Classes and Commentaries
Dadi, Bhog message and Senior’s Classes
- Awaken Oh Ancestor Souls Awaken - Dadi Janki – GRC- 13/06/2004
- Mama and Brahma Baba as worship worthy forms: Dadi Janki 24.9.06
- You, the gods and goddesses have to do it. They are calling out to you - Bhog Message- Dadi Gulzar: June 1, 2006
- Experiencing the Deity Form and Worship worthy Form through the Divine Eye - Class by Sr. Meera
- The Role of Ancestor Souls in the Confluence Age - Being a Constant Donor– Br. Surya (Madhuban) (23-02-07)
- Navaratri – Nine Goddesses – Shiv Shaktis: The Worship of the Feminine Qualities - BK Jayanti: EdinburghUK, 21st December 2002
- Worship worthy Stage: Symbols and signs of gods and goddesses
- Chart for Developing my Form so that it becomes Worthy of Worship
- Meditation Commentary: Reaching my Worship worthy Stage
- Meditation Commentary: Ancestor Soul
3rd September – 7th October 2007
Dadi Classes
Dadi Janki – GRC- 13/06/2004
When you think of the ancestor souls, you think of the old things. The things of the past mean things of the last kalpa. The ancestor souls are trikaldarshi. They know the beginning, middle and the end and in that form of being trikaldarshi, they do everything. They are free from ego and attachment and therefore can be trikaldarshi. When you are trikaldarshi, the third eye is open. They come and go between all the three lands. They play the part in the corporeal as instruments for whatever they need to do but then they keep Brahma Baba in front of them. They stay with him in the Subtle Region and then practise that bodiless stage and stay up above in the Soul World. Their attitude and vibration pull them up above. They never are caught up with bodily beings here no matter how good they might be as after all they are bodily beings of Kaliyug.
We are all Brahmins of the Confluence Age and so we must not have any defect and whatever virtue we have, we must not have ego about it. If I have ego about my specialities or virtues or I get impressed by somebody else’s virtues or specialities, what would be my condition. Nor should I have dislike or displeasure towards anyone. This is the qualification of the ancestor soul. I am the soul that remains beyond.
Keep a list of what ancestor souls do. They are incognito, true effort makers. Whatever weakness they have they will finish it through Baba’s remembrance. They don’t do anything secretly and they don’t hide their weaknesses. Those who do things secretly are considered greatly sinful souls.
Whatever Brahma Baba does, he does for us. We become like him. He sees Vishnu in front of him and takes inspiration from that. The ancestor souls keep Brahma Baba in front of them and take inspiration from him.
What does it mean to give visions?
Dadi Gulzar goes into trance and brings messages and she sees visions. When Baba comes in Dadi Gulzar's body, we also see that. At one level, we may feel that Dadi goes into trance and sees visions and we do not do that, but when Baba comes, we clearly have the vision, we see Baba in reality. Is this right, that you see Baba through these eyes and experience Baba? The one who has elevated quality actions in life and dharna will be the one who becomes the embodiment of giving visions to others as Baba does. To give visions to others is the task of Baba.
To pull the intellect of others is Baba's task and to become the embodiment of visions is my task. One, who is the embodiment of visions, is filled with elevated dharna, that is, has complete purity, is all-virtuous and has nothing lacking in life. Such a soul has all celestial arts present and has, over a long period, the power of an immovable and unshakeable mind. This power is inculcated in life. The stage in which the soul used to fluctuate is finished. Now, experience the stage of being the embodiment of attainment.
When the soul is the embodiment of all virtues and attainments, then even from a distance, souls will experience those attainments in their life through you. They will experience all attainments and receive visions because of your stage of perfection. Through the pure vibrations of the perfect stage, other souls will experience attainments in life and feel that their problems are also solved.
Mama and Brahma Baba as worship worthy forms:
Dadi Janki 24.9.06
- Remembrance of Brahma Baba’s worship worthy form
- Remembrance of Mama and her worship worthy form
- The Nine Goddesses: Nine worship worthy forms
Have I recognised myself, Baba and everyone else? Those who are to attain a royalstatus recognise themselves very well, and they know that the One who hasmade them like that is supremely worthy of worship. They have so much love andregard for such a supremely beloved Father, Teacher and Satguru. The One who issupremely worthy of worship makes worshippers into those who are worthy ofworship. We were vicious and He makes us worthy of worship and viceless. Keepthe egoless and incorporeal supremely worthy of worship Father in front of you in order to maintain your stage.The qualities of our worship worthy forms are remembered in the stories of the gods and goddesses.
Remembrance of Brahma Baba’s worship worthy form
Just in one Baba, we remember his qualities as those of Brahma, Vishnu, Krishna, Shiva and Narayan. All of this shouldbe visible in us also as we are Brahma Kumaris and Kumaris, children of TrimurtiBaba. We are receiving Godly sustenance so that others also can receive thatsustenance from us.
In sakar, Brahma Baba was here with us but we always had the feeling that he was taking us up above. When we came to speak to him, it was as if the words fizzled out and there was nothing left to say. In fact, Baba knew that it was better for us if we spoke and thought less. We have been given very great things to think about and those great things have taken away all our worry. You may feel it is necessary to think a lot about certain situations but in fact, that is a waste of time and energy. Go deep, go deep into the deep things you are learning here and you will also feel that it is not right to worry or to get concerned over trivial matters. Thoughts of knowledge will actually allow you to be free.
Shiv Baba and Brahma Baba are enjoying themselves up there but down here, we sometimes fluctuate. The subtle region has been created for us. It is a beautiful place where there is no day and no night. In the subtle region, white light is everywhere and that light is full of might. . Baba has kept the door to the subtle region open to us and he tells us to come there at any time. There is no lock on the door. The subtle region is a place created especially for us to spend time before we go back to the soul world. This is why Brahma Baba has gone back first. He is there waiting for you to visit.
Remembrance of Mama and her worship worthy form
Before going to Baba's room this evening, I had the feeling of invoking Mama,the goddess of all powers and all virtues, and wanted to share this feeling withthe divine family all over the world. I feel Mama is inspiring all of us tobecome Shiv Shakti, the ones who take all powers from Shiva.
What made Mama so sweet? She sustained us with her power, her honesty and her love. Avyakt BapDada is sustaining us now and Mama, in a secret way, is playing her part in this.
Normally you cannot become like someone by just looking at their picture but here we experience something different that is like a special blessing for us. We feel that by looking at the pictures of Mama and Brahma Baba that we can become like them. It is as if you can see their very personal qualities by looking at their pictures. However, don’t just look at the pictures, become an artist and create a beautiful living picture of yourself.
Mama adopted four forms; Kali, Sheetla, Vaishnav Devi and Jagadamba. It was because she adopted four forms that she will receive the fruit of becoming Lakshmi. In her form of Kali, nothing bad could remain inside Mama. She would finish anything that came to her immediately. In her form of Sheetla, Mama was very cool and soft. Although she was very, very powerful inside, she never spoke harshly or loudly. No-one could show their anger in front of her because Mama would become very gentle. She would listen attentively and say, yes, yes. As a result a person felt they had been heard and that she had given them attention and respect. As a result, they would also change and become soft and peaceful. The quality represented by Vaishnav Devi was that nothing that was impure could come in front of her. Her fourth form was of Jagadamba the world mother. In this form, she would fulfil the feelings of everyone who came in front of her. Everyone really felt that Mama was their own mother.
Mama was first Radhe and always remembered her aim of becoming the golden-agedLakshmi and together with that, she never forgot the Bestower of that Aim,Lakshya-Data. As soon as Baba saw her, Baba asked, "Will you become Lakshmi?"and Mama accepted. Thus, Mama became Saraswati, and Jagadamba. By taking power from Shiva, she became Durga. By being fearless, she became Kali, so no onecould have any impure thought in front of her. Finally, Mama attained the status of Lakshmi, by becoming the embodiment of allvirtues, all powers and truly the world empress who conquered everyone's heart with her motherly love.
Within one year of coming to Baba, Mama transformed herself completely. It was difficult to realize that this was the same 17 year old girl of the year before. She was able to finish all her insufficiencies because she understood who she was and what she had to do. Mama really focused on becoming madhyajibhav. Through Mama, it was clear that no-one and nothing could stop one who focuses on God. They will not depend on anyone. We are the daughters of Mama and sons of Brahma Baba. We have to become like our parents. When someone is with their parents, they feel happy. Mama has taken birth for service. It is through her stage that she is now serving.
The Nine Goddesses: Nine worship worthy forms
The remembrance of Mama and the eight jewels is celebrated in the celebration of the nine Goddesses (Navaratri). Overthe next 9 days, let me take a vow to always remain in Baba's remembrance andinvoke the different powers that the 9 goddesses represent and thus became animage that grants visions to the whole world.
Saraswati - Goddess of Knowledge - Mama listened to the knowledge from ShivBaba and imbibed it and played the Sitar of Knowledge and inspired everyonethrough her own dharna, and brought realisation to all.
Jagadamba - Goddess of Fulfilment - giving eternal blessing of peace andhappiness
Durga - Goddess of Shakti - who takes power from Shiva, removes all weaknesses within the self, and helps to remove weaknesses of others.
Kali - Goddess of Fearlessness - who is fearless and courageous, destroys all negativity, evil and devils
Gayatri - Goddess of Auspicious Omens - Mama gave importance to the elevatedversions spoken by Shiv Baba and used each version as a mantra and this is whythere is importance of Gayatri mantra, which works like magic to remove all badomens.
Vaishnav - Goddess of Purity - who radiates light of purity and empowers all tobecome divine through pure vision and pure thoughts
Uma - Goddess of Enthusiasm - who brings hope, zeal and enthusiasm
Santoshi - Goddess of Contentment - who brings a feeling of deep contentment
Lakshmi - Goddess of Wealth - who bestows upon souls the unlimited wealth ofspiritual knowledge and virtues.
Dadi Janki – The Five Pandavs excerpt from The Power of Peace and Truth 30 August 07 - Shantivan
We are the Pandav government. And so, as Shaktis, we have to imbibe all the specialities and powers of the 5 pandavs.
* Arjuna symbolises the first number – clever in understanding the total knowledge from God;
* Bhima symbolises care and protection – to be the protector of the yagya and look after Baba's bhandara and uses everything in a worthwhile;
* Nakul was the one that copied God in every way to pass with honours;
* Sahadev is the deity of co-operation, to be an image of support and co-operation at every step; and finally
* Yudhistra symbolise dharamraj – the one who maintained the balance between dharma (religion or righteousness) and raj (rule). To be accurate in following shrimat – the law - on every level of personal dharna and rulership – total righteousness.
You, the gods and goddesses have to do it. They are calling out to you
Bhog Message- Dadi Gulzar: June 1, 2006
Baba then asked what the children wished for today. We said to Baba that whatever Baba makes us do, we would do that. Baba said 'Today I will show you a scene'. As Baba started walking, there was only light all around and we all followed Baba like angels of light. As we went a little further, we entered a garden where there was a round shape in the middle. There were seats shaped like rose flowers all around in this circular place. Baba asked each one to find a seat and as we sat there, it felt like we were sitting in the middle of a rose flower. And, on everyone’s head was a double crown. Onewas a crown of light, the crown of purity, and second was the crown of service, the crown of responsibility. And in the middle of the crown was a map of the world.
Everyone was wearing this crown and behind that image of the map of the world were rays of light all around. It was a crown of complete purity -- purity in thoughts as well as in dreams. One was that crown of light and the second was the crown of responsibility of world service. Do you have the balance of the two? Check yourself. To the extent to which you have the power of purity, to that extent also, you must have the responsibility of the transformation of the world -- world service. Is there a difference sometimes in your purity? Is there sometimes not a balance of world service?
As everybody was seated on their rose seats and wearing their double crowns there was then the sound of My Baba. This sound was like a switch and as soon as that sound came on this circular space, where we were sitting began to rise upward. A mountain of light appeared above us and Baba was sitting on top of that mountain. When we arrived there, we all got off from the circle where we were sitting and we joined Baba. We started to run towards Baba and gathered around Him. Each one was trying to run first to Baba. Baba then gave drishti to everyone. Baba then told us to look a bit further to a place where we could look down the mountain.
We saw that on one side were bhagats praising Baba, calling out to Baba with a lot of love, praying to God. On the other side were others calling out with a lot of sorrow, they were calling out to God from feelings of compulsion. Then a third variety was those who were busy in their own work and weren’t bothered about anything. Then Baba said that you have to give drishti to them as well. You are world servers and even if they are atheists, they are still Baba’s children and your brothers and sisters. You have to give sakaash to them first. As we gave them sakaash, they went into dead silence. Not the kind of silence like we have, but they went into silence.
Then there are the devotees who have to receive the fruit of their devotion. Who will give them this fruit? You, the gods and goddesses have to do it. They are calling out to you as well. Of course, they are calling out to God, but they are calling out to you too. And so give them such an experience that in a short space of time they are able to experience receiving peace and happiness.
And then for those who are calling out due to peacelessness and sorrow, Baba asked us, what is your title? You are the merciful ones. Give them the rays of mercy so that they will have the experience and feeling that they are receiving mercy from somewhere. This is the task of world transformation. You have been given this crown of responsibility to serve all of these three types of souls. And you have to give sakaash to all of these groups. This task you have to do every day. You have been given this responsibility and you have to fulfil this responsibility every day. This is why you have been given this crown of responsibility of world service.