The Minutes of the Meeting of Lea & Cleverton Parish Council held on TuesdayJuly 18th 2006 in Lea Village Hall. Commencing at 19:33 hours.

96/06: Present: Cllr. A P Fuller (In the Chair),

Cllrs. J Crockett, J M Cull; Mrs M Shirnia,A J Whiteford; N T Maidment,(20:00 hrs),

97/06:Apologies: Cllr A W Barnes; CllrMrs D Woods and Cllr C A. Soden

PC S Humphries(1264).

No Members of the Public present.

98/06: Declaration of Interest: None.

99/06: Public Questions: None.

100/06: Minutes: Subject to an amendment to Minute 71/06 Cllr J Crockett was elected

to JPJMC and not Cllr J M Cull as stated the Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held onTuesday May 16 2005 (Folios 521/522/523/524/525) were taken as read, approved as a true and correct record and signed accordingly. The Chairman signed the Minutes.

101/06: Police Community Officer. No report, duties did not permit attendance.

102/06: Action Points:

71/06: Parish Plan: Cllr Shirnia felt that we should put down our views on the future of the Parish and that the resultant document should be passed to Planning Services.

Resolved thatweshould prepare a list of headings of items which we want for the Village on the basis of a rolling plan reviewed every 12 months. Further resolved that a sub committee should be formed from membersconsisting of Cllrs Fuller, Shirnia, Crockett, Cull and Whiteford. Cllr Shirnia reported that she was publishing a history of the area in the recent issue of the PCC Newsletter and that it was being continued over several upcoming issues.

73/06: Affordable Housing: No further information at this time from Ms Carol Southhall.

MalmesburyHospital: Cllr J Bowen written too. Since our last meeting the Contract has been awarded to Order of St John. Burnham House to close.

103/06: Correspondence:

WCC: CountyLibrary service- Revision of Routes

WCC: Emergency Planning Newsletter. June 2006 CEPO’s Update.

WCC: CROW Act 2000 & NERC 2006 see Rights of Way item on Agenda.

WCC: Invitation to attend County Hall. 2 Cllrs only either July 24th /25th 7:00.

NWDC: Calendar of Meetings – download from NWDC Website in A3 or A4.

NWDC: Details of Core Strategy Meeting June 20th – Circulated to all members.

NWDC: Agenda & Minutes for Dev Con. Meeting June 28th 2006 – Apology sent.

NWDC: Details required for District Yearbook 2007. Confirmed and submitted.

NWDC: Agenda & Minutes Area 1 July 19th Town Hall, Malmesbury 7:00p.m.

NWDC: Dev Con Meeting July 12th 2006. Agenda and Minutes & Urgent item regarding appointment to The Spatial Planning Advisory Group of 1 nominee.

NWDC: Dev Con Meeting June 28th 2006. Agenda and Minutes.

NWDC: Dev Con Meeting June 7th 2006. Agenda and Minutes.

NWDC: Dev Con Meeting May 24th 2006. Agenda and Minutes.

NWDC: Notice ofAdoption of the NWDC Local plan 2011. Poster on Notice Board.

WPA: Splash Guide for summer 2006. Write up in PCC Newsletter

WALC: June 2006 Newsletter. AGM annual report and meeting on July 13th Devizes 6:30 p.m. WALC Amended Constitution. Mileage rates for 2006/2007.

Community First Parish Plans and Grants available. Clean Neighbourhood and Environment Act, Training for Clerks, Mainstreaming Mental Health and taking the next step.

Westlea: BBC website extract.

103/06: Correspondence: (Cont’d): 528

BOBBY Van Trust: Details of Christmas card competition for age group 5 to 11. Closing date July 31st 2006. Newsletter. Acknowledgement of £25:00 donation.

Cllr Soden: 1) Report on Survey of County website.Copy of report regarding Protective Services and Police amalgamations as at May 16th 2006.

2) Standards Board – details of funding and operation. Wilts Mobile Library scoops top award at a National Show.

Wilts CJB: Open day SalisburyJune 17th 2006

WCC EPO: Request for details of “Rest Centres”. Clerk dealing with questionnaire.

EPO Parish Exercises: Thursday 12 October 2006November 9 2006.

Resolved NOT TO participate this year

M&VCAP: See Agenda Item 13. These items arise from various points made at the previous M&VCAP meeting held on May 23 2006.

Copies of items 1, 3 and 4 enclosed. Minutes, item 2 available at PC Meeting.

1. Letter from WCC regarding support for Community Partnerships 2006/07

2. Minutes of Meeting held on May 23 2006

3. Letter from Cllr. R. Sanderson to PCT regarding “Pathways for Change” Consultation.

4. Boomerang – Further Q & A.


a) Minutes: The Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting held on Tuesday June 20 2006. (Folio 526) having been circulated were taken as read, approved and signed accordingly. The Chairman signed the Minutes.

b): Planning applications for consideration and comment:

i) 06/01637/OUT: The Haven, TannersBridge, Garsdon. SN16 9NT

Outline application for erection of replacement dwelling.

Members RESOLVED that this should be considered as a new build under Policy RH 11 rather than as RH13 as the original building was totally demolished many years ago.

ii)06/01647/FUL: Woodville House, The Street, Lea. SN16 9PA

Two Storey front extension.RESOLVED to offer no adverse comments.

c) Planning Applications Approved:

i) 06/01129/FUL: Windward House, The Street, Lea. SN16 9PG

Two Storey Extension. Consent Granted 20 06 2006. Considered to be in accordance with policies RH14 of the NW Local Plan 2001 and C3 and H8 of the emerging NW Local Plan 2011.

ii) 06/01399/FUL: The Cedars, The Street, Lea. SN16 9PA

Additional Windows, Conservatory and Garden Shed on Amended plans.

Consent granted: 11.07 2006. These amendments do not significantly alter the development and will have little impact on the amenity of nearby dwellings. The proposed shed will not have any unacceptable adverse impact. The proposal will preserve the character and appearance of the Conservation Area.

d) Planning Applications Withdrawn:

i) 06/01200/FUL: Brook Cottage, Milbourne. SN16 9JB

Extensions and alterations

e) Planning Applications Void:

i) 06/01354/FUL: Manor Farm, Creswell Lane, Lea, SN16 9PE

Replacement of General Purpose Agricultural Barn.

105/06: Lea & Garsdon CE Primary School:

Cllr Crockett had no report to make.

106/06: Passenger Transport Group:

Cllr Woods not present – no report. The Clerk reported that he had further chased the matter of School Pick ups but had not received any reply.


107/06: Rights of Way:

Cllr. Whiteford reported that the door on the stile on FP 8 was blocked off and damaged. New Stile required to be approved by County ROW Officer Colin Lovelock. Landowner must make sure path is clear. Cllr Crockett to see Mr Badenoch about repairs. Cllr Whiteford would investigate FP 17 and the apparent obstruction. A letter had been received regarding CROW

and the recent changes in respect vehicular users of public rights of way.

108/06:Dev Con and Area 1 Meetings. No report due to non attendance.

a) The future of Area Committees; a questionnaire had been circuited to members for completion and comment. After discussion on the topic suggested that more power should be delegated to Area Committees. That they were generally uninteresting and talking shop. The Clerk would be attending a workshop prior to the Area 1 Committee on Wednesday July 19 2006. Appropriate comments would be made.

109/06:M&VCAP. TheClerk reported on the last meeting held on July 13th 2006. Various papers arising there from had been circulated with the Agenda. The Minutes were also available. The main current action being carried out by M&VCAP was directed towards Transport.

110/06:Jubilee Playing Field:

The Grant application for “Little Hamlets – Brill” had been prepared and forwarded to the PCPO – North Wilts for comment. Various changes had been made and it was considered that we had a reasonable chance of securing the 50/50 split of the total costs involved. We would carry out the installation if the bid was successful. Total grant sought £1,938:00. Planning permission was not required for this additional equipment.

111/06: Highway Matters:

a) C67/C103 Garsdon. Cllr J M Cull reported that he had had further discussions with the owner of Rosemount. The tank in question was a 2 stage Bio tank separating the solids and allowing the liquids to drain off in the road side ditch. Clerk to hold further discussions with Highways.

b) WCC Key Bus Routes Network. The Clerkreported that all the proposed sites had been approved. The site outside the Cedars would be constructed when building works had been completed. The site outside of the Church Rooms was subject to a detailed survey by WCC due to the floodingrisk. There would be no shelter outside St Giles Church, nor was our proposal to have an additional stop adjacent to the horse chestnut tree at Lea Top accepted.

c) Marker Posts: The Clerk to take this matter up with Clarence. Action/ CLERK.

d) Overhanging hedges and trees in the Parish: The members agreed to view the following sites

and report back: i) High Hedge outside Brillscote Farm House. ii) Willow Tree in Manor Close

iii) Jubilee Playing Field – Horse Chestnuts.

112/06: Finance:

a)The Budget/Cash Statement for 2005/2006 to date, having been circulated was noted.

b) To approve payment of accounts: The following accounts had been paid since the last PC Meeting: 1st payment to Sodexho LT £773:22 Inc Vat (Cheque 332 £773:22); Information Commissioner £35:00 (Cheque No 333 £35:00). Members approved this action, they further approved, after checking the payment of the Clerk’s salary and expenses for thequarter ended June 30 2006. J Parmiter - Salary & expenses £487:24. (Cheque 334 £487:24)

c) Balances of current and deposit accounts:Lloydstsb PC c/a £1,976:09. Lloydstsb PF c/a £163:77. Portman B/S: PC £7,869:65. P/F £7,734:71. (Less the contribution for the possible new equipment).

d) Audited Accounts as at March 31 2006: These had been circulated to members; the matter of the financial Risk Assessment was noted. This had been up dated andsubsequently approved by the Internal Auditor. The members completed Section 2 – Statement of Assurance The Members approved the RFO’s analysis of the Parish Council reserves which would be submitted to the External Auditors and the projected items for which funds were set aside.

112/06: Finance: 530

e) “Appointed Day”. Dueto the Clerks holiday it was further agreed to move the appointed day toAugust 31 2006.

113/06:Village Hall Title.The Clerk reported that this matter was proceeding; a declaration had been prepared for approval. In summary the matter was moving forward satisfactorily.

114/06:BestKeptVillage Competition: Leahad been placed 1st in the District round. Several items needed attention. Details had been posted on the Notice Board and circulated to members for attention. Judging for the CountyRound had taken place at the end of June; results would be published in late July. Agreed that we should enter the CalorVillage of the Year Competition. The

Chairman agreed to assist the Clerk with this project.

RESOLVED that details of replacement/new Notice Boards for the village should be sought for the

next meeting. Action/Clerk

115/06:Electrical High Voltage Overheadcables across Lea Allotments: The Clerk advised that he was in the process of obtaining the required estimates for submission to Savill’s on behalf of S &S E. Action/Clerk

116/06:Parish Shed. Members selected the colours for the roof and the doors as follows: Roof Admiral Grey and the doors Dark grey “Dulux Weathershield”. The Clerk would obtain a key from the Tenant Action/Clerk

117/06:Lea Allotments:

a)RAISED BEDS: The matter of the recent Raised Allotments Beds was discussed. RESOLVED that in the light that there were other plots on which the tenants had made raised beds that they should be allowed to remain. Noted that the boards in question were removable if required.

b) Planting against terms of Agreement: RESOLVED that Tenants should be allowed to plant soft fruits.

c) Tenancy Agreement: Mr Dewick had submitted to the Clerk a series of suggested revisions, many of which were duplicates of those already in the agreement. Further comparisons would be carried out. Action/Clerk

d) Incident which occurred on May 28 2006: Mr Dewick had submitted a written report of an

incident which occurred on May 28 when a tractor recovering another from the ditch had run over

3 plots causing some damage. RESOLVED that as the matter had been dealt with to everyone’s satisfaction that no further action be taken. The matter was therefore taken as closed.

118/06: FURTHER items: Information only:

i) Web Site: The Clerk advised that he had been approached by Mr D Wreathall regarding the Oaksey website which was built to high standard and which he envisaged should be built for Lea on similar lines. Cllr Maidment advised that the Oaksey site had been built by a professional for the benefitof Oaksey Parish.

The Clerk advised that he had arranged to meet Mr Wreathall the following morning to discuss.

The Clerk gave the name of our existing website, the address of which was felt by some to be to involved and long. If the additional site went ahead it would have to be self funding as WCC, NWDC and Community First had channelled their resources into the Community Web-site.


ii) Black Boxes: It was reported that several Parishioners considered that these boxes when full were too heavy to move to the collection points. Action/Clerk

iii) Dog Waste Bin: The Clerk advised that he had phoned and subsequently e-mailed Cleansing & Amenities about the removal of this box but had not had the courtesy of a reply. RESOLVED that the Chief Executive of NWDC should be written too. Action/Clerk

119/06: Date of next meeting; RESOLVED that the date of the next meeting of Lea & Cleverton Parish Council would be onTuesday September 19th 2006, in Lea Village Hall. Commencing at 19:30 hours.

In the absence of any further business the Chairman thanked everyone for their attendance and closed the proceedings at

Signed: Date: