Distinguished Speakers / David B. Allison, Ph.D. / University of Alabama atBirmingham
Ted Adams, Ph.D. MPH / University of Utah
R. Michael Anson, Ph.D. / Community College of BaltimoreCounty
Nir Barzilai, M.D. / AlbertEinsteinCollege of Medicine
Eugenia Calle, Ph.D. / American Cancer Society
William Donahoo, M.D. / Kaiser Permanente
Ramon Durazo-Arvizu, Ph.D. / LoyolaUniversity
Luigi Fontana, M.D., Ph.D. / WashingtonUniv. & Italian Nat’l Institute of Health
Theodore Garland, Jr., Ph.D. / University of California
Barbara C. Hansen, Ph.D. / University of SouthFlorida
Tamara Harris, M.D. / National Institute on Aging
Donald Ingram, Ph.D. / Pennington Biomedical ResearchCenter
JoAnn Manson, M.D., Dr.P.H. / HarvardMedicalSchool
Julie Mattison, Ph.D. / National Institute of Aging
Charles Mobbs, Ph.D. / Mount SinaiSchool of Medicine
Tim R. Nagy, Ph.D. / University of Alabama atBirmingham
Susan Ozanne, Ph.D. / University of Cambridge
Eric Ravussin, Ph.D. / Pennington Biomedical ResearchCenter
Leanne M. Redman, Ph.D. / Pennington Biomedical ResearchCenter
Blanka Rogina, Ph.D. / University of ConnecticutHealthCenter
George Roth, Ph.D. / Gerotech
June Stevens, Ph.D. / University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Heidi Tissenbaum, Ph.D. / University of Massachusetts, Worcester
James Waddle, Ph.D. / Southern MethodistUniversity
Richard Weindruch, Ph.D. / University of Wisconsin atMadison
Catherine A. Wolkow, Ph.D. / National Institutes on Aging
Topics / Obesity & Mortality Rate in Humans: Evaluating the impact of age and ethnicity
Obesity & Mortality Rate in humans: Are the effects changing with calendar time?
Statistical approaches to modeling the latent confounding variables and incorporating information from experimental and clinical domains
Ambient temperature manipulation and in vivo body composition measurements to separate the effects of adiposity and energy intake on longevity.
The role of selective fat depletion in life-prolongation in rodents
Role of body fat in longevity
Hypothalamic mechanisms in caloric restriction and aging
Could hunger be the key hormetic signal?
Beneficial metabolic effects of fasting
Longevity mediated by fasting-induced changes in chromatin composition
Results from early human studies.
Long-term metabolic effects of calorie restriction in humans
Effects of surgically-induced weight loss in humans
Effects of Selective Breeding for High Voluntary Activity Levels in House Mice on Energy Balance and Longevity
Strength, exercise, muscle mass, muscle function, and longevity
The role of rapid catch-up growth or intense positive energy balance in early life
Results from the Wisconsin CR study
Results from the NIA CR study
Results from a primate model of obesity and CR: middle aged weight gain prevention
Caloric Restriction Mimetics: The Newest Anti-aging Strategy

Registration Form

November 29 - 30, 2007 King & Prince Beach & Golf Resort

To register, please send the following to

1. completed registration form

2. current curriculum vitae

Attendance is limited. Please apply prior to Fri 9/28/2007. Accepted applicants will be notified by Fri Mon 10/1/2007. Women, members of underrepresented minority groups and individuals with disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply.

Travel scholarships are availablewith preference given to graduate students & post-docs.

Registration fee (does not include food, travel or lodging):

$200 academic, government, and non-profit organizations

$850 for-profit organizations

Need more information? Contact Richard Sarver at 205.975.9169 or .

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Position / Institution
CityState Zip / Country
Phone / Fax
Email / Website

Optional Information

Sex / Male / Female
American Indian or Alaskan Native
(All that apply) / Asian or Pacific Islander
Black/African American / White/European
Hispanic/Latino / Other (please specify)

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