Turgut Tezir
CS 704
Product > $ 20
SELECT DISTINCT ([Product].[ProductName]) AS Expr1, [Product].[ItemNum]
FROM Product, Fact
WHERE ((([Fact].[CurrentBid])>20));
Expr1 / ItemNumAC Adapter / 1232322222
Compag Preserio E1900 / 1222000022
Dell Dimension PS12XX / 1233221111
Dell Optiplex GX115 / 1200000012
Dell TXT100 Monitors / 1200333000
Product Quantity equal 4
SELECT DISTINCT ([Product].[ProductName])
FROM Fact, Product
WHERE [FACT].[Quantity]=4;
Expr1AC Adapter
Compag Preserio E1900
Dell Dimension PS12XX
Dell Optiplex GX115
Dell TXT100 Monitors
All Cities Sell Products
SELECT [Location].[City]
FROM Fact, Location
WHERE [Fact].[LocationID]=[Location].[LocationID];
CityNew Jersey
New York
New York
New York
All Countries Sell Products
SELECT [Location].[Country]
FROM Fact, Location
WHERE [Fact].[LocationID]=[Location].[LocationID];
Less than two bids Products Name
SELECT DISTINCT ([Product].[ProductName])
FROM Product, Fact
WHERE [Fact].[NumBids]<2;
ProductNameAC Adapter
Compag Preserio E1900
Dell Dimension PS12XX
Dell Optiplex GX115
Dell TXT100 Monitors
All States Sellers are Sell Products
SELECT [Location].[State]
FROM Fact, Location
WHERE [Fact].[LocationID]=[Location].[LocationID];
Seller who has two bids
SELECT DISTINCT (user.FirstName), User.LastName
FROM [user], fact
WHERE fact.NumBids = 2 AND fact.SellerID = User.UserID;
UserName / LastNameAlberth12 / Dimond
Boby77 / Koko
TurgutCS704 / Tezir
Select User who bids one time
SELECT DISTINCT (User.UserName), User.LastName
FROM [user], fact
WHERE fact.NumBids = 1 AND fact.SellerID = User.UserID;
UserName / LastNameTezirCS704 / Turgut
Select User who bits 2 Times
SELECT DISTINCT (User.UserName), User.LastName
FROM [user], fact
WHERE fact.NumBids = 2 AND fact.SellerID = User.UserID;
UserName / LastNameAlberth12 / Dimond
Boby77 / Koko
TurgutCS704 / Tezir
Select the product <$300
SELECT DISTINCT ([Product].[ProductName]) AS Expr1, [Product].[ItemNum]
FROM Product, Fact
WHERE ((([Fact].[CurrentBid])<300));
Expr1 / ItemNumAC Adapter / 1232322222
Compag Preserio E1900 / 1222000022
Dell Dimension PS12XX / 1233221111
Dell Optiplex GX115 / 1200000012
Dell TXT100 Monitors / 1200333000
Select Student Name
SELECT [Fact].StudentName
FROM Fact;
Select Student NameStudentName
Turgut Tezir
Turgut Tezir
Turgut Tezir
Turgut Tezir
Turgut Tezir
Select Seller Last Name and Sell Items
SELECT User.LastName, User.SellerSellItems
FROM [User];
Select Seller Last Name and Sell ItemsLastName / SellerSellItems
Dimond / Sell computer and accessories
Koko / Sell computer and accessories
Birld / non-applicable
Tezir / Sell computer and accessories
Turgut / Sell computer and accessories
Orphan / non-applicable
kolyp / Sell computer and accessoriese
July / Sell computer and accessories
Korea / Sell computer and accessories