PRESENT: Councillors: M. Greene (Chairman), L. Balzaretti (until 9.20pm), R. Bullen, L. Carter, C. Gabbitas, G. Leeke, P. Whitwood, District Cllr. A. Day (until 9.20pm)
1 member of the public.
1. Apologies for absence
Cllrs. Deely (business commitment) and Herbert (personal commitment). County Cllr. Caborn (business commitment).
2. Public Session
A resident asked for an update on the flooding issue on Holt Avenue. Cllr. Bullen explained that he has been liaising with one resident who will be involving other residents. The resident passed his contact details to Cllr. Bullen.
ACTION: Cllr. Bullen to contact the resident.
3. Declarations of Interest
Cllr. Whitwood declared pecuniary interests in items 5(iv) as a recipient and 10(v) and 11(ii) as a nearby landowner. Cllr. Bullen declared a pecuniary interest in item 5(iv) as a recipient. Cllr. Leeke declared a pecuniary interest in item 5(iv) as a recipient.
4. Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting (October)
The Clerk had circulated the draft minutes prior to the meeting. The Chairman requested that the wording in the public session be amended as follows: ‘Cllr. Bullen explained that the plans do not show number 7’s extension which means the plans contravene this guideline. The applicants explained that they do not believe the 45 degree guideline is contravened in this instance’. He further asked if the word rule could be replaced with guideline. Cllr. Bullen seconded these amendments, carried unanimously. The Clerk was asked to produce minutes for signing at the next meeting.
5. Financial/Administration
(i) Bank balances
The following bank balances were reported:
Current Account - £234,642.09
Investment Account - £63,411.84
The Chairman reported that he has checked the payments and receipts for May.
(ii) Deed of Surrender
The Clerk explained that the draft Deed of Surrender has not been approved by the Club. Their solicitor is still waiting for documentation from the trustees. An email has been sent to the Club requesting an update for this meeting but no update has been provided. The Club was also invited to attend this meeting to update councillors. Councillors agreed that this is unacceptable. The Clerk was asked to contact Cllr. Deely to ask if he would meet with the Club to try and resolve. If this is not possible then the Clerk should write to the trustees.
ACTION: The Clerk to contact Cllr. Deely.
(iii) To review allotment rents
Cllr. Leeke explained that all plots are rented and there is a waiting list. The Chairman said that the plots are very good value compared to other parishes. It was noted that other parishes have an allotment committee which manages the allotments. Councillors agreed that the parish must look at a long term solution to the management with allotments proposed on a number of the new developments. Cllr. Leeke agreed to write to Bloor Developments to find out when the allotments on their development will be ready for renting.
ACTION: Cllr. Leeke to draft a letter to Bloor Developments.
Councilllors discussed the rent and agreed that it is very good value. Cllr. Leeke proposed that the rent remains at £15 per plot for 2018/19, seconded Cllr. Balzaretti and carried unanimously. Councillors agreed that the rent will need increasing for 2019/20.
ACTION: The Clerk to write to the allotment manager.
8pm Cllrs. Bullen, Leeke and Whitwood leave the meeting.
(iv) RESOLVED: that the following accounts be approved for payment (proposed Cllr. Gabbitas, seconded Cllr. Carter and carried unanimously).
Mrs. C. Hill - Clerk’s gross salary; November
Mrs. C. Hill - expenses (Jul-Sept) - £136.47
Mr. D. Connolly - play area inspections (October) - £20.00
Mr. D. Connolly - grass cutting (October) - £70.00
Mr. P. Whitwood - reimbursements for materials for working party plus inner tubes for mower - £250.96
Mr. R. Bullen - expenses relating to appeal - £36.00
Bishop’s Tachbrook Brownies - section 137 - £500.00
Mr. A. Gandy - Meadow grass cutting (October) - £180.00
Mr. G. Leeke - Christmas tree - £20.00
8.05pm Cllrs. Bullen, Leeke and Whitwood return to the meeting.
6. Warwickshire County Council Matters
(i) To receive report
No new report.
(ii) Europa Way improvement scheme; feedback from meeting
Cllrs. Bullen, Carter and Gabbitas attended the meeting. Cllr. Carter updated the meeting. Road works will be starting in February 2018 on Europa Way. They are trying to reduce disruption by overnight and week-end road closures only. The first set of works will last for about 18 months. Councillors agreed that this will result in more traffic through the village. The Clerk was asked to contact David Cross at County Highways to request that signage be cleaned and repaired to ensure that it is highly visible. A plan for Harbury Lane was requested.
ACTION: The Clerk to request that road signage is cleaned and repaired.
(iii) Oakley Wood Road scheme; approved
Cllr. Carter reported that this has been approved. Councillors agreed unanimously that this scheme should be completed before the Europa Way works commence. Cllr. Carter to invite the officer responsible for this project to look at the site. The Clerk to email County Cllr. Caborn to ask if he could assist with this request.
ACTION: Cllr. Carter to contact the officer responsible for this project. The Clerk to email County Cllr. Caborn.
7. Warwick District Council Matters
(i) To receive report
District Cllr. Day reported that the golf course is closing on Newbold Common. Community Infrastructure Levy has been approved. Free Christmas car parking at Riverside House.
(ii) Meeting with planning officer update
The Chairman thanked District Cllr. Day for arranging this. Cllr. Gabbitas said that it was worthwhile having him come and meet with us.
(iii) CIL Meeting; presentation circulated.
Cllr. Bullen attended and briefly updated the meeting.
(iv) Church Lees footway
The Clerk reported that the District Council should have looked at this area this morning. The officer doesn’t think they will be able to assist with any work because of health and safety issues in relation to the lifting of the slabs. Cllr. Deely is waiting a quote for the slabs to be removed and replaced with grass. Councillors agreed that this would require agreement with the residents of Church Lees.
ACTION: December agenda item.
(v) Street naming; addition
Councillors agreed that they have no issue with the name Webster.
ACTION: The Clerk to respond to the District Council.
(vi) Council size submission
Cllr. Day reported that the number of district councillors for this ward would be increasing to 2.
8. Amenities Matters
(i) To receive report
Cllr. Leeke reported that the graffiti is being removed by our contractor. The post has been reinstated. He doesn’t believe there is a need for a ‘no dogs’ sign on the play area since it isn’t fenced. Councillors agreed that this will be addressed once the Meadow Masterplan has been finalised and the play area redesigned. The verges at the entrance to Oakley Meadows require maintaining. Cllr. Leeke said that he understands that this will be undertaken by Bloor’s management company. It was agreed that Cllr. Leeke should discuss with Bloor’s.
ACTION: Cllr. Leeke to contact Bloor Developments regarding the verges.
The Payback Team did a good job tidying the Meadow after the fireworks event. It was agreed that they should be asked to repaint the pod.
ACTION: Cllr. Leeke to ask the Payback Team to repaint the pod.
The waste bin near the pod needs replacing and fixing to the ground.
ACTION: The Clerk to contact the District Council.
Cllr. Balzaretti reported that the missing bin has been returned to Warwick Gates.
Cllr. Leeke requested that the Brownies be asked if they would carry out a litter pick in 2018.
ACTION: The Clerk to ask the Brownies.
(ii) Working party update
Cllr. Whitwood reported that the team cleared the verges by the bridge and parts of Warwick Gates. This Saturday it will be bulb planting. The permit for the tip has nearly expired and the new permit covers household waste and not garden waste. Councillors agreed unanimously that the working party should be entitled to a ‘free permit’ for garden waste since they are carrying out a function which should be provided by the County or District Councils.
ACTION: The Clerk to arrange for a permit for the tip.
(iii) Meadow Masterplan update
An update was circulated prior to the meeting. The Define draft plan has been amended and we are waiting for the next draft. The draft will be shared with the Club and the school. A quote for a parish wide drawing showing where all of the leisure facilities are has been requested.
(iv) Meadow Storage update
Cllr. Bullen explained that he is preparing a tender document which will be sent to 4 contractors requesting quotes. The Chairman reported that he will be meeting a representative from the Horticultural Society shortly.
ACTION: Cllr. Bullen to prepare a tender document and send to 4 contractors. The Chairman to meet with the Horticultural Society.
(v) To review grass contracts
Cllr. Leeke reported that, as expected, our contractor is no longer able to manage our grass contract. He has been training another resident who is willing to manage this contract. Cllr. Leeke explained that he has been working with this resident who is familiar with our equipment and knows the areas that requires maintenance and the service we expect. In view of this, and the difficulties we have had with finding a contractor willing to use our equipment, councillors agreed that the Clerk should prepare a contract and request a quote.
ACTION: The Clerk to prepare a contract and request a quote.
9. Police/Community Matters
(i) To note report from Police
(ii) Open spaces security update
Cllr. Deely has met with a contractor and is waiting for a quote.
ACTION: December agenda item.
(iii) To consider purchasing a camera for anti-social behaviour issues at a maximum cost of £300
The Clerk said that she has asked various organisations for advice with this but has been unable to obtain any guidance. She has looked on websites and believes that we should be able to purchase a suitable device for £300. The Chairman proposed that we approve this expenditure, seconded Cllr. Balzaretti and carried unanimously. The Clerk was advised to liaise with Cllr. Deely who may be able to help.
ACTION: The Clerk to ask Cllr. Deely if he is able to help with identifying a suitable device.
The Chairman asked if we could discuss item 11 before item 10 as this would allow Cllr. Day to leave the meeting. There were no objections.
11. Correspondence
(i) email re. speed of traffic on Harbury Lane
The Chairman thanked Cllr. Day for dealing with this matter.
9.10pm Cllr. Whitwood leaves the meeting.
(ii) 6 Parsonage Close planning application
Cllr. Bullen explained that he had been contacted by a resident in Parsonage Close regarding this application. He advised the resident to contact the planning department. The Chairman reported that he has recently received correspondence from the applicant. Cllr. Bullen said that the application has been approved so this is now a matter for the District Council to deal with. It was agreed that the Chairman would respond to the applicant.
ACTION: The Chairman to respond to the applicant.
9.15pm Cllr. Whitwood returns to the meeting.
(iii) BMX track
A resident has requested that the track be repaired. Councillors agreed that the track does require maintenance work and Cllr. Deely has requested a quote.
(iv) Parking; Wychwood Close
Cllr. Leeke said that there are a number of issues addressed in this email. The parking should be eased by the parking leaflet. The empty shops are outside of the control of this parish council. The resurfacing of the road was discussed with the resident and David Cross when he visited the parish. Could the Clerk please chase him and find out when this road is going to be resurfaced and also respond to the resident.
ACTION: The Clerk to contact David Cross and find out when the road is to be resurfaced. The Clerk to then respond to the resident.
9.20pm Cllrs. Day and Balzaretti leave the meeting.
10. Planning Matters
(i) Neighbourhood Plan update
The Chairman confirmed that the grant application has been submitted. A meeting is arranged with our consultants on 27th November.
(ii) Planning notice: 17/1379 - The Meadow; granted
(iii) Planning application: 17/1988 - land south of Gallows Way
Councillors agreed to raise no comments or objections.
ACTION: The Clerk to respond to the planning department.
(iv) Planning notice: 17/1708 - Oakley Grove Phase 2b; granted
(v) Planning notice: 17/1500 - 6 Parsonage Close; granted
(vi) Planning application: 17/1856 - 8 Calpurnia Close
Councillors agreed to raise no comments or objections.
ACTION: The Clerk to respond to the planning department.
(vii) Planning application: 17/1716 - land south of Harbury Lane
Councillors agreed to raise no comments or objections.
ACTION: The Clerk to respond to the planning department.
12. Date of next meeting
Thursday, 14th December at 7.30pm.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.40pm.