On Being A Young Life Leader: The Call; The Commitment; The Joy

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you." (Matthew 28:19-20)

The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into the harvest field." (Matthew 9:37-38)

These verses show so clearly Jesus' heart for all those who do not yet know Him. His commandment (not an option) is that we make disciples, so that we as Christians need only ask ourselves: Where and with whom?"

Where does the Lord desire to use you in His plan of redemption? It might be as a Young Life or Wyldlife leader at a local secondary school.

Young Life is always looking for people who love Jesus Christ and desire to serve Him by loving and praying for young people. In addition, you will find it both challenging and rewarding to be involved with other people who desire to learn to, “ count all things loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Jesus Christ.” Indeed, your time as a Young Life leader could be one of the most stretching and deepening times of your life.

The adolescent culture is really a mission field, not too unlike a foreign country; with different lifestyles, language and activities. And like mission work, it is costly. It is costly socially as you won't have nearly as much free time for outside activities as you did before; and financially as the games we go to, the pizzas we eat with kids, and many other things we do cost money.

Although there is tremendous sacrifice involved in this kind of ministry, there is also tremendous joy and blessing to be working in partnership with the Lord of Lords. It is a privilege to be used in the lives of kids who desperately need to know Him.

This work begins through relationships and Young Life is first a relational ministry. Relationships take time to build and maintain, though. On the average, it will involve about 10-15 hours each week. Specifically, the commitment (and this may vary somewhat depending on particular situations) that we ask of each leader in Young Life looks like this:

1.  Consistent time each day with Christ in prayer and in the Word.

2.  Weekly attendance of and membership in a local church. To join our

leadership team you must come personally connected to a local church.

3.  A two-year commitment to ministry.

4.  Spending time a minimum once each week with students outside an organized Young Life activity. We call this contact work.

5. Attendance each week at Club and every month at Leadership.

6. Leading a small group.

7. Completing our Leadership Training Course.

8. Two to three weekends each school year (weekend camps, leader retreats ,training weekends, etc) as well as a week during the summer for counseling kids at camps. (This also may vary depending on work schedules.)

This seems like a lot, yet when we're involved in the lives of young people in profound and powerful ways with Christ, it is never enough. Indeed, we are looking for laborers who can pour out their lives in real abandonment for the sake of the Gospel.

If God calls you to this mission, you will work with a team of others in a particular school community. It can be stretching and sometimes stressful to be working closely with a team of people different from you. We believe, however, these people will become your dear friends and fellow disciples in the Lord as you work together to bring Jesus Christ to the lost. Also, God has called us as a Young Life staff to care for you and help equip you for your ministry.

If God should confirm your call to this ministry, we welcome you. Know that we are committed to the very best for your life and relationship with Jesus Christ. If God is not calling you, though, we join you in prayer to discover where it is that He desires to use you to fulfill His great commission, “go and make disciples.”