Carrington Primary School Development Plan

Outcomes : Priority 1
Outcome: To consistently ensure that all children are making good progress within their classes and Key Stages. Good Progress looks like a standardisedprogress score of 0 or more e.g. 1 or 2.
Attainment in all three subjects is 75% expected or more in all classes.
EYFS: good progress would be three jumps or more.
SEN Children: good progress would be meeting four out of five targets in a six week intervention.
PPI children who are not SEN make good progress. Good Progress looks like a standardised progress score of 0 or more e.g. 1 or 2 and SEN PPI pupils meet four out of five targets in a six week intervention.
Key objectives: / Key milestones to achieve success criteria by July 2018
  • NFER data will show the relevant percentages as above.
  • SEN assessment tracker established.
  • End of KS1 attainment is at least 75% so we have accelerated progress
  • EYFS maintains or improves the percentage of children at GLD
  • End of KS2 Progress is at least 0
  • The gaps for vulnerable groups (EAL and PPI) are closing

1.1.75% of children will get expected in reading.
1.2.75% of children will get expected in writing.
1.3.75% of children will get expected in maths.
1.4.All PP children make progress against standardised scores (0 and above) or SEN tracking
1.5. All children with significant EAL (D language score) make progress on pupils passports
1.6.Early Years 75% to reach GLD all children make 3 jumps progress across the year
1.7.75% boys reach expected in writing
1.8.75% girls reach expected in maths / by end of December 2017
  • Attainment: 75% of children will be at WTS combined.
  • EYFS: One jump from the baseline.
  • PP identified and tracker created gaps in learning identified
  • Pupil passports written for children with significant EAL
  • 75% EYFS made one jump
  • Gaps in learning identified boys and girls
/ by end of March 2018
  • Attainment: 75% of children will be at WTS+ combined.
  • Progress: All children have improved their standardised score against baseline test, including PP children not identified as SEN.
  • EYFS: Two jumps from the baseline.
  • Pupils with EAL made progress against targets
  • Boys improve standardized score in writing
  • Girls improve standardised scores in maths.
/ so that by July 2018
  • Attainment: 75% of children will be at EXP combined.
  • Progress: All children have achieved 0 or above.
  • EYFS: Three jumps from the baseline.
  • PP children progress of 0 or above or if SEN have made progress against targets.
  • EAL pupils have made progress against targets
  • Gaps between boys and girls are closing

Evaluation methods for measuring progress against the milestones e.g. / Data analysis
Work analysis
Trackers / Data analysis
Work analysis
Blue files / Data analysis
Work analysis
Outcomes: Priority 2
Outcome: To develop children’s confidence and resilience to engage in all learning.
Key objectives: / Key milestones to achieve success criteria by July 2018
2.1Classroom environments promote confidence and resilience.
2.2Evidence in planning and delivery that reflects PSHE is being taught.
2.3Adults model to children how to interact appropriately between each other.
2.4Leaders promote equality of opportunity / by end of December 2017
  • Confidence and resilience displays are in classrooms.
  • Positive response from all children through a pupil interview (6 children from each class).
  • Adults foster safe spaces to take risks.
  • Planning shows that PSHE is an integral part of the curriculum
  • Equality plan is updated
/ by end of March 2018
  • Children have a piece of work on display in their classroom that they can talk about.
  • Every child in SEA assembly can talk about their success.
  • Positive response from all children through a pupil interview (6 children from each class).
  • PSHE work is evident in books or round classrooms
  • Discriminatory behavior is challenged by all members of the school community
/ so that by July 2018
  • Through observations, we will find that children are confident learners that are willing to take risks.
  • Rising progress and attendance.
  • Positive school culture is maintained and continues to flourish

Evaluation methods for measuring progress against the milestones e.g. / Learning walks
Pupil interview
Planning scrutiny / Learning walks
Pupil interview
Work analysis / Classroom observation
Data analysis
Outcomes: Priority 3
Outcome: To provide an engaging curriculum which celebrates our diversity and nurtures curiosity of learning.
Key objectives / Key milestones to achieve success criteria by July 2018
3.1 Revaluate and redesign the current curriculum to ensure coverage.
3.2 Ensure that the new curriculum is engaging.
3.3 To ensure that the curriculum the children will receive is balanced.
3.4Our curriculum reflects the diversity of our school community. / by end of December 2017
  • Schemes of work will show progression.
  • Children have taken part in a theme week or have had a visit or visitor in school linked to scheme of work.
  • Planning will reflect a balanced curriculum.
  • Planning will reflect the diversity of the school curriculum.
/ by end of March 2018
  • All staff are familiar with the new schemes of work and delivering it.
  • Children have responded positively to a pupil survey.
  • Work analysis will reflect the balanced curriculum.
  • Work analysis will reflect the diversity of the school curriculum.
/ so that by July 2018
  • Evidence of cross-curriculum links that reflects the newly designed scheme of work and curriculum.
  • Evidence from monitoring will reflect that children have had opportunities to engage in the new curriculum.
  • Children will have made progress in all subjects.

Evaluation methods for measuring progress against the milestones e.g. / Planning analysis
School diary / Learning walks
Planning analysis
Pupil survey
Work analysis / Work analysis
Planning analysis
School diary
Data analysis
Behaviour and Wellbeing: Priority 1
Outcome: All pupils value their education, display behaviour for learning and engagement at all times and take pride in their school.
Key objectives: / Key milestones to achieve success criteria by July 2018
1.1 To ensure expectations around listening and moving around classrooms and the school are clear to pupils from day one
1.2 Planning and lesson delivery meets the needs of all pupils
1.3 The new curriculum engages pupils
1.4 Plans for SEN children enable them to access the curriculum appropriately
1.5 Children feel safe at lunchtime
1.6 97% children arrive on time and 98% attendance / by end of December 2017
  • Class rules and behaviour expectations are displayed and demonstrated around school
  • Planning shows appropriate differentiation
  • Planning and work analysis shows that engaging activities are planned
  • SEN plans are in place and applied
  • Sports apprentice sets up activities for midday supervisors
  • All parents aware of the expectations that children will line up on the playground at the start of the day.
  • Persistent lateness and absence identified early
/ by end of March 2018
  • Good feedback about learning behaviour from learning walks and observations in all classes
  • All staff share and maintain high expectations of transitions in classes and around the school
  • Evidence in books shows a good range of appropriate differentiation
  • SEN tracking shows improvement for individual pupils
  • Monitoring system set up for middays
  • Children who are consistently coming in late will have met with the Headteacher.
  • Persistent absentees referred to EWS.
/ so that by July 2018
  • Settled and engaged classrooms are embedded throughout school
  • Children independently implement our high expectations about moving around the school
  • Progress across the curriculum is good in all classrooms (0 or above)
  • Positive feedback from pupil questionnaires about lunchtimes
  • 97% of children are arriving on time.
  • 98% attendance which leads to good progress (0 or above)

Evaluation methods for measuring progress against the milestones eg. / Learning walks
Planning analysis
Work analysis
SEN files
Attendance records / Observations
Work analysis
SEN tracking
Attendance records
Learning walks at the beginning of the day
Behaviour analysis / Observations
Data analysis
Attendance records
Learning walks at the beginning of the day
Behaviour analysis
Behaviour and Wellbeing: Priority 2
Outcome: All children know how to keep themselves safe and healthy
Key objectives: / Key milestones to achieve success criteria by July 2018
2.1 Improve the quality of food children eat at lunchtimes
2.2 Ensure children know where food comes from and how to eat a healthy diet
2.3 Introduce children to a range of sports and fitness activities (Sports premium)
2.4 midday supervisors supported to develop lunchtime activities (Sports premium)
2.5 Ensure children know how they can keep themselves safe. / By end of December 2017
  • Reduce sugar content of lunchboxes
  • Children have had the opportunity to cook
  • One new sport has been introduced to children
  • Apprentice has set up a series of activities midday staff can implement
  • PSHE medium term plan includes work on e-safety, PREVENT, peer pressure and keeping yourself safe
/ By the end of March 2018
  • Lunch boxes do not contain fizzy drinks or sweets.
  • Raised beds are established and Spring term planning takes place
  • Farm visit booked for at least one class
  • Middays have taken over sports activities
  • Planning and work in books indicates work on keeping safe
/ By the end of July 2018
  • All children have learnt about healthy diets
  • Children have had opportunities to grow and cook their own food across the year.
  • Children have received opportunities to experience at least 3 different sports
  • Pupil interviews indicate children know how to keep themselves safe both online and in other circumstances

Evaluation methods for measuring progress against the milestones e.g. / Lunchtime walks
Planning analysis
Work analysis / Lunchtime walks
Planning analysis
Learning walks / Planning analysis
Pupil interview
Teaching and Learning: Priority 1
Outcome: The quality of teaching and learning is consistently good or better. Teachers have high expectations of pupils in all areas of school life. Teachers develop, consolidate and deepen pupils’ knowledge, understanding and skills through effective questioning and scaffolding so that each pupil can achieve, including most able and disadvantaged pupils.
Key objectives: / Key milestones to achieve success criteria by July 2018
1.1To ensure all teachers know what the elements of a good lesson are.
1.2To identify individual strengths and weaknesses.
1.3To ensure staff know how to scaffold learning so that all children make progress
1.4To develop effective questioning to enable accelerated learning across the curriculum
1.5To have high expectations of pupils’ learning behaviour, presentation and organisation of the environment
1.6To ensure teachers know individual needs of the children in their class
1.7To ensure teachers challenge underachievement
1.8To ensure that most able pupils are challenged / by end of December 2017
  • Strengths and weaknesses charts are used to set performance targets
  • Observation and planning analysis show that teachers can plan a good lesson
  • Training on questioning and scaffolding are scheduled
  • Observation feedback is positive for learning behaviour, presentation of work and organisation of the environment
  • Short term plans reflect the needs of different ability groups
  • Baseline data is analysed, underachievers identified and planned for.
  • Register for most able is up to date and children identified
/ by end of March 2018
  • Observation shows that questioning extends learning in the classroom
  • Observation and work analysis shows learning is scaffolded so that understanding builds throughout the lesson
  • Data analysis shows good progress
  • Learning behaviour, presentation and organisation of the environment is good for unannounced walk rounds
  • Scaffolding and questioning ensures all pupils understand their work and are engaged
  • Spring data shows progress for those identified in the autumn. Other children identified and planned for
  • Spring term data shows good progress for this group
/ so that by July 2018
  • 95% lessons are good or outstanding
  • Data analysis shows good progress is seen in all classes
  • Work analysis shows good progress in all classes
  • Pupil progress, presentation and organisation of the environment across all year groups is good
  • Pupil progress is good for vulnerable groups
  • Underachievers identified in Autumn and Spring show good progress
  • Most able learners have made at least good progress across the year

Evaluation methods for measuring progress against the milestones e.g. / The performance management process
Planning analysis
Baseline data
Plans in blue files
Short term plans
PPI tracker
G&T register / Observations
Data analysis
Work analysis
Spring data
Pupil progress meetings
Observation / Observation
Data analysis
Work analysis
Summer progress data
Teaching and Learning: Priority 2
Outcome: To ensure that assessment information is used to plan appropriate teaching and learning strategies, including identifying pupils who need additional support, or more challenge, enabling pupils to make good progress and achieve well.
Key objectives: / Key milestones to achieve success criteria by July 2017
2.1 To establish SIMS as an assessment system across the school
2.2 To develop the use of gap analysis within SIMS
2.3 To develop the use of data from NFER assessments to provide information for future development planning
2.1To identify appropriate scaled assessments for year 1 and 2
2.2Set performance management targets related to progress in each age group
2.3Identify other schools which support us in the moderation process
2.4Identify manageable approaches to assessing PE and science. Begin work on other areas of the curriculum
2.5Establish smooth transition for vulnerable children. / by end of December 2017
  • Each child from N1 to Y6 has a SIMS entry and initial assessments are in place
  • Baseline NFER completed
  • Baseline information obtained from EYFS
  • Alternative methods of assessments identified for KS1
  • Performance management targets set
  • Potential schools identified for moderation
  • Nottingham Forest/apprentice helps us set up manageable PE assessment
  • Science assessment identified
  • Glad you’re here club established.
  • Meet and greet routines established.
/ by end of March 2018
  • Progress can be tracked using SIMS
  • Gaps being monitored across years groups and for vulnerable groups
  • Either baseline tests repeated or alternative tests taken to give interim summative information shown as a scaled score.
  • Mid –term moderation has taken for writing
  • PE assessment shows progress
  • Reduction in length of time to settle.
/ so that by July 2018
  • SIMS data reliably up to date and showing accurate information used to inform TA
  • Gaps analysis informs future development planning
  • NFER tests analysed to inform development planning
  • Teachers have met performance management targets (Oct18)
  • EOT moderation confirms judgements
  • Practical easy to use assessments ready to introduce for non-core subjects.
  • Children are independently settling on their own.

Evaluation methods for measuring progress against the milestones e.g. / Data is available
SIMS / Data
Mid-term PM
Staff meeting minutes / Data
PM (Oct18)
HT report to govs
Leadership and Management: Priority 1
Outcome: To ensure leaders communicate effectively with all members of the school community.
Key objectives: / Key milestones to achieve success criteria by July 2018
1.1To ensure all staff are aware of events in the school calendar
1.2To feedback decision making from SLT meetings
1.3To ensure parents and governors are involved in and know about the school
1.4To provide better information for supply staff and students / by end of December 2017
  • Calendar set up in staff room
Termly dates given out
  • KS meetings established (alternative communication for PT staff)
  • Ensure website is up to date and 75% parents using Class Dojo for positive feedback
  • Short version of SDP shared with governors and parents, paper version and on website
  • Summer data shared in detail with governors
  • Paper register includes class info sheet
  • Class folders of class info
/ by end of March 2018
  • Dates in calendar updated during Monday morning meeting
  • Website remains up to date
  • Governors feel more confident about challenging data received in HT report.
  • Governors can give feedback about their ambition for the school
/ so that by July 2018
  • Staff reporting they feel more informed through both the calendar and the meetings
  • We have explored the use of SIMS to give feedback about pupil progress
  • Parent survey shows improved feedback about communication
  • Governor impact statement reflects their knowledge of the school and their ambition for the school

Evaluation methods for measuring progress against the milestones e.g. / Calendar
KS meeting minutes
Governor meeting minutes
Folders in classrooms / Calendar
Governor meeting minutes
Website / Staff survey
Parent survey
Governor meeting minutes
Leadership and Management: Priority 2
Outcome: To ensure that leaders and governors have an accurate and comprehensive understanding of the quality of education at school and are ambitious for all pupils; using monitoring information to develop and promote improvement effectively.
Key objectives: / Key milestones to achieve success criteria by July 2017
2.1 to develop an effective monitoring timetable for school leaders
2.2 to analyse data effectively, identifying the performance of key groups of pupils
2.3( leaders) to use work analysis to track the progress of pupils
2.4governors challenge leaders so they have an effective understanding of the school
2.5Leaders have identified areas for development from summer term data and made any changes to the school development plan
2.6Monitoring leads to effective interventions in school practice
2.7Ambitious targets are set for pupils which ensure all children achieve. These are shared with all staff
2.8Teachers and TAs have ambition and high expectations of achievement for their pupils
2.9Governors challenge the quality of interventions and ensure they are effective
2.10Governors encourage the school to set ambitious targets
2.11The whole school community is tidy. / by end of December 2017
  • Time table is in place and information feeds into SLT
  • Subject leaders have analysed summer term data and identified strengths and weaknesses
  • Leaders know what progress looks like for their area
  • Governors understand the strengths and weaknesses of summer 17 data
  • Final School development plan matches the needs of the school
  • Evidence based interventions are identified which match school needs
  • Aspirational targets set in pupil progress meetings
  • Can do attitude towards pupil progress developing
  • Governors aware of schools weaknesses and what is in place to address weakness
  • Governors informed about targets and challenge them
  • Tidy well-ordered classrooms that reflect the attitudes of the school community.
/ by end of March 2018
  • Leaders can identify mid-term targets from their monitoring
  • Spring term data has been analysed and fed back to staff and governors
  • Leaders know strengths and weaknesses for their subject area
  • Governors understand the progress the school is making towards its targets
  • Monitoring shows the school is on target to show improved data in the summer e.g. end of KS1 attainment
  • Tracking of the impact of interventions is in place
  • Targets reviewed and children on track or plan in place to support pupils
  • Staff make positive suggestions about how to support pupils who are making slow progress
  • Governors question quality of programs to address weakness
  • Governors know about progress towards targets and ask questions
  • Classroom displays are tidy and reflect the curriculum objectives that have been taught. These will be inspiring.
/ so that by July 2018
  • Leaders have a portfolio of information which enables them to plan school improvement effectively
  • Leaders and governors have a clear understanding of the data from summer 18 so they can feed this into the school improvement process
  • Work analysis contributes to overall understanding of school’s strengths and weaknesses.
  • Data shows that key areas for development have improved e.g. KS1 attainment has improved.
  • Accurate evaluation of interventions is made and used to inform future planning.
  • 95% achieve targets
  • All children have made good progress (see above)
  • Governors aware of evaluations and future plans
  • Governors respond appropriately to outcomes, asking questions and giving feedback.
  • Classrooms reflect the quality of our children and their work within the curriculum.

Evaluation methods for measuring progress against the milestones e.g. / Monitoring timetable is in place
SLT minutes
Monitoring sheets
SLT action plans
HT report to governors
Pupil Progress meetings
Targets for individuals and groups
Governor meeting minutes / Pupil progress meetings
HT report to governors
SLT minutes
SLT minutes
Monitoring information
Governor meeting minutes
Pupil progress meetings / SLT minutes
Evaluation documents
Monitoring documents
SLT minutes
Monitoring information
Governor meeting minutes