Make your child more independent by teaching him/her various activities like:
Be a Friend:-Play games with your child like ludo, carom board and scrabble.
Develop Motor Skills:-Let your child indulge in activities like mashing potatoes, rolling chapatti, clay moulding, shelling out peas etc. These activities will help in making their motor skills strong.
Innovative learning:-Teach alphabets and numbers in innovative manner.
Explore Nature:- Take your child for morning walk count trees, cars, stones, flowers etc while going for a walk.
Sharpen Memory:-Put a few things on a tray, show the tray to your child for a while then cover the tray and ask your child to the name the objects which were on the tray. This activity will help in enhancing the memory of your child.
Inculcate Responsibilities:- Even these little ones can be taught to do small jobs and sense of responsibility. They can do activities like laying the table, filling the water bottles, dusting, watering plants, cleaning the cupboards, arrange the toys etc.
Reading Time:- Reading story books enhances language and vocabulary development .
Converse with your child in English. Let’s encourage the children to use simple words, phrases and sentences like:
- May I come in?
- May I drink water?
- I am feeling hungry.
- I am feeling thirsty.
- Can I watch T.V?
- Can I go to the park?
- May I help you with my toys?
- I have finished my food.
Work to be done in scrap book
- Make a hut using cut – outs of shapes: Square, triangle, circle, star and paste the passport sized photographs of all family members (including the child) in the hut.
- Help your child to make one face mask of any animal and send it packed in labelled transparent packet.
ENGLISH - PAGE NO. (16, 18, 20, 22,24,26 and 28) in “Writing capital and Small letters”.
Complete English Conversation (Unit 1 to 6) in book.
HINDI- PAGE NO. (5 to 7) in“Word Writing”.(Hindi Shabd Lekhan Book)
MATHS- PAGE NO. (12 to 25) in” Begin with Numbers”(1-100).
ART- PAGE NO. (7 to 10) in“ArtActivity”.
After vacation our school will be conducting fancy dress competition. Please prepare your ward for the competition.