2016-2017 Committee on Goals

Chair: Harminder Sikand

Chair-elect:Bonnie Fabian

Committee Members:Becky Natali, Past Chair

Duong (Donna) Luong

Lisa Gunther Lum

Ken Perrin

Donna Fitzgerald, Pharmacy Technician

Winnie Trieu, Student

Board Liaisons: Dan Dong, President-elect

Elaine Law and Mirta Millares

CSHP Staff: Cindy Hespe

Ex-Officio Member: Loriann DeMartini

  1. Committee Charges:

The Committee on Goals is primarily charged with developing the operational plan for CSHP. In broad terms, the COG is charged to:

A.Review goals, objectives, and strategiesfrom the CSHP Strategic Plan as approved by the Board of Directors at the Strategic Planning session.

B. Review suggested activities that are generated in reports submitted by Committees, Councils, and Task Forces and during Affiliate Chapter Presidents’ meetings.

C. Review the results of all Society surveys that have measured member satisfaction and suggested ideas for future direction.

D. By December each year, present to the Executive Committee a comprehensive draft of the Operational Plan that outlines activities and measurements that support the Strategic Plan. Need to decide if December is correct

E.Modify any issues identified by the Executive Committee and present a draft to the Board of Directors (Chair, Board Liaison, and CEO) by mid-December.

F. At the January Board of Directors meeting, present a proposed Operational Plan for approval and implementation beginning July 1.

G. Prepare year-end report following suggested CCTF year-end report guidelines.

  1. Other Committee Activities/Outcomes:
  • Charge A:

1. Due to a change in the strategic planning process, charges were modified.

2. COG members were educated on new strategic process and reviewed SMART goals

3. Created SMART objectives for one goal from each strategic priority goals

  • Charge B: CCTFreports from 2016 were not provided to COG for review; therefore, this charge was not accomplished.
  • Charge C: CSHP did not conduct surveys in 2016; therefore, this charge was not accomplished
  • Charge D: This charge no longer applies to current strategic planning methods.
  • Charge E: Additional issues have not been identified for COG action.
  • Charge F: Strategic planning method has changed; unclear if further action is needed by COG.
  • Charge G: Strategic maps (attachments) provided to BOD in June 2017.
  1. Other outstanding action items:

This COG did not establish charges for CCTFs for 2018.

  1. Recommendations for next year’s committee:
  • Two-year appointment for COG members
  • Review CCTFs at Seminar via a formal meeting
  • Develop strategic map action plan to implement BOD strategic plan and review annually
  • Review existing charges for each CCTF and develop new charges annually
  • COG chair-elect invited to strategic planning meeting of the BOD annually
  • CSHP staff member is a senior level staff member (Pharmacist preferred or staff member with experience in strategic planning)
  • BOD liaison is responsible for two-way dialog and will have a standing agenda item at all COG meeting
  • BOD provides clear definitions and develops expectations of all CCTFs and charges
  • COG receives a report on accountability of charges designated by COG from CSHP Staff member every two months
  • CEO is a designated member of COG and is present at all meetings
  • Roles and responsibilities of chair, past chair, incoming chair, and COG membership is clearly defined and worked on by the BOD. This is shared in advance to candidates considering this role, available on the website and CCTF volunteer handbook. The 2017 COG had one member resign and one not participate.
  • Flow diagram of CCTF and their interplay and authority with each other and the BOD
  • Volunteer handbook disseminated to all CCTF members
  • Timeline for all meetings for all CCTF
  • Two in-person meetings and 2 web conference meetings. Duration of meetings below:


1. Strategic Map Action Plan A1, B1, C1