Computer Science 2210 – Project 2
October 21, 2018 / Using Lists, Operators, and Indexers / Due: ______


This project is an extension of the Credit Card project. It uses the classes that were used and/or developed for the previous project, and adds a CreditCardList class. The CreditCardList class will encapsulate a private List<CreditCard> and it will provide the functionality required by the rest of the project. This class (as is the case will all classes) should be self-contained; that is, if one needs to perform an action on a collection of CreditCards, one should be able to invoke a CreditCardList method to take the desired action. The intent of this assignment is to demonstrate your knowledge of how to use List<T>, implement IEquatable<T> and IEnumerable<T> along with operators including indexers in user-defined classes. Do not find ways to avoid this intent.

Test Data

Using a text editor such as NotePad++ or the Visual Studio code editor, create a pipe character (“|”) delimited text file containing the test data that you (should have) used in the previous project. So that all programs can be tested against a common test data file, the content of a line in the file should be the carduser’sname, phonenumber, emailaddress, cardnumber, and expirationdate (mm/yyyy) in that order. For example, one line of the file may contain the information shown here:

Chester Drawers|(423) 439-6111||1234567890120987|12/2018

The file should contain at least 12 test cases including a variety of types of valid, non-expired cards and a variety of cards that are expired or are invalid for other reasons (invalid card number, invalid email address, invalid phone number, etc.). Be sure your test data covers all cases adequately. This file may have as many different credit card records as needed, and you may have multiple test data files. The text data files for your project should be in a subfolder of the project folder and it should be named CreditCardData. In the real world, these credit card records would need to be stored in an encrypted database for security rather than in a plain text file.

CreditCardList Class – Additional Specifications

This class is designed to manage a collection of CreditCard objects. Any processing related to a single CreditCard (validation, expiration testing, formatting for output, etc.) should be done in the CreditCard class itself.

The CreditCardListclass must have a publicCount property that allows a user of the class to determine how many CreditCards are currently in the list, but the user should not be able to directly change this number. It should have a BooleanSaveNeeded property that indicates whetherthere has been a change made to the List since the last time it was saved to a file. There may be other properties as needed.

The CreditCardList class should have a defaultconstructor that creates an empty CreditCardList. It should also have a constructor that takes a string parameter containing a file name (with path if needed). This secondconstructor should create a new List and populate it with CreditCard information from the specified text file.

The class should have at least public methods that support the following capabilities:

  • Add a CreditCard to the list (using operator+)
  • Remove a specified CreditCard from the list if it is present (using operator-)
  • Retrieve the CreditCard in position n of the list if n is between 0 and Count using an integerindexer
  • Retrieve the CreditCard with a specified number if it exists using the BinarySearch method fromList<T> in the implementation of a String indexer
  • Retrieve a List of all CreditCard objects belonging to a specified person
  • Retrieve a List of all non-expired, valid CreditCards
  • Sort the List based on the credit card number using the Sort method in List<T>
  • Save the entire List of CreditCard objects in a text file in the same format as described above

You may have as many other public and/or private methods as are helpful. In any method that modifies the current List, the SaveNeeded property should be set to True. In the Save method (if successful) and both constructors, the SaveNeeded property should be set to False. Handle any exceptions appropriately.

CreditCard Class

Correct any known deficiencies in the class and update it to implement the necessary interfacesneeded for this assignment. Use good programming practices as discussed in class.

Driver Class

Maintain the functionality from the previous assignment, but revise the menu to allow for the user of this program to

  1. Create a new empty CreditCardList
  2. Open a text file and populate a CreditCardList
  3. Add a CreditCard to the current CreditCardList
  4. Remove a CreditCard from the current CreditCardList
  5. Retrieve and display a CreditCard from position n in the list
  6. Retrieve and display a CreditCard by its card number
  7. Retrieve and display all CreditCards belonging to a specified person
  8. Retrieve and display all non-expiredvalidcreditcards
  9. Sort the CreditCards in the CreditCardList by card number
  10. Display all CreditCards in the CreditCardList
  11. Exit the program

Whenever the user indicates a desire to create a new credit card list, open an existing credit card list, or exit the program, any currently active lists that need saving should be saved in a user-specified text file. In implementing your driver, be sure to handle unexpected cases such as a user asking to Add a CreditCard to a list that has never been created or a user asking to retrieve a CreditCard that does not exist.

The driver should use the OpenFileDialog and SaveFileDialog appropriately to determine what file to process when the user’s request results in the need to open or save a file. The driver should handle all interaction with the user, but all significant processing should take place in the appropriate one of the other classes. Make sure that your Open/SaveFileDialog opens to the folder containing your test data by default so one does not have to “guess” in which folder it is, and that folder with its test data must be included in your submission.

The project may be either a console application or a GUI application. It must run successfully on the Windows 10 computers used by the instructor and TA.


Follow the instructions in the Course Facts on the website, and submit according to those instructions. Be sure to submit to both and your teaching assistant, and be sure to include the data folder with its data files.

Project 2 - CreditCardListPage 1