- The selection process consists of two phases. Invitation to the full proposal phase is subject to a positive recommendation of the pre-proposal.
- This template, presenting the structure and content of a full proposal, is provided for information/off line use only. In any case the submission must be done online via
- The online submission tool provides with all data you entered with your pre-proposal. These data can be re-edited for full proposal submission except fields, marked in this template with an orange background (online in grey).
- Fields marked with an orange background (online in grey) can be modified upon request only – please contact the ERA CoBioTech Call Office
- New fields/sections (compared to pre-proposal):
a. CV (mandatory, template available) and literature references in the partner account
b. Workplan (mandatory, upload, max 12 pages as PDF file, template available)
c. Data Management Plan (mandatory, text box, max 2 pages)
d. Communication and Dissemination Plan (mandatory, text box, max 2 pages)
e. TRL Plan (mandatory, text box, max 2 pages)
f. Now 6 instead of 3 figures allowed
- All information in the partner accounts including the description of tasks needs to be revised
- Full proposals must be submitted in English.
- Please contact your national contact person and check whether your national funding organisation requires any further information.
- Please note that the part “Project description” should not exceed 20 pages; (Arial 11pt, line pitch at least 1.15).
- National/regional funding regulations will apply to this co-funded call. It is strongly recommended that these are checked with the National Contact Person at the respective funding agencies (see National Contact Persons in the Call Announcement) before submitting the pre-proposal. Annex 2 of the Call Announcement lists specific national rules to be adhered to.
For more information (rules for participation etc.) please see the Call Announcement at and contact your national contact person.
Contact dataTitle / Email address
First name / Family name
Status of organisation / Website
Name of organisation/institution/company / Department
Street, no. / P.O. box (if applicable)
Zip/postal code / Town/city
Phone number / Mobile phone number
Fax number
Task(s) within the project (max. 4000 characters incl. space)
Upload curriculum vitae
Please upload your CV and respect the page limit (max. 1 DIN-A4 page, allowed file size: 2 MB, PDF file format). Upload of more than one page is blocked by the online submission system.
Upload fieldLiterature references
Up to 5 references are allowed. Link/DOI is sufficient. If full citation is preferred, please provide “Author(s)”, “Title”, “Journal”, “Volume”, “Year”, and “Page”.
Ref 1Author(s):
Volume: / Year: / Page:
Ref 2
Volume: / Year: / Page:
Ref 3
Volume: / Year: / Page:
Ref 4
Volume: / Year: / Page:
Ref 5
Volume: / Year: / Page:
Declaration National regulations
☐ I am aware of the national funding regulations (see guidelines for applicants).
Contact dataTitle / Email address
First name / Family name
Status of organisation / Website
Name of organisation/institution/company / Department
Street, no. / P.O. box (if applicable)
Zip/postal code / Town/city
Phone number / Mobile phone number
Fax number
Task(s) within the project (max. 4000 characters incl. space)
Upload curriculum vitae
Please upload your CV and respect the page limit (max. 1 DIN-A4 page, allowed file size: 2 MB, PDF file format). Upload of more than one page is blocked by the online submission system.
Upload fieldLiterature references
Up to 5 references are allowed. Link/DOI is sufficient. If full citation is preferred, please provide “Author(s)”, “Title”, “Journal”, “Volume”, “Year”, and “Page”.
Ref 1Author(s):
Volume: / Year: / Page:
Ref 2
Volume: / Year: / Page:
Ref 3
Volume: / Year: / Page:
Ref 4
Volume: / Year: / Page:
Ref 5
Volume: / Year: / Page:
Declaration National regulations
☐ I am aware of the national funding regulations (see guidelines for applicants).
Please enter the project duration in months. The maximal number of months is 36. The project should start between December 2017 and May 2018. This field is required.
Project DataProject title
Project acronym
Project duration
The submitted proposals must be multidisciplinary and include at least one of the scientific approaches below.
The submitted proposal will use the following scientific approach(es):
☐ Synthetic biology
☐ Systems biology
☐ Bioinformatic tools
☐ Biotechnological approach(es)
The co-funded call covers industrial biotechnology. Applications must address one of the topics described below.
Please carefully check the national/regional funding regulations (ANNEX 2 of the Call Announcement). Some of the topics described below may not be suitable/eligible for all funding organisations.
The submitted proposal addresses the following topic(s):
☐ Sustainable production and conversion of different types of feedstocks and bioresources into
added value products
☐ Development of new products, value-added products and supply services
☐ Sustainable industrial processes
Please be aware that projects should fall within Technology Readiness Levels (TRL) 3-6, although projects are not necessarily required to cover the whole range. Industry engagement should be appropriate for the TRL range being investigated. The ERA CoBioTech international panel of experts will take these TRL into account.
Please respect the character limit of 3,000 (including spaces).
The submitted proposal falls under the following TRL(s):
☐ TRL 1 - basic principles observed
☐ TRL 2 - technology concept formulated
☐ TRL 3 - experimental proof of concept
☐ TRL 4 - technology validated in lab
☐ TRL 5 - technology validated in industrially relevant environment
☐ TRL 6 - technology demonstrated in industrially relevant environment
☐ TRL 7 - system prototype demonstration in operational environment
☐ TRL 8 - system complete and qualified
☐ TRL 9 - actual system proven in operational environment
Justification for the TRL: (max. 3,000 characters incl. space)ETHICAL COMPLIANCE
Please revise this section and respect the character limit of 4.000 characters (including spaces).
The societal and ethical aspects must be addressed. Proposals may be rejected from funding on ethics grounds if they do not comply with the European and national/regional legislation.
Societal and ethical aspects of the project: (max. 4000 characters incl. space)PROJECT SUMMARY
Please revise your project summary. This summary might be used for communication and dissemination activities in case your project will be selected for funding. Please make sure that it is publishable.
The project summary should not exceed 1 DIN A4 page (Arial 11pt, line pith at least 1.15), corresponding to ~4000 characters including space.
Project summary: (max. 4,000 characters incl. space)PROJECT DESCRIPTION
Use the following structure. The project description should:
a) provide a scientific/technological overview (state of the art),
b) specify the expected project impact and relevance to the call scope,
c) describe the added value for the European Research and Innovation, and the necessary resources,
d) provide information on the project management and responsibilities of the project partners
The project should be in line with the requirements stated in the call text. The space is limited to 100,000 characters including space (Arial 11pt, line pitch 1.15). Implementation of up to six graphics/images is allowed and possible (allowed formats are jpg, png or gif, max. resolution 600x600px, max. file size 2MB). No additional documents will be considered.
Project description: (max. 100,000 characters incl. space)WORKPLAN
Here you can upload your work plan as a PDF document. The document must not exceed the length of 12 DIN-A4 pages (Arial 11pt, line pitch at least 1.15 - allowed file size: 5 MB, PDF file format, template available on Upload of more than 12 pages is blocked by the online submission system.
The work plan should clearly describe the individual work packages, tasks, deliverables and milestones of the project.
Please write your Data Management Plan and respect the character limit of 8.000 characters (including spaces). Consider the supportive documents available on and check this page for the announcement for supportive webinars (unless not yet attended already during the pre-proposal stage).
Data management plan: (max. 8,000 characters incl. space)COMMUNICATION PLAN
Please write your Communication and Dissemination Plan and respect the character limit of 8.000 characters (including spaces). Consider the supportive documents available on Supportive webinar: June 6, 2017 11:00 h – 12:30 h (CEST). More info:
Communication plan: (max. 8,000 characters incl. space)TRL PLAN
Please write your TRL Plan which clearly describes how higher TRLs will be achieved. Respect the character limit of 8,000 characters (including spaces). Please include also information about the envisioned scientific and economic exploitation of your results and achievements in the course of and after the project.
TRL plan: (max. 8,000 characters incl. space)SOCIETAL ASPECTS
Projects are required to include a component investigating social aspects relevant to the project. This may include (but is not limited to) Ethical, Legal and Social Aspects (ELSA), Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) aspects, or eco-social aspects e.g. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA).
The submitted proposal includes work on:
☐ Ethical, Legal and Social Aspects
☐ Responsible Research and Innovation
☐ Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
☐ Other (please specify)
Comments: (max. 2,000 characters incl. space)LETTER(S) OF COMMITMENT
Partners from countries not participating in the call may participate in a project at their own expense, if their contribution is important to achieve the project goals. The same applies for partners who are not eligible for national/regional funding from the agencies participating in this call.
Please upload for each of these partners a letter of commitment via the Upload Field of the submission tool. Compile all the required documents into one pdf.
Upload field: (Max allowed file size: 5 MB)KEYWORDS
Please revise the listed keywords if necessary. (Maximum 5 keywords related to your project, separated by comma.)
Supplementary keywords: (Maximum 5 keywords related to your project, separated by comma.)10
Attention: There are two tables! The submission system does not allow to fill the last three columns of the table General budget overview (calculated automatically).
Please do not forget to include the travel costs for the KickOff workshop and the Midterm and Final Status Seminars and the costs for Data Management and Communication/Dissemination activities.
General budget overview Please enter all values as integers (whole numbers, 0-9) in k€ (1k€ = 1,000 €).
Organisation name / Personnel / Travel / Consumables/Equipment / Subcontracts / Requested Funding / Total Own Contribution / Total Costs
Own contribution Please enter all values as integers (whole numbers, 0-9) in k€ (1k€ = 1,000 €).
The submission system does not allow to fill the last column of this table. It is calculated automatically and its values will be automatically transfered to the table above, column “Total Own Contribution”.
Organisation name / Personnel / Travel / Consumables/Equipment / Subcontracts / Other / Total Own Contribution
Please give for each consortium member an overview how the budget is calculated, e.g. how many PhDs, PhD students or technicians will work for which time period within the project, which consumables/equipment are required, which work will be subcontracted and why, and - if already possible - to whom…. Give also an estimation about the costs for Data Management and Communication/Dissemination activities.
Respect the character limit of 1.000 characters (including spaces) for each comment
Personell (max. 1,000 characters incl. space for each organisation)
Name of organisationTravel (max. 1,000 characters incl. space for each organisation)
Name of organisationConsumables/Equipment (max. 1,000 characters incl. space for each organisation)
Name of organisationSubcontracts (max. 1,000 characters incl. space for each organisation)
Name of organisationOther (max. 1,000 characters incl. space for each organisation)
Name of organisation- End of template-
You have the opportunity to upload up to six images. To insert them, you enter the place marker "[[figureX]]" into your text (where the image should appear). By replacing the X with the number of the image you create the link to the image.
For example [[figure2]] for the 2nd image.
Max file size: 600px x 600px, 2MByte
Allowed formats are jpg, png or gif
Description of work:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. [[figure1]] Stet clita kasd gubergren, (figure 1) no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
The term [[figure1]] tells the system to place the file uploaded in slot 1 of the figure menu exactly there. The term (figure 1) is no command and does nothing but just refer the reader to the first figure.