Term / Definition
Archive / Remove a document from view, but retain it in the database. Document can be retrieved. [As opposed to Purged]
-Also reference Document Retention
Auto-Index / An OCR process to read a document and determine document type and folder ID.
Auto-Load / Ability to take a bunch of documents and put them into a batch folder or folders within Nolij. Reference OCR and Auto-Index
Batch Folder / A folder into which electronic documents may be scanned. Batches can be given custom names that describe the contents of the batch.
Business System Integration / The linking of Ithaca College systems [such as Homer, Parnassus and other business systems] to ECM so that documents can be added or retrieved with little or no user input needed.
Capture Documents (Automated) / A way to capture and store documents automatically. Examples of ways to accomplish this is by
-Use of a consistent identifier
-OCR text
-Barcode images
-Electronic forms and more
Capture Documents (Manual) / A way to capture and store documents via Scanning or Drag and Drop. Examples of ways to accomplish this is by
-Scan directly from the browser into Nolij Web
-Drag and Drop files from Windows Explorer into Nolij
Department Administrator / The department administrator is the technical point of contact with a department [typically the department’s Information System Manager where applicable]. Responsible for day-to-day administration of the ECM Nolij system on behalf of their department. Responsibilities typically include maintaining access lists, roles, document permissions, table maintenance and archiving/purging responsibilities.
Document / Any type of electronic file, including scanned electronic documents.
Document Management / The process of capturing and organizing electronic documents into a digital filing cabinet along with the ability to easily retrieve them for work task purposes in line with IC’s record management policies.
Document Types / A way of identifying documents. Nolij Web allows you to add, customize, and maintain document types.
ECM / Enterprise Content Management is a formalized means of organizing and storing an organization’s electronic documents, and other content, that relate to the organization’s processes. The term encompasses strategies, methods and tools used throughout the lifecycle of the content.
Electronic Form (eForm) / The digital equivalent of a paper form. Usually it is linked to a database and/or associated with a workflow.
Folder / A collection of documents with a common identifier based on the database record. A container for electronic documents. Electronic documents may be scanned directly into a folder, such as a student folder, but are usually dragged into a folder from a batch. Nolij Web uses queries to retrieve folders.
IC Workflow / The custom web interface developed by Ithaca College Information Technology Services that allows end users to complete tasks with NolijWeb. It is typically used by the occasional user or those with basic workflow actions that do not require the power or complexity of NolijWeb.
IC workflow is easier for the end-user while Nolij Web forms are more complicated and require training. Liken to Homer Admin vs. Homer Connect.
Inbox / A collection of folders that contain documents. All inboxes contain folders. Examples include: Batch inbox, Review inbox, Approve inbox, Processor inbox. Also reference Workflow.
Index / The process of naming an electronic document and then putting it into the appropriate folder.
MFP / Multi-Function Printer refers to the copier/scanners in use in most college departments. Can be used for scanning.
Nolij Web / The web-based product developed by Perceptive Software which is the core ECM application and user interface that is used typically by Department Administrators, identified power users, IS managers and data processing staff. It includes the ability to scan, manual routing options and is geared toward higher volume processing.
Nolij Web forms are more complicated and require training while IC workflow is easier for the end-user Liken to Homer Admin vs. Homer Connect.
OCR / Optical Character Recognition translates the image of a document into machine-readable text for searching or other processing.
Perceptive Software / ECM software vendor for Nolij Web.
Purged / Delete a record totally. Cannot be retrieved once purged.
Query / Ability to retrieve a folder using defined criteria.
Retention Policy / Ithaca college’s legal record retention policies provide a retention schedule with guidelines on controlling how long records should be kept before being archived or purged. You can find the latest record retention schedule on Ithaca College’s website.
Reports / A view of data that is user-defined. Reports are different than queries in that they are data-specific where queries are folder specific.
Repository / This is the storage system for electronic content.
Role / Determines the content and features you can access and the tasks that you can perform. Within Nolij, you can have multiple roles, but only one role at a time.
Scanning / The process of converting a paper document into an electronic format of the paper document.
Search / See Query definition. Wild card searches are permitted (using the % key as the wild card)
SSR / Scan, Store and Retrieve is the process by which documents are captured automatically or manually into a folder or batch within Nolij with the ability to query and view the documents in line with IC’s record retention policies.
Workflow / The automatic process by which a folder in Nolij Web is sent from one inboxto another following predefined business rules.

For definitions on specific functions within NolijWeb (such as ‘document viewer’, ‘folder objects panel’ ‘system objects panel’, ‘form viewer’, etc.) please reference the help user guide within NolijWeb.