[Insert Name]

[Insert Street]

[Insert Town]

[Insert City]

[Insert County]

[Insert Post Code]

[Insert Tel……….]

[Insert date]

Dear [insert name of place you are applying to],

I write to you in hope you may be able to help my family.

Within my family we have a child with [Insert dwarfism] which means he/she has a dwarfism condition.

We have been given the opportunity to attend a 3-day convention from [insert date of convention] to be held in [insert location],specifically to help people with his/her condition and their families. The convention is hosted by the charity Little People UK (LPUK).

This weekend is for people with dwarfism and their families to come together and meet with one another. It is full of medical workshops and information that would benefit my son/daughter and us greatly. It also helps our son/daughter socially, as it is not often that we can go and meet other people like our son/daughter and share our feelings and gain information that would help us.

For us as a family to be able to attend this weekend it would cost £[Insert cost]

We are trying to raise this amount and would be very grateful if you could support us in any way with the cost to go.

Should we be successful in gaining some funding from your group, we would gladly report back with photos and a report of how it went.

Should you need any more information, do not hesitate to contact us on the number above.

Yours Sincerely,

[Insert your name]

[Insert Name]

[Insert Street]

[Insert Town]

[Insert City]

[Insert County]

[Insert Post Code]

[Insert Tel……….]

[Insert date]

Dear [insert name of place you are applying to],

I write to you in hope you may be able to help me. I have [Insert dwarfism] which means I have a dwarfism condition.

I have been given the opportunity to attend a convention from [insert date of convention] to be held in [insert location],specifically to help people with my condition. The convention is hosted by the charity Little People UK (LPUK).

This weekend is for people with dwarfism and their families, to come together and meet with one another. It is full of medical workshops and information that would benefit me greatly. It also helps me socially as it is not often that I can go and meet other people like myself and share my feelings and gain information that would help me.

For me to be able to attend this weekend it would cost £[Insert cost]

I am trying to raise this amount and would be very grateful if you could support me in any way with thiscost.

Should I be successful in gaining some funding from your group, I would gladly report back with photos and a report of how it went.

Should you need any more information do not hesitate to contact me on the number above.

Yours Sincerely,

[Insert your name]