Chapter 161. Why can't one serve two masters?(13)
2. What does a man commit who either puts away his wife and marries another or who marries one that has been put away?(18)
3. When did the rich man pray?(23-24)
4. What did the rich man think would persuade his five brothers?(27-28)
Chapter 171. What did the apostles ask the Lord to increase?(5)
2. In what category of servants did Jesus place those who did all the things commanded of them?(10)
3. What did one leper do that the other nine didn't?(15-16)
4. Jesus said the days of His coming would be similar to the days of what two Old Testament characters?(26-28)
5. Why should we remember Lot's wife?(32)
Chapter 181. What parable did Jesus give to teach persistence in prayer?(1-8)
2. How did the prayers of the Pharisee and the publican differ?(11-13)
Chapter 191. Why did Zacchaeus climb a tree?(3)
2. What did Zacchaeus say to Jesus?(8)
3. What did Jesus say his purpose was?(10)
4. How many pounds did the nobleman give to each of his servants?(13,16)
5. When the Pharisees asked Jesus to rebuke his disciples for rejoicing and praising God with a loud voice how did Jesus reply?(40)
6. When Jesus drew nigh and saw the city of Jerusalem what did he do?(41)
Chapter 201. How did Jesus answer the question"Is it lawful for us to give tribute unto Caesar, or no?" (22-25)
Chapter 211. What will not pass away? (33)
Chapter 221. What contention arose at the last supper?(24)
2. What did Jesus pray in the garden of Gethsemane?(42)
3. What indicates the intensity of His prayer?(44)
Chapter 231. Why had Herod hoped to see Jesus?(8)
2. What conclusion did Pilate reach about Jesus after his personal examination?(14)
3. What example of forgiveness did Jesus give on the cross?(34)
4. Discuss the faith of the one thief on the cross.(39-43)
5. What were the last words of Jesus on the cross?(Lk 23:46, Jn 19:30)
Chapter 241. What did Jesus explain to the two disciples on the way to Emmaus?(25-27)
2. What were some features of the resurrected body from the dead?(39-40,42-43)
3. What were some of the final words that Jesus said before ascending?(47,49)
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