Kindergarten Level Expectations: By the end of Kindergarten we expect students to do / Content/Performance
Standards / Assessment Frameworks
Reading Process
Uses phonemic awareness skills to orally produce rhyming words, beginning and ending phonemes; segment and blend words, and determine syllables in a word and words in sentences / A.4.1
Uses picture cues and beginning phonics at grade level / A.4.1
Shows interest in books during free activity time / A.4.1
Demonstrates understanding of the difference between letters, words, and sentences / A.4.1
Reads simple decodable text at grade level / A.4.1
Participates in shared reading / A.4.1
Understand that print conveys meaning
Understand how print is organized and read
Know directionality: left-to-right, top-to-bottom
Math spoken words to print
Short vowels
Word Study
Identify letter name and letter sound in isolation
Identify beginning and ending letter names/sounds in words
Produce new words by changing initial consonant in rhyming words (onset-rime)
Short vowels
Recognize and read high-frequency words
Shows interest in new words and language play / D.4.1
Use knowledge of root words and common affixes (I.e. -s, -ed, -ing) to determine word meaning / D.4.1
Uses some strategies (I.e. picture cues, rereading, and predicting) to figure out word pronunciation and meaning / A.4.1
Recognizes grade level high frequency words / A.4.1
Reads independently aloud from grade level books / A.4.1
Demonstrates understanding of literal meaning in literary text (story elements and story grammar) and informational text (share ideas and facts) at grade level / A.4.2 & A.4.4
Demonstrate understanding of explicitly stated sequence of events (beginning, middle, end) in familiar literary and informational texts at grade level / A.4.2 & A.4.4
Explores literary and informational texts / A.4.4
Demonstrates understanding fiction and non-fiction / A.4.3
Explores common text structures such as sequence and cause/effect / A.4.2 & A.4.4
Compare and contrast
Predict outcomes
Study Skills
Follow directions appropriate to task and level
Kindergarten Grade Level Expectations: By the end of Kindergarten we expect students to do / Content/Performance
Standards / Assessment Frameworks
Write to Communicate
Write several sentences using phonetic spelling / B.4.1
Write daily (I.e. shared writing, morning message, guided writing, independent writing) / B.4.1
Share writing with peers / B.4.1
Recognize and read high-frequency words
Writing Process
Publish one writing piece per quarter / B.4.1
Write a constructed response to a question with teacher guidance / B.4.1
Respond to a writing prompt or fill in a patterned book / B.4.2
Begin to use captial letters and periods / B.4.3
Spell a few high frequency words conventionally / B.4.3
Kindergarten Grade Level Expectations: By the end of Kindergarten we expect students to do / Content/Performance
Standards / Assessment Frameworks
Gives and receives information (I.e. asking and responding to questions, retelling with modeling and prompting, and following directions with modeling and guidance using verbal and visual cues) / C.4.1
Participates effectively in group activities / C.4.3
Demonstrates enjoyment of language through language play (I.e. plays, poetry, choral response, shared reading, music, and rhythm) / C.4.1
Demostrates etiquette by listening attentively and responding appropriately / C.4.2