Dear 8th Grade Parents and Guardians,

As the 2015-2016 school-year enters its final months, we would like to keep you informed as to what is in store for the remainder of the year.

Our culminating class trip to Hershey Park is scheduled for Tuesday, June 14, 2016. The Hershey Park trip is provided to our students as a reward for successful completion of 8th gradein particular and middle school in general. In order to be eligible to attend the HersheyPark trip, students must:

  • Be passing all five core subjects (English, reading/ foreign language, mathematics,science and social studies) for boththefourth marking periodandentire year(All work needed to bring a student to passing must be handed in by Friday, June 10th).

(We will make an exception if a student is failing a class for the year and has scheduled to re-take it next year in math or foreign language)

  • Not be on social probation at the time of the trip.
  • Have not accumulated 18 demerits (see page 17 of the student handbook found in the front of the student assignment book).

Students who are not eligible for the Hershey Park trip due to academic reasons will be given the opportunity to spend the day of the trip in school making up missed assignments.

Other events and dates to keep in mind are:

TE/VF dance at Conestoga- June 3, 2016

Battle of the Bulldogs- June 15, 2016

8th Grade Recognition Ceremony -June 16, 2016

We look forward to a successful completion of the school year.


Jennifer Tyrell and Jean Baker

8th Grade team facilitators


*Students and parents/guardians please take a moment to read through this letter, sign your names and return this to your social studies teacher.

Student Name (please print): ______


Student SignatureParent/Guardian Signature