One final opportunity to assess your preparation for this week’s exam...

Dear biology students,

I am giving you one final opportunity to assess your preparation for next week’s exam...a take home quiz! [see home page on the class website].

This quiz is worth twice that of normal quizzes 

This quiz is due Sunday, February 14: it must be emailed to me by 5pm

  • To email the answers, simply "copy and paste" the completed answer sheet from the last page of the quiz into an email and send it to
  • Please do not send it through Canvas
  • Please do not send your answers as an attachment
  • There is no penalty for emailing

I will post the answers to the course website later Sunday evening (Feb 14), so you can verify your preparation (obviously I will not accept late assignments).

Keep in mind that this quiz covers only a fraction of the material we covered, and a fraction of the material that will be on the complete unit exam. This quiz is meant to give you an indication of the kind of questions you should prepare to answer.

While I encourage you to work in groups, let me remind you that it is a violation of the student honor code to simply copy answers from another student. This activity is meant to help you determine if you are ready for the large unit exam, and to mindlessly copy the work of another student is to waste this opportunity.

Unit 1 overview - double quiz Part 1

This Unit 1 quiz is intended to help you assess your readiness for the Unit 1 exam. To make the most of this tool, treat this quiz like the unit exam by preparing for this quiz as if it were the unit exam before looking at Part 2.

Part 1 of the quiz is designed to give you a chance to reflect on your performance and improve the effectiveness of your exam preparation. Failure to complete Part 1 will not impact your grade, but you will receive credit for thoughtful reflection.

Before taking the quiz (Part 2), rate how well prepared you think you are for this quiz (select one):

1. I mastered all the material for this quiz and expect to earn an A.

2. I understandmost of the material pretty well and expect to earn a B.

3. I understandsome of the material and expect to pass the quiz.

4. I am familiar with the material and am hoping for the best.

5. I am completely unprepared and don’t expect to do well.

Approximately how many hours did you spend preparing for this quiz?

Did you study enough for this quiz? Yes or no (circle one)

Instructions for Quiz Part 2

First attempt on Quiz Part 2: prepare for the quiz & then take it without using any resources (book, notes, etc).

How well do you think you did the first time you took this quiz? (selectone)

1. I think I earned an A

2. I think I earned a B

3. I think I earned a C

4. I think I earned a D

5. I think I earned an F

Second attempt on Quiz Part 2: After taking the quiz once, put away the quiz and study the material again.

Once you have finished studying, re-take the quiz without using any resources.

How well do you think you did the second time you took this quiz? (selectone)

1. I think I earned an A

2. I think I earned a B

3. I think I earned a C

4. I think I earned a D

5. I think I earned an F

Third attempt on Quiz Part 2: Once you have done your best on the quiz the second time without any resources, try a third timeusing any resource you like(including the internet, friends or classmates).

How well do you think you did the third time you took this quiz? (selectone)

1. I think I earned an A

2. I think I earned a B

3. I think I earned a C

4. I think I earned a D

5. I think I earned an F

What grade are you working towards for the upcoming unit exam? ______

Describe what you think you need to do to earn the grade you want on the upcoming unit exam? Keep in mind that you will not be able to use any resources on the unit exam.

Unit 1 overview - double quiz Part 2

1. Use the PhotoSafari phylogenetic tree to answer the following question:

True or False - Organisms within the kingdom Plantae are subdivided into the following five phylums:

Mosses, Ferns, Gymnosperms, Angiosperms, and Lycophytes

2. A scientist discovers a new application for a common medical procedure that involves taking tissues from one patient and placing them into another patient. The procedure always results in a full recovery for the patient receiving the tissue but results in long-term disability for the donor 10% of the time. According to bioethics, making the decision as to whether this procedure should be allowed in this country should be the responsibility of:

A. doctors only.B. politicians only.C. all citizens.

D. biologists specializing in bioethics.E. philosophers.

3. DNA is an example of a(an):

a. proteinb. amino acidc. lipidd. carbohydratee. none of the above

4. True or False: Proteins are made of subunits called nucleotides.

5. Lactase is a protein that does which of the following:

a. converts an amino acid into glycerol by hydrolyosis

b. converts a protein into monosaccharides by dehydration synthesis

c. converts a disaccharide into two monosaccharides by hydrolysis

d. converts a polysaccharide into monosaccharides by dehydration synthesis

e. none of the above

6. True or False: Animals have chloroplasts.

7. Which protein in red blood cells carries oxygen?

(a) collagen (b) keratin (c) immunoglobin (d) hemoglobin

8. The pancreas releases the hormone _____into the blood when blood sugar levels are low.

(a) glycogen (b) glucagon(c) insulin (d) glucose

9. The ribosome is an enzyme that is made from which two types of biomolecules? (write all that apply)

(a) carbohydrate (b) nucleic acid(c) protein (d) lipid

10. If RNA polymerase makes an error while transcribing the second codon of a gene, which of the following errors will be most significant:

a. transcribing UUG instead of UUA

b. transcribing CUU instead of UUA

c. transcribing CUA instead of UUA

d. transcribing UAA instead of UUA

/ b.
/ c.

d. / e.

Use the pictures above to answer the following three questions.

Each question has just one best answer, but some answers may be used more than once.

11. Which of the molecules above is made from cholesterol, is both hydrophilic and hydrophobic, and used to absorb fat from the small intestine?

12. Which of the molecules above is both hydrophilic and hydrophobic and is the primary molecule used to build cell membranes?

13. Which of the molecules above is a monomer used to build lactase?

14. Which of the diagrams below illustrates the form of cellular reproduction in which haploiddaughter cells are created from diploid parent cells?

15. Whattype of cellular reproduction creates haploiddaughter cells from diploidparent cells?

a. mitosisb. binary fission c. meiosisd. crossing over

16. True or False:Aside from mutation, mitosis creates identical daughter cells, while meiosis creates daughter cells with different combinations of the parental DNA.

17 & 18:Transcribe the DNA sequence shown below into the corresponding mRNA produced by RNA polymerase, and then translate that mRNA into the polypeptide a Ribosome would make from that mRNA.

You can use your copy of the “Universal Codon Chart” to translate the mRNA into protein:

DNA3’ - … A A A T A C C G G T G T T G A … - 5’

Q#17 mRNA:5’ - …T A C C G G …- 3’


Remember, the ribosome starts translating every protein using the same initial amino acid.

You can write just the first letter of each amino acid…that is what most biochemists do!

Use the data in the table below to answer the questions below. The cells in grey indicate the result (color) when the sample in the left column is mixed with the reagent on the top row.

Benedicts reagent / Lugol’s Iodine / Biuret’s reagent
Water / Blue / Yellow / Blue
Water with starch / Blue / Black / Blue
Water with glucose / Orange / Yellow / Light orange
Water with egg / Blue / yellow / purple
Sports recovery drink / Orange / Black / purple

Q#19part 1: Which sample is a negative control?

Q#19part 2: Which sample is a positive control for proteins (detected using Biuret’s reagent)

Q#20. Which of the following is present in the sports recovery drink (answerall that apply):

  1. Reducing sugar (e.g. monosaccharide or some disaccharide)
  2. Polysaccharide
  3. Polymer of amino acids
  4. Lipid (e.g. triglyceride, phospholipid, or cholesterol)
  5. None of the above

Answer sheet: copy this page (with your answers) into an email and send it to

Do not send it through Canvas. Do not send your answers as an attachment

Your name:

Answers for unit 1 double quiz (Part 1)

Before taking the quiz (Part 2), rate how well prepared you think you are for this quiz?

How well do you think you did the first time you took this quiz?

How well do you think you did the second time you took this quiz?

How well do you think you did the third time you took this quiz?

What grade are you working towards for the upcoming unit exam?

Describe what you think you need to do to earn the grade you want on the upcoming unit exam?

Answers for unit 1 double quiz (Part 2)



















19. part 1

19. part 2
