TallTower (2.0)
- Raw spaghetti and marshmallows
- Gumdrops and toothpicks
- Drinking straws and tape
- Paper cups and a pack of chewing gum
Divide the group up into 4 groups with even amounts of students. Tell the groups they will use the materials provided to build the tallest tower they can build. They are not allowed to add any material to the materials present. The challenge is to work together creatively to build the tallest tower possible.
Prior to activity:
- Organize all supplies for group time.
- In group one, place only raw spaghetti and marshmallows.
- In group two, place only gumdrops and toothpicks.
- In group three, place only drinking straws and tape.
- In group four, place only paper cups and chewing gum.
- Break the group into 4 teams of 2-6 members each.
- Give each group the pile of supplies assigned to them and challenge them to build the tallest tower they can using only those supplies.
- Give the group a time limit.
- At the end of the allotted time, ask each group to show their creation to the rest of the groups.
Assignment Extensions:
Everyone can only use one hand when building the structure.
Grade Level Expectations
- GLE 0001.2.1 Develop critical speaking skills essential for effective communication. (Kindergarten)
- GLE 0101.2.2 Develop critical speaking skills essential for effective communication. (First Grade)
- GLE 0201.2.2 Develop critical speaking skills essential for effective communication. (Second Grade)
Check for Understanding ()
- Participate in group discussion.
- Work productively in group discussion for a particular purpose (e.g., respond to literature, solve a problem). (Kindergarten)
- 0101.2.8Participate in group discussion.
- Work productively in group discussion for a particular purpose (e.g., respond to literature, solve a problem). (First Grade)
- 0201.2.8Participate in group discussion.
- Work productively in group discussion for a particular purpose (e.g., respond to literature, solve a problem). (Second Grade)
Materials needed:
• Variety of materials- See below
Assessment Activity Title: TallTower
Description of Activity:
NOTE: Prior to the activity, gather supplies together that can be used to make a tall tower but are not conventional things to build with. Some ideas are…
Paper (and nothing else)
Raw spaghetti and marshmallows
Gumdrops and toothpicks
Drinking straws and tape
Paper cups and a pack of chewing gum
String, paper cups, and drinking straws cookies
- Break the group into teams of 2-6 members each.
- Give each group a pile of supplies you have gathered and challenge them to build the tallest tower they can using only the supplies given to them.
- Give the group a time limit.
- At the end of the allotted time, ask the groups to show their creation to the rest of the group.
Everyone can only use one hand when building the structure.
Source: Team-Building Activities for Every Group by Alanna Jones