(Ancient Egypt and the African Kingdoms of Nubia and Kush)
(July 2015)
Unit Statement: The student will use this unit to explore the rise of ancient civilizations along the Nile River Valley through discussing human environment actions and how they affect the growth of civilization in this region.
Five Themes of Geography Focus: Movement and Human-Environment Interaction
Essential Question/s:
How does man use his environment to sustain himself?
How do the interactions of cultures affect each other’s societies?
Essential Outcomes: (must be assessed for mastery)
- The Student Will identify ways in which the ancient Egyptians adapted to and modified their environment around the Nile River (Harcourt Social Studies: Ancient Civilizations 136-139).
- TSW show how religion and government were linked and identify their connection to the building of the pyramids (HSS 142-147).
- TSW identify the achievements of the Middle Kingdom, and analyze how these helped Egyptian society thrive (HSS 150-154).
- TSW outline the process of trade as it relates to the Middle Kingdom (HSS 152).
- TSW examine the benefits of northern Nubia’s land. (HSS 172-177).
- TSW state and explain different strategies the Kushites and Egyptians used to help maintain power in their kingdoms (HSS 176-177).
- TSW identify ways the Egyptians, Kushites, and the Assyrians affected each other during the period of 800 B.C.- 200 B.C. (HSS 178-181).
- TSW examine similarities in cultural achievements made by the Egyptians and Kushites to those of the Sumerian culture (HSS 180-181).
- TSW locate and summarize a current event related to the unit of study.
Introduced Outcomes: (taught, but not assessed)
- The Student Will be able to identify various map projections. Some examples of map projections are: equal-area, conformal, Mercator, Mollweide, Goode’s Homolosine Equal-area, Robinson, and conic (Harcourt Social Studies 140-142).
- TSW compare and contrast thematic maps to help identify reasons a society may or may not thrive in certain locations.
Practiced/Ongoing Outcomes: (ongoing development, but not assessed)
- The Student Will use maps, charts and data in order to synthesize logical conclusions.
- TSW identify key terms and concepts.
- TSW determine connections with the 5 Themes of Geography (e.g. Regions: Identify the regions of the Nile River Valley, the land of ancient Nubia, and the land of ancient Kush (HSS 173, 179).
- TSW use maps, charts and data in order to synthesize logical conclusions (see Suggested Assessment Tools).
- TSW outline the advantages of Meroe’s location (HSS 180-181).
- TSW discuss the cultural advances made during the Meroitic period (HSS 181).
Key Terms and Concepts:
map projections / diplomacy / cost-benefit analysis / Nefertiti / commercial / Meroedelta / dynasty / Hyksos / Tutankhamen / raw materials / trade network
arid / hieroglyphs / Hatshepsut / Ramses II / annex / Axum
afterlife / papyrus / pharaoh / Nubia / Kush / Piankhi
Cross-curricular Suggestions:
●Discuss the ruler Piankhi and how he ruled. Then, have students create a set of laws for the classroom or for the school. Do you think your “classroom laws” will be effective? Why or why not? Share the laws of the classroom and relate them to modern countries and the laws they have.
●The students can infer and create a cost-benefit analysis for a Phoenician trader from southwestern Asia trading with the Middle Kingdom city of Memphis.
●Have students research Zenet or other ancient Egyptian children’s games. Try to recreate a version to share and play with classmates.
●Using ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, the class will create a story about life in ancient Egypt. Students may also illustrate the story with ancient Egyptian style paintings like the ones found in your text (HSS 134, 137, 138, and 154).
Suggested Materials: (provided by school)
●Down to Earth Geography: Grade 6
●Harcourt Social Studies: Ancient Civilizations Student Edition
●Harcourt Social Studies: Ancient Civilizations Homework & Practice Book
●Harcourt Social Studies: Ancient Civilizations Teacher Edition
●Harcourt Social Studies: Ancient Civilizations Resource Pack
●Harcourt Social Studies: Ancient Civilizations Leveled Readers Teacher Guide
●Harcourt Social Studies: Ancient Civilizations Leveled Readers Grade 6
●Harcourt Social Studies Leveled Readers Grade 6 (Online version)
●Harcourt Social Studies: Ancient Civilizations One Stop Planner for Teacher Grade 6 CD-ROM
●Harcourt Social Studies: Ancient Civilizations World Interactive Map Grade 6 Transparencies
●Harcourt Social Studies: Ancient Civilizations World Interactive Grade 6 Desk Maps
Additional Resources: (may not be provided by school)
●Rand McNally Classroom Atlas
Technology Links:
Destiny Webpath Express (see Librarian)
Use this search engine to find age-appropriate websites that align with your unit.
BBC - This link explores world history through historical objects. This is geared towards older elementary students.
British Museum - This website contains a variety of historical information related to primary sources.
Discovery Education - This website has a variety of geography information, news, videos, and pictures for elementary students.
Harcourt - This website has all of the textbook resources online, an atlas, a geography glossary, multimedia biographies, and Video Extenders.
Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History - very comprehensive website containing information and visuals related to primary sources.
Khan Academy - The history and the arts and humanities portion of this website contain various videos and information related to cultural studies.
National Geographic - This link contains a visual map of the migration flow of early humans.
National Geographic Kids - This website has a variety of geography information, news, videos, and pictures for elementary students.
National Geographic Kids - An EXCELLENT link to world maps that allows you to change the map type.
Smithsonian - This website contains a wide variety of historical information and current events.
Suggested Assessment Tools:
- Attached rubric or teacher-generated rubric that assesses ALL essential outcomes (TSWs). An effective rubric is presented and discussed with the student at the beginning of the unit, referred back to throughout the unit, and used to assess at the end. Students will collaborate with peers and the teacher to assess mastery of the unit with final judgment by the teacher.
- Chapter tests and activities can be used to evaluate student mastery of TSWs from the textbook.
Copyright © 1988-2015
(Ancient Egypt and African Kingdoms of Nubia and Kush)
To receive a ‘B’, the student must show ‘B’ level mastery on ALL Essential Outcomes (TSW’s). To receive an ‘A’, the student must show ‘A’ level mastery on 4 of 6 TSW’s and ‘B’ level mastery on all TSW’s.
The Student Will / ‘A’ Level / ‘B’ Level / ‘P’- in progress1. TSW identify ways in which the ancient Egyptians adapted to and modified their environment around the Nile River. / I can compare the ancient Egyptian’s adaptations and modifications of the Nile River environment to those of the ancient Sumerians and the Fertile Crescent area. / I can list ways in which the ancient Egyptians adapted to their environment.
2. TSW show how religion and government were linked and identify their connection to the building of the pyramids. / I can compare the functions of the Sumerian ziggurats to those of the ancient Egyptian pyramids or other ancient structure. / I can give examples of how religion and government were linked and identify their connection to the building of the pyramids.
3. TSW identify the achievements of the Middle Kingdom and analyze how these helped Egyptian society thrive. / I can analyze the effects that the Hyksos people and Egyptian achievements had on the Middle Kingdom. / I can identify the achievements of the Middle Kingdom and how it impacted the society.
4. TSW outline the process of trade as it relates to the Middle Kingdom. / I can outline the process of trade as it relates to the Middle Kingdom.
5. TSW examine the benefits of northern Nubia’s land. / I can analyze aspects that made the land of northern Nubia valuable then justify how these reasons also challenged the Nubian people. / I can explain the different aspects that made the land of northern Nubia valuable.
6. TSW state and explain different strategies the Kushites and Egyptians used to help maintain power in their kingdoms. / I can state and explain different strategies the Kushites and Egyptians used to help maintain power in their kingdoms.
7. TSW identify ways the Egyptians, Kushites, and the Assyrians affected each other during the period of 800 B.C.- 200 B.C. / I can explain and give an example of how similar changes can happen in the modern world. / I can identify how the Egyptians, Kushites, and the Assyrians affected each other during the period of 800 B.C.-200 B.C.
8. TSW examine similarities in cultural achievements made by the Egyptians and Kushites to those of the Sumerian culture / I can analyze similarities in both cultures and conclude what achievements were needed for the civilizations to grow. / I can restate the similarities in cultural achievements made by the Egyptians, Kushites and Sumerians.
9. TSW locate and summarize a current event related to the unit of study. / I can summarize and connect a current event article to this unit.
Copyright © 1988-2015