

T TH 12:00 - 12:50 pm

1 Credit Hour

Semester/Year: Spring 2008Office Number: 226

Instructor: Jaime TigueOffice Phone: (208) 732-6479

Email: Office Hours: MWF 9:00-10:00

T TH 2:00- 3:00


This course is an introduction toSpinning also known as Indoor Group Cycling. Spinning is a full-body, low impact, aerobic exercise that can help strengthen the heart, lower blood pressure, boost energy, burn off extra fat, tone legs and stomach, reduce stress and tension, and boost peak performance.


To be successful in this course, student attendance and motivation is a must. Students will need athletic shoes or cycling shoes with clips, comfortable clothing, heart rate monitor (recommended, but not required), water, and a sweat towel.


There is no required textbook for this course.


The goal of this course is to provide students from beginning to intermediate levels with a knowledge base to properly and effectively cycle with cadence rules in mind.


By the end of this course students will:

  • improve cardiovascular endurance, strength, and energy levels.
  • know how to set up a spinning bike
  • know how to properly change hand positions with the different seated and climbing positions.
  • know what their resting and target heart rates are.
  • learn how to cycle in their target heart rate zone to most effectively burn fat.


Student Learning Outcomes and Assessments:

Learning Outcome 1:Students will demonstrate appropriate safety practices

Activity: Students will complete a pre/post safety assessment to measure progression of safety knowledge

Outcome Assessment:Post- safety assessment.

Learning Outcome 2:Students will improve and/or maintain their level of cardiovascular fitness throughout the semester.

Activity:Students will measure their resting heart rates, recovery heart rates and calculate their target heart rates at the different energy zones.

Outcome Assessment: Pre-and post-assessment.

Learning Outcome 3:Students will develop the skills to monitor variousenergyzones during physical activity.

Activity: Students will be required to wear a heart rate monitor throughout the semester and learn how to stay in the different energy zones.

Outcome Assessment: PE Manager reports from downloaded heart rate monitors.

Learning Outcome 4:Students will improve understanding and knowledge of how a spinning class is designed.

Activity:Students will have to teach two segments to a song of choice (one fast, one slow) during the last two weeks of the semester and follow the guidelines that they have been taught all semester.

Outcome Assessment:Students will be assessed by a departmental rubric.

Upon the completion of this course, students will fulfill objectives 2, 3, and 4 of the following Physical Education Program objectives:

1)To provide a high-quality university parallel education for students seeking careers in elementary and secondary physical education.

2)To provide a high quality education to serve the needs of degree and non-degree seeking students interested in personal fitness enhancement, health education, first aid, and skill development associated with intercollegiate athletics.

3)To provide a life long fitness and wellness education helping to fulfill the graduation components for students who are pursuing an Associates of Arts Degree.

4)To provide effective fitness enhancement, health education, and involvement for community members.

5)To provide fitness enhancement and wellness education for seniors.


  1. Attendanceis required to be successful in this class.
  2. Absence Policy -An absence is considered to be less than 30 minutes of active participation. Should some unforeseen emergency occur (i.e. death in the family) it is the responsibility of the student to contact the instructor ASAP to discuss options.
  3. Complete and turn in the health history form first week of class. If anything on the health history changes during the course of the semester, i.e.... pregnancy, medications, injuries etc., please notify the instructor immediately.
  4. It is your responsibility, as a student, to withdraw from the course by APRIL 4 if you choose to discontinue attending class. Students who fail to withdraw from the course will receive a course grade of Failure "F."
  5. Come to class prepared for a workout, dress in appropriate workout attire for cycling (non-baggy pants) and good pair of shoes. Cycling shoes with clips can be worn. May want to take out cycling, but this works for your class.
  6. Bring plenty of water. Students are encouraged to bring water bottles. No other food or drink is allowed in the cycling room.
  7. If necessary, students should bring a gel seat for extra comfort and/or wear padded bike shorts.
  8. Students will be required to wear a heart rate monitor during class to meet the outcome and assessment requirement for this class. All students will be assigned a heart rate monitor prior to class and will also be required to check out their assigned heart rate monitor during each class period. Students will be held responsible for their own heart rate monitor and expected to learn how to use it properly throughout the semester. Heart rate monitor straps are being sold at the CSI Bookstore for a small fee and is suggested you purchase your own for cleanliness issues.
  9. Complete all the required assignments.
  10. Complete the attached health history form.



Karvonen formula/ Target Heart Rate – 10 pts

Teaching two songs (one fast, one slow) – 50 pts (25 pts a song)


  • Students will be allowed to miss 4 days during the course of the semester without any penalty ( A).
  • A letter grade drop will result for each absence past 4(B, C, D). Any student missing more than 8 classes will automatically fail the course (F).
  • Up to two make-ups will be allowed and should be discussed with the instructor.

All the above assignments are required to be successful in this course.


Students are strongly encouraged to complete evaluations at the end of the course. Evaluations are very important to assist the teaching staff to continually improve the course. Evaluations are available online at Evaluations open up two weeks prior to the end of the course. The last day to complete an evaluation is the last day of the course. During the time the evaluations are open, students can complete the course evaluations at their convenience from any computer with Internet access, including in the open lab in the Library and in the SUB. When students log in they should see the evaluations for the courses in which they are enrolled. Evaluations are anonymous. Filling out the evaluation should only take a few minutes. Your honest feedback is greatly appreciated!


E-mail is the primary source of written communication with all CSI students. Students automatically get a CSI e-mail account when they register for courses. Messages from instructors and various offices such as Admission and Records, Advising, Financial Aid, Scholarships, etc. will be sent to the students’ CSI accounts (NOT their personal email accounts).It is the students’ responsibility to check their CSI e-mail accounts regularly. Failing to do so will result in missing important messages and deadlines. Students can check their CSI e-mail online at Student e-mail addresses have the following format: . At the beginning of each semester free training sessions will be offered to students who need help using their CSI e-mail accounts.


Any student with a documented disability may be eligible for related accommodations. To determine eligibility and secure services, students should contact the coordinator of Disability Services at their first opportunity after registration for a class. Student Disability Services is located on the second floor of the TaylorBuilding on the Twin Falls Campus. 208.732.6260 (voice) or 208.734.9929 (TTY) or e-mail .

College of Southern Idaho – Health History


Sex M or F Date of Birth______Age ______


Street City Zip

Telephone (day) ______(evenings) ______

Physician’s Name ______Phone # ______

Person to contact in case of emergency ______

Phone # ______Relationship ______

Describe your current exercise program ______


Please list all medications you are taking and the reason(s) why. Also, please indicate if you know if these medications have an effect on your heart rate or would otherwise affect your exercising. Some medications or health conditions may alter your ability to exercise and/or affect your nutrition/weight management program. Doctor’s permission may be required before participation.

Medication Reason TakingExercise Effects





Do you now, or have you had in the past: Yes No

  • History of heart problems, chest pain or stroke. ______
  • History of heart problems in immediate family. ______
  • Increase blood pressure (hypertension). ______
  • Any chronic illness/condition (diabetes, etc.) ______
  • Difficulty with physical exercise. ______
  • Muscle, joint, back disorder, or any injury still

affecting you. ______

  • Pregnancy (now or within last 3 months). ______
  • History of breathing or lung problems. ______
  • Recent surgery (last 12 months). ______
  • Cigarette smoking habit. ______
  • Obesity (32% or above). ______
  • High blood cholesterol. ______

Please explain any yes answers. ______

