Year 5: Spring Term
General Statement / We hope that your child will be happy in year 5 and enjoy the range of activities throughout the year. If you wish to speak to a member of staff, we will be happy to arrange a mutually convenient time.Please note that the following information is subject to change and not set in stone.
English / Spring Term – First Half
- Key text - The Wolves of Willoughby Chase
- Classic poetry for performance
- Mystery and suspense
- Recounts - newspaper reports
Spring Term – Second Half
- Key text - Varjak Paw
- Adventure stories
- Non chronological reports/ persuasion
/ Spring Term – First Half
- Compare and order fractions
- Equivalent fractions
- Mixed numbers and improper fractions
- Add and subtract fractions
- Multiply proper fractions and mixed numbers by whole numbers
- Read and write decimal numbers as fractions
- Solve problems involving multiplication and division
- Read, write, order and compare numbers with up to three decimal places.
Spring Term – Second Half
- Recognise and use thousandths.
- Round decimals with two decimal places to the nearest whole number and to one decimal place.
- Solve problems involving number up to three decimal places.
- Multiply and divide whole numbers and those involving decimals by 10, 100 and 1000.
- Use all four operations to solve problems involving measure
- Recognise and understand per cent and write percentages as a fraction and as a decimal.
- Solve problems which require knowing percentage and decimal equivalents
/ Autumn Term – First Half
- Properties and their materials
Autumn Term – Second Half
- Forces
/ Autumn Term – First Half
- Sound
Autumn Term – Second Half
- Digital Research
French /
- Likes and dislikes with intensifiers
- Recap pets – intensifiers with adjectives
- Places around town
Music / Classroom Jazz 1
- Use and understand staff and other musical notations
- Crotchet rests, crotchets, read, write and play notes C, D, E, F, A, B on a tuned instrument, semibreve, semibreve rest
- Improvise and compose music using the inter-related dimensions of music
- Gymnastics
- Outdoor Education- orienteering
- Fitness
Religious Education /
- Christianity
- Judaism
/ Spring Term – First Half
- Looking at why settlers throughout history have chosen to settle near rivers.
Spring Term – Second Half
- To research the Ancient civilisation of the Mayans (Ad 900).
- To evaluate historical opinions as to why the Mayans ‘disappeared.’
Geography / Spring Term – First Half
- Map Skills – Locating Rivers in the UK and worldwide naming the counties, countries and continents where they can be found.
- Physical geography: Looking at the physical features of rivers, and the role of the Water Cycle.
- Human geography: Study of people and place – why do people live near rivers.
- Fieldwork in the local environment– observations, measurements and recording data using a variety of methods and digital technologies.
Spring Term – Second Half
- Map Skills – Locating cities and countries of the world.
- Map Skills - Identify lines of latitude and longitude.
- Compare the UK and Mexico.
Design and Technology
/ Spring Term – First Half
- Design and build a bridge – selecting, joining and combining materials to make a strong bridge.
Spring Term – Second Half
- Prepare and cook Mexican food.
/ Spring Term – First Half
- Take One Picture’ Artist study on the work of Monet (Impressionism), and his piece ‘Water lilies’.
Spring Term – Second Half
- Design and make a Mayan inspired mask.
SMSC/British Values / Spring Term – First Half
- SMSC- Spiritual, moral, social and cultural
- British Values- Tolerance, Mutual respect
Spring Term – Second Half
- SMSC- Spiritual, moral, social and cultural
- British Values- Democracy
- To learn about the systems and forms of government in Mexico.
Homework / Home learning projects are on-going and presented to the class half termly. Each half term should produce approximately 6 activities which are recorded in home learning books.
Spellings are set on Tuesdays and tested the following Tuesday.
Power projects are set half termly and presented to the class
Visits / Cadbury’s World