St James CE Primary School Curriculum Map Nursery
Autumn 1 / Autumn 2 / Spring 1 / Spring 2 / Summer 1 / Summer 2
All about me / Celebrations / Local History Topic
Treasure / Plants and Flowers / Sand and Water / Bears
PSED / Good to be me / Getting on and falling out (Inc. anti-bullying) / Going for goals / Staying healthy / Relationships / Changes
Physical / P.E
Sports coach / P.E
Sports coach / P.E
Sports coach / P.E
Sports coach / P.E
Sports coach / P.E
Sports coach
C&L / Language through Listening / Language through Listening / Language through Listening / Language through Listening / Language through Listening / Language through Listening
Literacy / Reading Whole class, 1:1 & small groups
Rhyming books Stories
Mark making
Name writing / Reading Whole class, 1:1 & small groups
Rhyming books Stories
Mark making
Name writing / Reading Whole class, 1:1 & small groups
Rhyming books Stories
Mark making
Name writing / Reading Whole class, 1:1 & small groups
Rhyming books Stories
Mark making
Name writing / Reading Whole class, 1:1 & small groups
Rhyming books Stories
Mark making
Name writing / Reading Whole class, 1:1 & small groups
Rhyming books Stories
Mark making
Name writing
Maths / Number Rhymes Say number names in sequence Counting objects Number awareness Patterns on clothes Times of day (morn,aft) / Number Rhymes Say number names in sequence Order firework numbers Shape pictures
Count things other than objects
(morn/aft) / 10 shiny snowflakes bk SSM – print shape snowman / Number Rhymes Say number names in sequence
Easter egg hunt / Number Rhymes Counting & writing numbers/matching to numerals / Number Rhymes Counting Share 4 in diff ways Different amounts when +/- Compare groups of objects = More/a lot
UW - The World / Talking about our own & other families – family photos / Bonfire night Diwali celebration Christmas celebrations / People who help us / Flowers & how grow Life cycle of butterfly Life cycle of frog What bees do Planting seeds Plant growth – what/ why/ how questions / Floating and sinking
Melting and freezing / Bears from around the world.
RE / I am special
Home time prayer / Christmas - Nativity Story
Home Time prayer / Stories Jesus heard
Home time prayer / Easter Story
Home time prayer / Friendship
Home time prayer / Special Places
Home time prayer
Computing / Bee Bots / Bee Bots / Bee Bots / Bee Bots / Bee Bots / Bee Bots
EAD / Indep – teach use Vegetable printing Autumn Art work Make birthday cards / Make birthday cards
Rangoli patterns Christmas cards Calendars Party hat / Winter sculpture with everyday objects Penguin pictures / Mother’s day cards
Easter cards / Pictures of flowers and butterflies / Pictures and paintings of animals
Music / Topic related songs / Topic related songs / Topic related songs / Topic related songs / Topic related songs / Topic related songs

Other topics will also be included that will be child-led to meet the interests of the children.

All the Literacy/Numeracy and other areas of the curriculum will be linked to topic work