(Divide Whole Numbers)

(July 2013)

Unit Statement: In this unit, the student will find whole number quotients of whole numbers with up to four-digit dividends and two digit divisors using strategies based on place value. Students will also check their work by using inverse operations and use compatible numbers to estimate quotients. In order to be successful in this unit, the student is expected to be familiar with the Key Terms and Concepts listed below.

Essential Outcomes:(must be assessed for mastery)

Problem solving and higher order thinking components are essential forA-level mastery. Each TSW can contain problem solving and higher order thinking components (as found in suggested text).

1.  The Student Will apply unit skills and concepts to real world application problems.

2.  TSW place the first digit in the quotient by estimating or using place value. (2.1 pp. 61-64)

3.  TSW divide 3- and 4-digit dividends by 1-digit divisors. (2.2 pp. 65-68)

4.  TSW use partial quotients to divide by 2-digit divisors. (2.4 pp. 73-76)

5.  TSW estimate quotients using compatible numbers. (2.5 pp. 79-82)

6.  TSW divide whole numbers by two digit divisors. (2.6 pp. 83-86)

7.  TSW interpret quotients in story problems to decide when to write a remainder as a fraction, round the quotient up, drop the remainder, or use the remainder as the answer. (2.7 pp. 87-90)

8.  TSW solve problems by using the strategy draw a diagram. (2.9 pp. 95-98)

Introduced and Practiced Outcomes: (taught not assessed)

1.  The Student Will model division with 2-digit divisors using base-ten blocks. (2.3 pp. 69-72)

2.  TSW adjust the quotient if the estimate is too low or too high. (2.8 pp. 91-94)

Key Terms and Concepts:



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inverse operations

partial quotients

compatible numbers




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Suggested Assessment Tools and Strategies:

·  Attached rubric or teacher generated rubric that assesses ALL essential outcomes (TSW’s)

·  GM! 5 – Assessment Guide (pages AG51-AG64)

·  GM! 5 – Reteach Book (pages R13-R21)

·  GM! 5 – Enrich Book (pages E13-E21)

Suggested Resources:

GM! 5 – Teacher Edition - Chapter 2: Divide Whole Numbers

GM! 5 – Student Edition (pages 59-102)

GM! 5 – Standards Practice Book (pages P29-P50)

GM! 5 – Grab-and-Go Differentiated Centers Kit

GM! 5 – Response to Intervention

GM! 5 – MathBoards

Go Math! 5 Digital Path resources:

GM! 5 – Professional Development Video Podcasts – Segment 5

GM! 5 – eStudent Edition

GM! 5 – eTeacher Edition

GM! 5 – iTools

GM! 5 – Animated Math Models

GM! 5 – HMH Mega Math

GM! 5 – Carmen Sandiego Math Detective Activities

GM! 5 – Real World Video, Ch. 2

GM! 5 – Online Assessment System

Additional Resources:

These materials will not be provided automatically, but schools are encouraged to purchase them to support the course:

Base-ten blocks

Counting tape

About Teaching Mathematics: A K-8 Resourceby Marilyn Burns

A Collection of Math, Grades 6-8by Marilyn Burns

A Collection of Math Lessons: from Grades 3-6by Marilyn Burns

Technology Links:

See Suggested Resources for Digital Path resources that are included with Go Math! 5

Destiny WebPath Express (school library site)

SUGGESTED RUBRIC Mathematics-10 E02

Student Name: ______Date: ______

(Divide Whole Numbers):

·  To receive a ‘B’, the student must show B-level mastery on ALL Essential Outcomes (TSW’s).

·  To receive an ‘A’, the student must show ‘A’-level mastery in all available A’-level TSW’s and ‘B’-level mastery on all of the remaining TSW’s

TSW / ‘A’ LEVEL / ‘B’ LEVEL / Notes
1- apply unit skills and concepts to real world application problems. / The student is consistently able to apply skills from the unit in real world application problems. Student is able to justify answers and explain thinking with a high level of clarity and complexity. / The student is consistently able to apply skills from the unit in real world application problems.
2- place the first digit in the quotient by estimating or using place value. / The student is able to place the first digit in the quotient by estimating or using place value. / 2.1
3- divide 3- and 4-digit dividends by 1-digit divisors. / The student is able to divide 3- and 4-digit dividends by 1-digit divisors. / 2.2
4- use partial quotients to divide by 2-digit divisors. / The student is able to use partial quotients to divide by 2-digit divisors. / 2.4
5- estimate quotients using compatible numbers. / The student is able to estimate quotients using compatible numbers. / 2.5
6- divide whole numbers by two digit divisors. / The student is able to divide whole numbers by two digit divisors. / 2.6
7- interpret quotients in story problems to decide when to write a remainder as a fraction, round the quotient up, drop the remainder, or use the remainder as the answer. / Student is able to clearly and effectively explain when to write a remainder as a fraction, round the quotient up, drop the remainder, or use the remainder as the answer. / The student is able to interpret quotients in story problems to decide when to write a remainder as a fraction, round the quotient up, drop the remainder, or use the remainder as the answer. / 2.7
8- solve problems by using the strategy draw a diagram. / The student is able to clearly and effectively explain the reasoning behind the strategy draw a diagram to correctly solve problems. / The student is able to solve problems by using the strategy draw a diagram. / 2.9



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