LNHS Wrestling Philosophy

Mission Statement: The LNHS Wrestling Program believes there is more to life than athletics. It is our desire to develop not only great wrestlers, but great students and kids who demonstrate outstanding character. This program will measure its success not only in wins and losses, but also in our wrestlers’ abilities to have productive and successful lives.

Wrestling Philosophy:

Wrestling is a sport that requires more than talent. It takes physical and mental discipline as well as sound fundamentals. A LNHS wrestler should work relentlessly to maximize his potential in all of these areas. Although this staff teaches specific technical components of this sport, it is our belief that there is more than one way to wrestle. We work tirelessly to bring in an array of technique, giving each individual the best chance at personal success. There is however an area of wrestling that we believe is absolute. A LNHS wrestler must be a hard worker who strives to be in the best physical shape possible. We believe in the adage, “hard work beats talents, when talent doesn’t work hard.” Our expectations of our wrestlers are that they will out work their opponent each and every day. Our objective is to wear our opponent down so that we can physically and mentally break them. The third period should be our best, as our opponent fatigues and we are able to remain fundamentally sound due to superior conditioning. It is no accident when a LNHS wrestler wins a close match or a match in which they trailed.


The wrestling mat provides a constructive outlet for energies that are symptomatic of restless and uncertain teenagers. When a young wrestler faces an opponent, firsthand experience is gained in coping with stresses and pressures that are not unlike those confronting people throughout life. Wrestlers develop a strong work ethic, self-discipline, physical conditioning, and become driven to meet goals.

Any student, regardless of size, has an opportunity to compete successfully as competition is based on age and weight, not size and height. We at LNHS believe the greatest advantage wrestling has, is the smallest athlete can compete at a varsity level and be successful. The sport of wrestling brings every muscle into play, as it develops stature, builds body tone, and increases cardiovascular efficiency and power. It helps the athlete to overcome awkwardness and develop poise and efficiency.

Wrestling helps to develop positive personality characteristics and encourages the qualities that will develop a mature person. A wrestler naturally learns such things as courage, determination and initiative, he soon learns to be aggressive in a healthy way, acquires self-confidence and self-reliance; on the mat there is no one else to depend on but himself. They know that win or lose, the team and coaching staff is always behind them, as we are a team and we all stick together through thick and thin.

Wrestling is one of the few sports in which a contestant is completely dependent on personal ability, when a wrestler steps forward and makes physical contact with an opponent. This demands courage as it is just them and their opponent. The greatest reward a wrestler can achieve is knowing that when the match is over, they did it on their own and gave it the best they had.

Social competencies are also evident in the sport of wrestling. The athlete learns to respect the talent and abilities of teammates and opponents and to obey the rules of the sport. They learn to respect and accept the judgment of the officials. Even though alone, the athletes soon learn the importance of team unity and support of teammates; they share personal desires with others and do things for the good of the team.

We, at LNHS, believe that the commitment a student/athlete makes to the sport of wrestling must also show in their schoolwork. It has been the experience of the coaching staff, teachers, and administration that grades go up during athletic seasons. The student’s commitment to wrestling and commitment in the classroom are not to conflict with each other. In fact, they should run hand in hand with one another. In order for a wrestler to be successful on the mat, they have to be successful in the classroom setting.

It is an honor and a privilege to be a member of the LNHS Wrestling team and not a right. The eyes of the parents, teachers, coaches, friends, relatives, fans, opponents and the Lakeville community are upon you at all times. Be proud to be a Panther and honored to wear the team uniform.


An athlete who represents our school in wrestling should carry himself in a dignified manner. This includes being a gentleman, demonstrating responsibility as a student/athlete, and treating people with respect on and off the mat. He must be willing to abide by these rules that will encourage, good sportsmanship and a successful team. Among these are:

1.)  Be a good student. Obviously, not all young men are “A” students, but all young men can strive to do the best he can in the classroom. Maximum effort and behavior is expected in the classroom. (see academic policy)

2.)  Be on Time. This is important for orderly practice sessions, squad morale and well-organized road trips. Do not make the rest of the squad wait because you are late.

3.)  Attendance is extremely important. An absence impacts more than the wrestler who is gone. It affects everyone in the room. If you have to miss a practice please be proactive about notifying coaches about the absence.

4.)  Abide by training rules. These are liberal, sensible rules set up to safe guard your health and welfare during a time in which you need maximum physical and mental effort for success.

5.)  Be a clean talker. Profanity is a sign of poor self-discipline and an inadequate vocabulary. It has no place on the wrestling mat, in the locker room, in the stands or the buses, or anywhere intelligent young men group together.

6.)  Work hard. Hard work is the key to perfection.

7.)  Be a gentleman. Treat members of the community with respect. Good behavior and a positive attitude are expectations that extend beyond the wrestling room.

8.)  This program will not sacrifice its integrity for success. If an athlete is unable to meet the standards of this program they will be penalized or possibly removed from the team.


Practice begins at 3:00 during the week and 10:00 am on weekends or vacation times. Wrestlers are expected to be at the entire practice. If you are late for practice, you will have a makeup. Coaches and all captains will run the make ups.


All wrestlers will wear a shirt, shorts, wrestling shoes and socks. Wearing heavy clothing to lose weight is greatly discouraged. This is done to encourage proper practice techniques and promote a safe wrestling environment. Clothing that promotes drugs, alcohol, and tobacco is also not to be worn.


You will wash your practice clothing and towels on a daily basis in order to promote a healthy, safe and clean environment in the wrestling room. This practice will cut down on spreading any skin condition throughout the team.

Use and anti-bacterial soap and shampoo in the shower.


If you are sick and not in school, contact the head coach via phone or email. If you have an appointment, notify the head coach in advance. Try to schedule your appointments, such as dentist, family trips, etc. before or after the season. Participation in other extracurricular events also requires coach notification.


If a wrestler receives detention or any other punishment due to poor behavior the coaching staff will deal with them according to the attendance policy. If poor behavior becomes a consistent issue the wrestler will be removed from the team.

Academic Policy

Wrestlers are expected to perform in the classroom as well as on the mat. If a wrestler is unable to keep up with their studies it is expected that they take steps towards rectify any poor academic standing. Failure to do so may lead to removal from competition. In serious circumstances failure to perform in class may lead to removal from the team.

·  If an athlete is struggling with a class, it is the athlete’s responsibility to seek help ASAP from a coach, teacher, or a parent. This should occur before school whenever possible. Missing practice for extra help should be avoided if possible.

·  Wrestler's need to follow school policy for passing grades in order to

participate! Go to class everyday and do your homework!


1.)  No Wrestler will be cut from the team unless grades, behavior or training violations require consequences to be taken. Wrestlers cut themselves. They are not cut by coaches, teachers and parents.

2.)  You are expected to abstain from the use of all chemicals including alcohol, tobacco and other illegal drugs. All violations will be reported to the LNHS Athletic Director and penalties will be administered by the Minnesota State High School League rules.

3.)  Attendance Policy-You must be there to practice every day. If you are sick, you must contact a coach. This may be done in several ways. You can contact the head coach and leave a message on his answering machine (Place new number). You may also contact the head coach via email, . Of course, you may also verbally communicate an absence to a coach prior to the absence. If a coach is not notified of the absence prior to it occurring it will be considered unexcused. Detentions and other disciplinary absences are also considered unexcused. Students who miss practices excused or otherwise will be asked to finish a makeup to replace the work out they missed (these are 15-20 minute work outs completed at the end of practice). If athletes have outstanding make-ups and have not been working towards completing them, they can be held from competition.

4.)  Consequences for absences: Any wrestler who has an unexcused practice will not compete in the next event (regardless of the level of competition). If a wrestler misses 2 or more consecutive practices prior to an event, they will forfeit their right to compete in said event. Wrestlers who miss a practice the day before an event due to illness will be withheld from competition. If absences become a habit a wrestler may be asked to remove themselves from the team.

5.)  You must be in school the whole day in order to practice or wrestle in a match. Exceptions can be made for family functions, medical appointments, or off campus school related activities.

6.)  All wrestlers are expected to attend all practices, team activities and events, dual matches and tournaments, regardless if they are wrestling or not. This includes wrestlers who have lost wrestle-offs or are extras.

7.)  Excessive weight cutting is greatly discouraged! A proper diet and weight management is essential to becoming a successful wrestler. A body composition (percentage of body fat) will be tested by a medical doctor with a skin caliper, weight equation and medical opinion. This will guide the wrestler in determining their competition weight.

8.)  Rules of Appearance have to be followed. On each day of a match everyone is to be clean shaven and have their hair and nails properly cut.



1.)  Wrestlers are required to be within five pounds of weight on the day of the wrestle-off. Wrestle-offs will be run prior to individual competitions. They will be held on Mondays and Tuesdays or additional days if decided by the head coach.

2.)  All wrestle-offs will be officiated by a member of the coaching staff or a Minnesota State High School League official (if available).

3.)  All Minnesota State High School and National Federation Rules will apply.

4.)  A wrestler who was beaten by a fall or technical fall cannot challenge the same wrestler or another wrestler for the following event. (Coach’s discretion)

5.)  There will be no cheering or yelling by team members. Wrestle-offs will be conducted at 3:00 before the start of practice and the only other wrestlers permitted in the room are wrestlers warming up for the next wrestle-off.

6.)  If two or more wrestlers are challenging for the same position coaches will determine how the wrestlers will be seeded.

7.)  The wrestle-off system is used only for individual events. During team competition the coaching staff will determine the team’s line-up. The coaching staff reserves the right to change the line-up at any time if the changes benefit the good of the wrestling team. This includes all dual matches, individual and team tournaments and settings.

8.)The head coach reserves the right to decide who qualifies for a wrestle-off or if a wrestle-off will take place. Additional wrestle-offs may be added in order to put the best line-up on the mat or for the welfare of the team during dual, individual or team competition.


A wrestler can earn a varsity letter in the sport of wrestling in the following ways. A wrestler has the potential to earn a varsity letter if they have earned 15 team points in varsity competition or exceed 15 wins on JV. Any wrestler who wishes to letter will attend and help at one youth practice.