‘Annexure A’
(insert name of licensed agent*)
HELD …………..…………… (insert date)
This is the statement marked ‘A’ referred to in the declaration of …………..……
……………...... (insert name of licensed agent*) declared on the
...…………….day of ...... 20….
Cash at bank
(Insert details of all trust accounts held):
· details of the name/s, account/s number/s and financial institution name and branch name where the trust account/s is, or are, maintained. (This reporting requirement applies to general trust accounts, tenancy bond trust accounts and clients’ separate interest bearing trust accounts.)
· the reconciled balance held in each trust account as at the audit date.
Types of trust accountsGeneral trust accounts
ABC Pty Ltd (ABN 123 456 789) T/A XYZ
Real Estate REBA trust a/c-Sales TC12345
ZYX Bank, Morley Branch
Account number 6041 111111 $x,xxx.xx / ABC Pty Ltd (ABN 123 456 789) T/A XYZ
Real Estate REBA trust a/c-Property Management
ZYX Bank, Morley Branch
Account number 6041 222222 $x,xxx.xx
Tenancy bond trust account
ABC Pty Ltd (ABN 123 456 789) T/A XYZ
Real Estate REBA tenancy bond trust a/c
ZYX Bank, Morley Branch
Account number 6041 333333 $x,xxx.xx / Separate Interest bearing trust account
ABC Pty Ltd (ABN 123 456 789) T/A XYZ Real
Estate in trust for John Smith
REBA trust account - IB TC12345
ZYX Bank, Morley Branch
Account number 6041 444444 $x,xxx.xx
Strata title management trust account
ABC Pty Ltd (ABN 12 345 678 912) T/A XYZ
Real Estate REBA trust account - Strata title management trust account TC12345
ZYX Bank, Morley Branch
Account number 6041 555555 / Variable outgoing account
ABC Pty Ltd (ABN 12 345 678 912) T/A XYZ
Real Estate REBA trust account – Variables outgoing account TC12345
ZYX Bank, Morley Branch
Account number 6041 666666
(Insert details of negotiable or bearer securities or deposit receipts held)
Certified as a correct list of balances:
...... (signature of person in bona fide control)
I hereby certify that in my opinion, the above is a correct statement of any trust
accounts held by .....…………………….……... (insert name of licensed agent*)
as at .....……..………..... (insert date) on behalf of other persons according to
the trust accounts of the business.
...... (signature of auditor) ...... …....…...... (date)
* Examples of the name of a licensed agent:
Sole trader: Mary Smith T/A XYZ Real Estate
Partnership: Mary Smith and Bill Jones T/A XYZ Real Estate
Corporate body: ABC Pty Ltd T/A XYZ Real Estate