
Template of Paper

TITTLE OF THE PAPER (12pt, bold)

First Writer1, Second Writer2 (10pt)

1. First Writer’s Institution (10pt)

Address of the Institution (10pt)

Email : first@email1. (10pt)

2. Second Writer’s Institution (10pt)

Address of the Institution (10pt)

Email : second@email2 (10pt)

ABSTRACT (12pt,bold)

The paper is typed on A4 paper(210mm x 297 mm), left margin 40mm andabove margin,right,and below30 mm and using 10 point Times New Roman with single space and column. The paper is started by an abstract consisting of 150-200 words in English. The Abstract should clearly writeswhat was conducted, how the research was conducted, and the result or finding of the research. The paper consist of 12 (twelve) pages only.

Key Words: 5 words and they are separated by commas.

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Template of Paper

  1. INTRODUCTION (12pt, bold)

Introduction identifies problem, reference, the objectives and the benefits of the research. The font used is Times New Roman 10 point andjustified right and left. This format is also for the whole main writing.

Next paragraph can be added if necessary for the readers. Use one space for each paragraph.


This part elaborates how the research was conducted. It is also completed by the explanation of materials, equipment, and ways of analysis conducted in the research. It can be more elaborated by pictures, graphs, or tables.

Each picture and table uses number starting from 1, 2, 3, …to the last table. Information of the picture and table is preceded by the word “Picture” or “Tabel” and it uses fonts Times New Roman 8 point. It is central in the position.

The information of the picture is placed under the picture while the information of the table is placed above.

All pictures and tables inserted have to be explained in the writings. The example of writing picture 1 is as follows.

Picture 1. Sensor node (without full stop)

2.1.Sub Unit 2.1 (12pt, bold)

If necessary, it can be added to elaborate more of the topic.

2.2.Sub Unit 2.2 (12pt, bold)

If necessary, it can be added to elaborate more of the topic.If it uses mathematics formulas, you may use formula (equation) provided by word processor. The formula is written in the central position.

The example of writing other references is as follows.Basically the computer vision tries to imitate the system of human vision [1], [2].

  1. RESULT AND DISCUSSION (12pt, bold)

The Result and Discussion elaborate the result of the research and analysis. Various facts and important phenomenon can be found out more on the following part.

The writing of tables are as follows.

Tabel 1. RGB Values of colours (without full stop)

Colour / RED / GREEN / BLUE
Cyan / 0x00 / 0xFF / 0xFF
Magenta / 0xFF / 0x00 / 0xFF
Yellow / 0xFF / 0xFF / 0x00
  1. CONCLUSION (12pt, bold)

This part provides conclusion of the research result. If necessary, it may be elaborated using numbers for every paragraph. It may include suggestions for further development.

  1. REFERENCES (12pt, bold)

Reference is respectively arranged by placement order in writing.

Light, M.A., & Light, I. H. (2007). The geographic expansion of Mexican immigration in the United States and its implications for local law enforcement. Law Enforcement Executive Forum Journal, 8(1), 73-82.

VandenBos, G. R. (Ed.). (2008). APA dictionary of psychology. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

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