62 Collins Street, Kangaroo Flat Vic 3555
Ph: +61 3 5446 0500 Fax: +61 3 54472099
Website: ABN: 97 397 067 466
Anglicare Victoria trading as St Luke’s Innovative Resources
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INVOICE (Companies and Organisations only) CHEQUE VISA CARD MASTERCARD
Full Name on CardCard Number
____ /______/__/__
Signature______Exp Date CVV
Last 3 digits on back of card
CARD SETS / Code # / Price / Qty / TotalAge of Adventure / 3400 / $49.50
Angels: The Strengths of Everyday Kindness / 4950 / $49.50
Baby Strengths / 2950 / $39.50
Bears, The / 0200 / $49.50
Can-Do Dinosaurs / 2200 / $49.50
Cars‘R’Us / 4400 / $59.50
Cavepersons, Sensitive New Age / 2875 / $49.50
Change By Design / 4100 / $59.50
Choosing Strengths / 2400 / $49.50
Deep Speak / 4200 / $59.50
Funky Fish Feelings / 2850 / $49.50
Gender Fairness / 4928 / $49.50
Girltopia / 4150 / $62.50
Growing Well Cards / 4305 / $59.50
Growing Well Kit (cards and pads) / 4300 / $75.00
Inside Out: A Journalling Kit / 3850 / $44.50
Kangas, The / 2000 / $27.50
Koalas, The / 2175 / $27.50
Life Tweaking / 4934 / $49.50
Mates Traits / 3300 / $44.50
My Feelings / 4600 / $24.50
My Feeling Kit (cards and pads) / 4610 / $36.00
Nature of Strengths, The / 4938 / $49.50
Note to Self / 4750 / $44.50
Optimism Boosters / 3750 / $29.70
CARD SETS / Code # / Price / Qty / Total
Our Scrapbook of Strengths / 3825 / $49.50
Patchwork Life, A / 4225 / $54.50
Picture This / 2900 / $59.50
Positive Parenting**New Release ** / 4926 / $49.50
Reflexions / 3200 / $49.50
Respect & Justice / 4900 / $29.70
Shadows and Deeper Shadows / 3800 / $59.50
Signposts / 3450 / $49.50
Sometimes Magic / 3600 / $49.50
Stones Have Feelings Too! / 3900 / $49.50
Storycatching / 4700 / $49.50
Strength Cards / 0100 / $49.50
Strength Cards for Kids / 0400 / $49.50
Strength in Teams / 2300 / $49.50
Strengths in Circles **COMING SOON** - pre order / 4932 / $49.50
Strengths to the Max / 3075 / $54.50
Symbols / 4575 / $49.50
Talking ecoLogical / 4940 / $66.00
Talking Pictures / 2975 / $44.50
Talking Up Our Strengths / 4825 / $42.50
Two Worlds / 2600 / $49.50
Ups & Downs / 4800 / $49.50
Views From the Verandah / 2100 / $55.00
Vision for Supervision / 4927 / $64.50
Walking the Boundaries **COMING SOON** - pre order / 4805 / $49.50
What Works? / 4850 / $49.50
Wonderful You / 4000 / $44.50
Words / 4500 / $49.50
BOOKS / Code # / Price / Qty / Total
Bereaved Mother’s Heart / 6051 / $44.50
Byron and the Chairs / 6080 / $14.95
Captain Grumpy / 6075 / $24.50
Caring & Other Highwire Acts / 8009 / $19.95
Communities of Hope / 8003 / $44.50
Creative Yoga for Teenagers / 8011 / $45.00
Doing Change / 8014 / $31.95
Harveys, The / 8010 / $24.50
I See You / 6077 / $9.50
Jelly Bean's Secret / 8002 / $12.95
Kids’ Skills / 8004 / $31.95
Kids’ Skills in Action / 8008 / $26.90
Rosy and Jack / 6052 / $24.50
Seven Dying Australians / 8015 / $24.50
Storm in a Teacup / 6054 / $29.50
BOOKS / Code # / Price / Qty / Total
Strengths Approach, The / 8007 / $44.50
Wrong Stone, The / 6050 / $24.50
Violet’s Voice / 6076 / $9.50
STICKERS / Code # / Price / Qty / Total
Bears Stickers, The / 0250 / $9.90
Bundle of Stickers / 0675 / $25.00
Cars ’R’ Us Stickers / 4450 / $16.95
Kids Bundle of Stickers / 0650 / $25.00
Mates Traits Stickers / 3350 / $16.95
Reflexions Stickers / 3250 / $16.95
Stones Have Feelings Too! Stickers / 3950 / $16.95
Strength Cards Stickers / 0150 / $16.95
Strength Cards for Kids Stickers / 0450 / $16.95
Strengths in Teams Stickers / 2350 / $16.95
Strengths to the Max Stickers / 3076 / $16.95
OTHER RESOURCES / Code # / Price / Qty / Total
A Pocket of Stones / 0700 / $32.45
Growing Well Pads / 4310 / $35.00
My Feelings Pads / 4605 / $16.50
Mates Traits Colouring Book / 3325 / $8.95
The Scaling Kit – Web-based, interactive DVD / DVD2500 / $33.00
Postage within Australia
Please Add 15% of subtotal value. Min $9.90, no max. / 0080 / Min $9.90
TOTAL(Including Postage)
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