Today’s Date: ______

Kappa Theta Beta

Retreat Exception Form

Name: ______Pledge Class: ______

Email: ______Cell phone: ______

Retreat Policy

As a Catholic Sorority, retreats are an integral part of our faith formation and sisterhood. Both the Fall and Spring retreats are mandatory, meaning all girls should be in attendance unless there is a valid reason for a one time exception. Girls needing an exception must notify the Chaplain in writing (by turning in this form) by the specified date or they will be charged a retreat fee. (Please note: the retreat fee is charged in order to reduce waste and unnecessary budget expenses. Retreat reservations, food costs, and supplies are purchased in advance and these items are wasted if girls do not attend without notifying anyone.) If there is a genuine last minute emergency prohibiting attendance, girls should notify the Advisor, Sarah Hayes, directly to discuss the situation.

In a nut shell:

If you go on the retreat . . . it is free 

If you do NOT go on the retreat AND notify Sarah (by filling out and turning in the Retreat Exception Form) by the specified date . . . it is free 

If you do NOT go on the Fall 2009 retreat and do NOT notify anyone you must pay $10!!!!!! This is because we will be purchasing food and materials for you.

Notification of non-attendance MUST be done by filling out the Retreat Exception Form and turning it in to Sarah (Chaplain). Last minute emails and phone calls will not suffice! Please plan accordingly.

Please note: This form MUST be turned in to Sarah Waits (Chaplain) either in person or through the KTB folder at the St. Mary’s front desk by Sunday, October 11that 5PM. There are no exceptions!

Reason for Exception

Please explain in detail why you are unable to attend this semester’s retreat: ______

Have you ever been unable to attend a KTB retreat before? YesNo

If yes, which semester(s): Spring 2009 Fall 2008 Spring 2008 Fall 2007

Signature: ______

Kappa Theta Beta

Spring 2009 Retreat Make-up Options

If you were unable to attend the Fall 2009 retreat, please turn in the Retreat Exception Form AND complete one of the following makeup.

Form is due on Monday, December 7th(the last meeting of the semester). Forms should be turned in to Sarah Waits (Chaplain) at the meeting or to the KTB folder.

Genius Of Women Retreat

October 24th from 8:30am-7:00 at St. Mary’s CatholicCenter

Cost: $15

Registration: at the Receptionist Desk or by calling 979-846-5717

For more information contact Rachael Cadena ()

St. Mary’s Signature: ______Member Signature: ______

The Oratory- 3 sessionsled by Fr. Brian McMaster

Every other Thursday afternoon (Oct. 8th, 22nd…) from 4 – 5pm in the Church (check this)

Attend 3 sessions of the Oratory Thursday afternoons to grow in prayer.

No cost.

No need to register – simply show up!

St. Mary’s Signature: ______Member Signature: ______

Spiritual Direction – 3 sessions

Schedule 3 spiritual direction sessions with one of our St. Mary’s spiritual directors to discuss your prayer life and to grow in your relationship with God

No cost.

Schedule an individual appointment using the contact information at

St. Mary’s Signature: ______Member Signature: ______