Event Risk Assessment Template for the EPIC Centre, Lincolnshire Events Centre
Event DetailsEvent Location / EPIC Centre, Exhibition Hall and car park inbetween
Event Date / 3rd March 2010
Setup Date(s) / 2nd March 2010 / Setup Start Time / 9.00am
Breakdown Date(s) / 3rd March 2010 / Breakdown Start Time / 16:00
Distribution of Risk Assessment: e.g. Event Manager, Floor Managers, Contractors, Venue
Event Organisers, venue staff and available at view
Risk assessment undertaken by / Tamara Walters / Event Manager / Kim Hudson
Signed / T Walters / Signed / K Hudson
Date / 09/02/10 / Date / 09/02/10
Scope of Risk Assessment
Period that the assessment covers / From / 2/2/10 / To / 3/2/10
Visitor / Guest Profile
Age range / 5+ / % Children / 70
% Disabled / new and Expectant Mothers / 0 / Average Attendance / 1600
Busiest times / 10am onwards 2/2/10 and 7am-12 3/2/10
Alcohol Consumption / NONE
Likelihood of Some Drug use / Yes No
Event Profile
Visitor capacity at any one time / Maximum allowed – EPIC centre 2699, Exhibition Hall 2052. All workshop rooms have maximum seating allowance, therefore delegates must not stand.
Details of events taking place after the main event / N/A
Extent to which the event is likely to be vulnerable to terrorist attack or protest / NONE
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Event Risk Assessment Template for the EPIC Centre, Lincolnshire Events Centre
For further information on how to complete this risk assessment or for any enquiries,
please contact a member of the Events Team at Lincolnshire Events Centre, tel: 01522 524240 email:
Hazard / Who might be harmed and how? / What are you already doing? / What further action is necessary? / Risk factorIdentify hazards in the areas that are in use and on the perimeter roads that could reasonably be expected to result in significant harm. / E.g. organiser’s staff, venue staff, visitors, exhibitors, contractors, young / new inexperienced staff, disabled, children, new and expectant mothers, elderly visitors.
First aid injury – minor cuts sprains, bruises
RIDDOR 3 day injury – broken fingers, toes, sprained tendons or muscles, illness (tiredness, stress, gastric)
Serious injury – head injury, loss of consciousness, broken bones, dislocations, respiratory problems. Usually an injury from which full recovery is possible.
Death or very serious Injury to one person - Loss of limb, paralysis or life changing injury from which full recovery is unlikely.
Death or very serious injury to more than one person. / Consider hierarchy of controls:
Do the controls meet legal requirements?
Represent best practice?
Reduce risk as far as is reasonably practicable?
Comply with industry standards? / Consequence x Likelihood = Risk
3 point scale for consequence and likelihood:
1 = Low(L)
2 = Medium (M)
3 = High (H)
The information below constitutes a generic risk assessment for the EPIC Centre and surrounding area.
These standard hazards and control measures should be reviewed, amended and supplemented to account for the specifics of the planned event at Lincolnshire Events Centre.
Hazard / Who might be harmed and how? / What are you already doing? / What further action is necessary? / Risk factorConsequence x Likelihood = Risk
Entrance roads and car parking
- Vehicle Movement and speeding
- Trips and falls from potholes and manhole covers
- Slippery surfaces from mud and residues
- Gravel causing trip hazard
- Signed entrance and speed limit restrictions in place
- Speed humps at entrance
- Designated parking areas
- Site employees keep roads clear of debris and maintain roads as raised during workplace inspections
- Large events (250+) have security parking staff that wear high visibility vests and guide cars to parking spot
- Area is well lit with sensor floodlights
- As with all driving, onus on driver to take reasonable care and attention
- Monitor condition of existing paths and car parks
- Monitor car park security
Medium 4
Access / Egress to and within the EPIC Centre
- External rain water gullies raised presenting trip hazard
- Floors can become wet during inclement weather
- Internal electrical floor gullies have gaps between plates
- Building is well lit and has designated site engineer to maintain all aspects of the building
- Electricians informed to replace all electrical plates and identify any gaps with highlighter tape
- Large events have onsite contract cleaners to monitor floors and clear away spillages
- Automated doorways, lift and disabled access provided
- Wet floor signage used during smaller events with LEC staff available to clear spills during smaller events
- Brush mats provided at entrance points to dry feet
- Site engineer to inspect water gullies and remove access plastic that is raised up to path level
- Prior to all events the electrical floor plates need securing and inspecting for gaps and raised trip hazards
Low 2
Welfare provision
- Wet floors
- Blocked toilets
- Floors are maintained by engineer and cleaned by LEC staff periodically
- Floor surface is an anti slip vinyl coated surface
- Wet floor signs available
- Cleaners ensure good supply of hand wash provision
- Sanitary and nappy bins provided and maintained by TULIP contractor
- Dual provision of water for taps and toilets (rainwater and mains provision)
Low 2
Roller shutter door entry to west entrance
- Trapped between floor and shutter
- Unexpected roller door release
- Entrapped in manual chain mechanism
- Electrocution from control panel
- Key control system in place
- Only authorised users allowed to use door
- Electrics linked to trip system, emergency power cut off and fully enclosed
- Fail to safe breaking mechanism installed
- Segregated area for unloading is designated and utilised
- Install chain holder to prevent entrapment
- Ensure system is statutory inspected annually
Low 2
Fixed hard wired electrical items and supply
- Contact with live parts
- Use of water in kitchen
- Explosion / sparks / fire
- PAT register is undertaken annually
- NICEIC certificate is in date
- Faulty equipment is discarded immediately
- Intrinsically safe connectors, leads and plugs utilised in kitchen area
- All plant rooms and RCD terminals are locked in secure locked rooms
- Engineer on call for all emergencies
- LEC staff to undertake checks of equipment to look for signs of damage prior to hand over of kitchen and rooms
- LEC staff to periodically visual inspect equipment for damage
Medium 3
Temporary electrical supply for use by exhibitors
- Contact with live terminals
- Trips and falls over cabling
- Trips and falls over floor conduit plates and gullies
- Explosion / sparks / fire
- Cables are secured in floor conduit system
- 2 phase supply provided by competent site engineer via floor gullies
- All gully plates secured with Allan key screw mechanism
- All 3 phase supply and additional sockets installed and maintained by contractor
- Engineer on call for all emergencies
- LEC staff to undertake checks of equipment to check for signs of damage prior to hand over of kitchen and rooms
- Facilities Manager to periodically undertake visual inspection of equipment for damage and record significant findings
High 6
- Electrical appliance faults
- Explosion
- Bomb threat/terrorism
- Arson
- Discarded smoking material
- Overheated fats/oils
- Combustible materials
- No smoking enforced to all areas
- Full alarm and detection system installed to building with emergency lighting
- Fire extinguishers provided
- ANSUL extractor hood drenching system installed to kitchen
- All electrics have been NICEIC certified and portable appliances included on register
- Gas appliances have auto cut off devices and flash arrestors valves to main LPG and located in secure compound
- Thermostat controlled equipment
- Building compartmentalised with door auto closers
- Fire risk assessment completed and in date
- Security team on site during major events
- Fire briefing and guidance note to be given to all events staff, caterers and security prior to occupation and intake of visitors
- Ensure weekly tests of fire systems and extinguishers and record in fire log book
- Provide wet chemical fire extinguishers for deep fat fryers
- Ansul release switch to be kept clear and marked with signage of activation method. Liaise with caterers to discuss its function and use
Medium 3
Slips, trips and falls
- Wet floors
- Contaminated floors
- Uneven floor surfaces
- Trailing cables
- Articles, bags and clothing left on floor
- Exhibitors stalls and floor coverings
- Good housekeeping standards are strictly enforced by LEC staff
- Cleaner employed to clear rubbish and placed in designated waste disposal skips
- Electrical cables held within floor conduits were possible or identified with hazard tape or rubber cable guards
- Store rooms and shelving systems provided and utilised where possible
- Corridors installed with anti slip coated floor surface with slip resistant stiles treads on staircase
- Greentech waste transfer company on contract to remove waste for larger events
- LEC staff to ensure good house keeping standards are maintained
- Exhibitors given demarcated areas for stall vending
- Periodic inspections undertaken to monitor floor condition
Medium 4
First aid provision/ accident and incidents
- Cuts/ scalds/burns
- Body fluid spillage
- Basic First aid kit provided and utilised for small events (<250)
- Large events (250+) First Aid trained LEC staff and on hand throughout event
- Accident reporting system in place and communicated to Epic events team
- LEC staff to be trained in basic first aider training
Low 2
8 person shaft lift
- Trapping hands
- Electrocution
- Safe Working Load exceeded
- Miss use such as persons using dumb waiter as a lift
- Blockage
- Lift failure
- Sign displayed stating ‘not for lifting persons’ and ‘Keep clear during lifting’ on dumb waiter
- Safe Working Load displayed with auto cut out if overloaded
- Manual intervention lifting capacity
- Re-buff door closures fitted preventing trapped hands
- Provide guidance to all persons/companies using dumb waiter
- Annual statutory inspection required for all lifts
Low 2
Buffets, drinks and refreshments
- Micro organisms including pathogenic bacteria, spores, toxins and fungal growth
- Scalds and burns from boiling liquids
- For small events drinks are provided by LEC staff from a controlled and secure kitchen
- Use of trolleys and trays for carrying drinks is undertaken
- All buffets are provided from competent contract caterers
- Refrigeration units in place and utilised for food storage
- First aid kit available
- Monitor quality of food and contractors and ensure suitable HACP procedures and temperature control are being followed
- Do not place urns of boiling liquid into hired areas but utilise pressured flask/canisters
Low 2
Broken glass and sharp objects
- Broken glass and bottles
- Damaged crockery
- Needle sticks
- Cleaners in place to clear all waste pre and post event
- LEC staff monitoring events during delivery
- Brush and shovels provided to dispose of damaged items
- Provide plastic/cardboard receptacles to dispose of glass and broken crockery prior to being placed in waste skips
- Provide needle and sharps disposal box and tongs
Low 2
Event Specific Issues – continue on a separate sheet as required
Hazard / Who might be harmed and how? / What are you already doing? / What further action is necessary? / Risk factor
Consequence x Likelihood = Risk
Traffic movement / All present / Clear signage in place, parking stewards and barriers in place to ensure no vehicle movement near entrances to buildings. / Parking stewards to be briefed / M2xM2=
Medium 4
Café areas / All present / Risk of burns/scalds from hot drinks or hot water boilers. Professional caterers will be present at all times with boilers positioned away from public. / None / M2xL1=
Low 2
Exhibits / All present / Floor standing equipment e.g. pull up banners, risk of unstable equipment falling onto someone or posing a trip hazard. / Event organisers to collect stand specific risk assessments from exhibitors and assess stands during set up, identifying and rectifying any issues. / L1xM2=
Low 2
Electrical cables / All present / Potential trip hazards due to temporary electrical cabling to exhibition stands. / Stands to be located in front of or over wiring. / L1xL1=
Low 1
Entry Doors / All present / Trap hazard during strong winds. / Assistance available from main reception in EPIC centre. Doors to be held open if possible. / L1xL1=
Stranger Danger / Young people / Young people expected to be walking around exhibitionstands unaccompanied where there will be a large number of adults unknown to them. / This will be covered by school policies. All attendees will be registered upon entry to event. / H3xL1=
Medium 3
Lost children / Young people / Assembly point detailed in information being sent to schools / Identify lost child point with signage and ensure PA system available for announcements / L1xM2=
Medium 2
Arts & crafts activities / All attendees / Use of glue, scissors, paints etc. / Covered by stand specific risk assessment. / L1xL1=
Low 1
Bike riding / All participants / Participating in bike riding activity, risk of falls. / Activities to be supervised by professionals at all times. / L1xL1=
Low 1
Falling off stage / All performers / Risk of falling off of stage edge. / Edge to be marked. / M2xL1=
Low 2
Mad Bikes display / All attendees / Risk of collision between those on foot and stunt riders. / Area to be cordoned off with barriers. / M2xL1=
Low 2
Straw Bale building activity / All attendees / Risk of bales falling onto attendees. / Professionals will be present. / M2xL1=
Low 2
Forest Schools / All attendees / Tools used on this stand could cause injury. / Professional will be supervising at all times. / L1xL1=
Low 1
All exhibition stands / All attendees / Risk posed by unmanned stands. / Exhibitors to be asked in ensure stands are manned at all times / M2xL1=
Low 2
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