Band Exit Outcomes

Grades 5-12

Level I – 12th Grade
Rubank Advanced Method, Vol. 2 and IMEA Senior Scale Sheet
Scales & Arpeggios / Major Scales at Concert Pitch: F, Bb, Eb, Ab, Db, Gb, Cb, E, A, D, G, and C
Harmonic Minor Scales at Concert Pitch: d, g, c, f, b-flat, e-flat, a-flat, c-sharp, f-sharp, b, e, and a
Rhythms / Application of Levels X – VII
Pitches / Specific to instrument needs with a minimum knowledge of a two octave range and three octaves when practical
Theory / Trills, grace notes, appoggiatura, mordent, turn
History / Relevant to the historical aspect of studied band literature (chosen from band grade of 2-5)
Terms / Relevant to the terms found in the studied band literature (chosen from band grade of 2-5)
Level II – 11th Grade
Rubank Advanced Method, Vol. 2 and IMEA Senior Scale Sheet
Scales & Arpeggios / Major Scales at Concert Pitch: F, Bb, Eb, Ab, Db, Gb, Cb, E, A, D, G, and C
Harmonic Minor Scales at Concert Pitch: d, g, c, f, b-flat, e-flat, a-flat, c-sharp, f-sharp, b, e, and a
Rhythms / Application of Levels X – VII
Pitches / Specific to instrument needs with a minimum knowledge of a two octave range and three octaves when practical
Theory / Trills, grace notes, appoggiatura, mordent, turn
History / Relevant to the historical aspect of studied band literature (chosen from band grade of 2-5)
Terms / Relevant to the terms found in the studied band literature (chosen from band grade of 2-5)
Level III – 10th Grade
Rubank Advanced Method, Vol. 1 and IMEA Senior Scale Sheet
Scales & Arpeggios / Major Scales at Concert Pitch: F, Bb, Eb, Ab, Db, Gb, Cb, E, A, D, G, and C
Harmonic Minor Scales at Concert Pitch: d, g, c, f, b-flat, e-flat, a-flat, c-sharp, f-sharp, b, e, and a
Rhythms / Application of Levels X – VII
Pitches / Specific to instrument needs with a minimum knowledge of a two octave range and three octaves when practical
Theory / Trills, grace notes, appoggiatura, mordent, turn
History / Relevant to the historical aspect of studied band literature (chosen from band grade of 2-5)
Terms / Relevant to the terms found in the studied band literature (chosen from band grade of 2-5)
Level IV – 9th Grade
Rubank Advanced Method, Vol. 1 and IMEA Junior Scale Sheet
Scales & Arpeggios / Major Scales at Concert Pitch: F, Bb, Eb, Ab, Db, Gb, Cb, E, A, D, G, and C
Harmonic Minor Scales at Concert Pitch: d, g, c, f, b-flat, e-flat, a-flat, c-sharp, f-sharp, b, e, and a
Rhythms / Application of Levels X – VII
Pitches / Specific to instrument needs with a minimum knowledge of a two octave range and three octaves when practical
Theory / Trills, grace notes, appoggiatura, mordent, turn
History / Relevant to the historical aspect of studied band literature (chosen from band grade of 2-5)
Terms / Relevant to the terms found in the studied band literature (chosen from band grade of 2-5)
Level V – 8th Grade
2nd Book of Practical Studies
Scales & Arpeggios / Major Scales at Concert Pitch: C, F, Bb, Eb, Ab, Db, and Gb Harmonic Minor Scales at Concert Pitch: a, d, g, c, f, and b-flat
Rhythms / Application of Levels X – VII
Pitches / Specific to instrument needs with a minimum knowledge of a two octave range.
Theory / Harmonic minor scale
History / Relevant to the historical aspect of studied band literature (chosen from band grade of 1-3)
Terms / Relevant to the terms found in the studied band literature (chosen from band grade of 1-3)
Level VI – 7th Grade
2nd Book of Practical Studies
Scales & Arpeggios / Major Scales at Concert Pitch: C, F, Bb, Eb, Ab, Db, and Gb Harmonic Minor Scales at Concert Pitch: a, d, g, c, f, and b-flat
Rhythms / Application of all rhythms in Levels X – VII
Pitches / Specific to instrument needs with a minimum knowledge of a two octave range.
Theory / Harmonic minor scale
History / Relevant to the historical aspect of studied band literature (chosen from band grade of 1-3)
Terms / Relevant to the terms found in the studied band literature (chosen from band grade of 1-3)
Level VII
Essential Elements 2000, Book 2
Scales & Arpeggios / Concert a, d, e, and chromatic
Rhythms / Sixteenth combinations, dotted eighth sixteenth, cut time, triplets
Pitches / Specific to instrument range
Theory / Key of concert Ab, 6/8 time, enharmonics, chromatics, triplets, major and minor, theme and variation, blues improvisation
History / Georges Bizet, Advance Australia Fare, John P. Sousa, Habanera, The Marines Hymn, waltz
Terms / Ab Concert Scale, rallentando, enharmonics, Eb Concert Scale, a tempo, chromatic scale, F Concert Scale, accelerando, andantino, legato style, measure repeat sign, natural minor scale, harmonic minor scale, DS al Coda, alternate fingerings (clar. only), grace notes (clar. only)
Level VIII – 6th Grade
Essential Elements 2000, Book 2
Scales & Arpeggios / Concert Bb, Eb, F, Ab, and C
Rhythms / Syncopation, sixteenth notes
Pitches / Specific to instrument range
Theory / Key changes, cut time or 2/2, syncopation, key of concert C,
History / Thomas Tallis , canon, Loch Lomond, George M. Cohen,
Terms / Staccato, tenuto, ritardando, allegretto, cresc., decresc., mp, DS al Fine
Level IX – 5th Grade
Essential Elements 2000, Book 1
Scales & Arpeggios / Concert F, Concert Ab
Rhythms / Dotted quarter eighth, eighth dotted quarter, sixteenth notes (percussion only)
Pitches / Concert Ab, Bb, E natural, A natural, Db, other pitches specific to instrument ranges
Theory / Accidental, key of concert Eb, theme and variations, phrase, key of concert F, intervals
History / Japenese Folk Music, African-American Spirituals, Ragtime, J.S. Bach, Schubert, blues, Dvorak
Terms / 1st & 2ns endings, DC al Fine, natural, slur, glissando (trombones only), multiple measure rest, simile (percussion only), largo, trio, common time, repeat signs
Level X – 5th Grade
Essential Elements 2000, Book 1
Scales & Arpeggios / Concert Bb, Concert Eb
Rhythms / Quarter notes/rests, 4/4 time, half notes/rests, whole notes/rests, eighth notes/rests, 2/4 time, dotted half notes, ¾ time
Pitches / Concert G, F, Eb, D, C, Bb, low concert A, low concert G, and low concert F (for flute oboe, Bb clarinets, Eb/Bb saxes)
Theory / Note names, time signature, key of concert Bb, harmony
History / Individual instrument, Mozart, Rossini, Foster, Grieg, Latin American Music
Terms / Embouchure, music staff, ledger lines, measures, bar lines, beat, notes and rests, double bar, repeat sign, clef, sharp, flat, natural, breath mark, fermata, pick-up notes, dynamics (f, mf,p), tempos (allegros, moderato, andante, largo), rond, measure number, tie, accent


Essential Elements 2000, Books 1 &2Lautzenheiser, et al.Hal Leonard

2nd Book of Practical StudiesGuenther, Hovey, GetchellWarner Bros.

Rubank Advanced Method, Vols. 1 & 2Gower, et al.Hal Leonard/Rubank

IMEA Junior/Senior Scale SheetN/AN/A

Supplemtal Studies

IMEA Senior High Etudes found at

Various solos and ensembles for contests.