Curriculum Vitae /
Personal information
Surname(s) / First name(s) / BUBLIENĖ Danguolė
Address(es) / Saulėtekio Str. 9, LT-10222 Vilnius
Telephone(s) / +370 5 2366 170
Fax / +370 5 2366163
Email /
Nationality / Lithuanian
Date of birth / 07/01/1972
Gender / Female
Work experience
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector
/ 2002
Lectures, research activity
Mykolas Romeris University, Law Faculty, Ateities str. 20, Vilnius
Higher Education Institution
Dates / 2003 to date
Occupation or position held / Lecturer (2006 – to date)
(Assistant (2003 – 2006)
Main activities and responsibilities / Lectures, research activity
Name and address of employer / VilniusUniversity, Universiteto str. 3, LT-01513 Vilnius
Type of business or sector / Higher education institution
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector
/ 1995-2005
Specialist (1994-1995); Chief Specialist (1995-1997); Chief specialist – expert (1997-19987); head of Private law division (1998-2001); Director of Law department (2001), Director of Private Law Department (2001-2005)
Drafting of the legal acts, preparation of the opinion regarding drafts of legal acts, management of the work of the division; management of the work of the department
Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Lithuania, Gedimino ave. 30/1, LT-01104 Vilnius
State governmental institution
Secretary of the Ministry Education and Science
Coordination of the activities related to higher education and science, management of the work of the internal and external departments and institutions responsible for the higher education and science field
Ministry Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania, Volano str. Vilnius
State governmental institution
Dates / 2007 to date
Occupation or position held / Advocate
Main activities and responsibilities / General consulting (Business Law)
Name and address of employer / Professional Law Partnership “Baltic legal Solutions Lithuania” (previous name Jurevičius, Bartkus ir partneriai”), Subačiaus str. 7, LT-01127 Vilnius
Type of business or sector / Professional law firm
Dates / 1990-1995
Title of qualification awarded / Lawyer qualification
Name and type of organisation providing education and training / VilniusUniversity, Law Faculty
Level in national or international classification / ISCED 5
Dates / 2002-2006
Title of qualification awarded / Dr. degree (2007)
Principal subjects / occupational skills covered / Doctoral Thesis Title: “Unfair terms in consumer contracts”
Name and type of organization providing education and training / VilniusUniversity
Additional Information
Working groups
Other activity
Scholarships / Member of various working groups on drafting legal acts (e.g.: Petition Law, Law on Right to Obtain Information from the State and Municipality Institutions, drafting new wording of the Law on Lottery, Gambling, Bailiffs, Advocacy, drafting new wording of the Law on Protection of Consumer Rights, legal acts regulating the registry of legal persons as well as other legal acts), 1994 – 2007
Member of working groups coordinating the implementation of the Civil Code, the Civil Procedural Code as well as implementation of the reform of the bailiff system, 2001-2007
Member of working groups assessing the necessity to change the Civil Code and the Civil Procedural Code and drafting amendments to them, 2003-2007
Member of the Commissions for the harmonisation of the Lithuanian Law with the European Union Law within the fields of corporate law, competition, 1997-2004
Member of working group of the Board of the Civil Law Committee (EU), 2004-2005
Expert of the Board of the Contract Law Group (EU), 2004-2005
Expert for Lithuania of the Expert Group assessing higher education studies in the field of law, 2002
Head and member of working groups working on the issues within the field of studies and scientific research, 2005-2007
Member of the Board of the Lithuanian State Science and Studies Foundation, 2006-2007
Representative of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania in the case of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania with respect to decree of the Government regulating the minimum qualification requirements for lecturers, scientists and other researchers as well as the order for habilitation, 2007
Max-Planck-Gesellschaft research scholarship for graduate students in Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law 2004;
Scientific activities / See the appendix 1.
Publications / See the appendix 1.
Other activities (relevant) / See the appendix 1.
Membership of professional organisations / Lithuanian Bar Association;
Mother tongue / Lithuanian
Other language(s)
Self-assessment / Understanding / Speaking / Writing
European level (*) / Listening / Reading / Spoken interaction / Spoken production
German / B1 / Independentuser / C1 / Proficientuser / B1 / Independentuser / B1 / Independentuser / B1 / Independentuser
English / C2 / Proficientuser / C2 / Proficientuser / C1 / Proficientuser / C1 / Proficientuser / C1 / Proficientuser
Russian / C2 / Proficientuser / C2 / Proficientuser / C2 / Proficientuser / C2 / Proficientuser / C2 / Proficientuser
French / A1 / Basic user / A1 / Basic user / A1 / Basic user / A1 / Basic user / A1 / Basic user
(*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

Appendix 1


BALTUTYTĖ, Elvyra; BIRMONTIENĖ, ; BULOTAS, Gediminas. The commentary to the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on the Right to receive Information from the State and Municipal Institutions. Vilnius, 2000.

AMBRASIENĖ, Dangutė; BARANAUSKAS, Egidijus; BUBLIENĖ, Danguolė at al. Civil law. Obligation law. Textbook. Vilnius: The Publishing Centre of the Law university of Lithuania, 2004.

MIZARAS, Vytautas; BUBLIENĖ, Danguolė, GREIČIENĖ, Jurga; GREIČIUS, Rimgaudas; JAKUTAVIČIUS, Marius; KONTAUTAS, Tomas; MAKAUSKAITĖ, Agnė; ŽOLYNAS, Mindaugas. The implementation of Legal Acts of European Union in Civil Law of Lithuania. Vilnius: Legal information centre, 2005

BUBLIENĖ, Danguolė. The Principle of transparency and Unfair Terms Directive. Law, 2006, No. 58, p. 7-23

BUBLIENĖ, Danguolė. International Private Law Norms and Unfair Terms Directive. Law, 2006, No. 59, p. 28-46.

BUBLIENĖ, Danguolė. Realization of Principle of Protection of Weaker Party in Control of Unfair terms in Contract. Jurisprudence, 2007, No. 9 (99), p. 41-48.

BUBLIENĖ, Danguolė. Unfair terms in Consumer Contracts. Monography. Vilnius: Centre of Registers, 2009.

ASTRAUSKIENĖ, Asta; BUBLIENĖ, Danguolė; DUMČIUVIENĖ, Daiva; GUMULIAUSKIENĖ, Laura; KOVEROVAS, Paulius; VIŠINSKIS, Vigintas. The conception of the transposition of the enforcement procedure into electronic environment. Teisė ir komunikacija: Vilnius, 2009.

BUBLIENĖ, Danguolė. Lithuanian succession law: experience and perspectives. Conference proceedings. Riga: 2010.

BUBLIENĖ, Danguolė. New Proposal of the European Commission in Matters of Succession: What Impact will it have on the Lithuanian Succession Law? Conference material. Vilnius: Vilnius University Publishing House, 2010.

BUBLIENĖ, Danguolė. Consumer right to information according to the new proposal on the directive on consumer rights: the step forward? Research papers. Legal aspects of consumer protection in the European Union. Vilnius: Mykolo Romerio universitetas, 2011.

BUBLIENĖ, Danguolė; ČAPLINSKIENĖ, Eglė. Limited Liability of the Succsessors. Teisė, 2011, No. 81.

BUBLIENĖ, Danguolė. Consumer right to information according to the new proposal for a Directive on consumer rights: the step forward? Vilnius: Jurisprudence, 2011, 18 (4), p. 1593-1608.

BUBLIENĖ, Danguolė; ŽALIMIENĖ, Skirgailė. The implementation of the Services Directive in Lithuania in Ed. STELKENS, Ulrich; WEIẞ, Wolfgang; MIRSCHBERGER, Michael. The Implementation of the EU Services Directive. Transposition, Problems and Strategies. Springer: The Hague, 2012.

BUBLIENĖ, Danguolė. Implementation of the Consumer Rights Directive in the Lithuanian Law – Further Decodification or Codification of the Consumer Protection Law? Vilnius: Teisė, 2012, Nr. 83.

BUBLIENĖ, Danguolė. The control of unfair terms: can we expect changes in the near future? In Independent LithuanianLaw:Past,Presentand Future. Liber Amicorum Jonas Prapiestis. Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto Teisės fakulteto Alumni draugija, 2012.

BUBLIENĖ, Danguolė; ZEMLYTĖ, Eglė. Arbitration Agreements (Arbitration Clause) in Consumer Contracts: Unfair Term per se? Vilnius: Teisė, 2012; Nr. 84

BUBLIENĖ, Danguolė; AVIŽA, Saulius. Family and Succession law. Practical book. Registrų centras: Vilnius, 2012.

Conference Presentation

A presentation at the international scientific conference „Three years of the membership of Lithuania in European Union: experience and expectations“ on the topic „The relevant problems of regulation of unfair terms in consumer contracts in EU and national law (2007, Vilnius)

A presentation at the conference "Topicalities and Modernisation Trends of the Civil Procedure Law" on the topic „The group action – better protection of the consumer rights?“ (18 March 2009, Vilnius)

A presentation at the conference The Perspectives of Europeanization of Law of Succession (29 October, 2009, Riga) on the topic „Lithuanian succession law: experience and perspectives“

A presentation at the international scientific – practical conference “Legal aspects of consumer protection in the European Union” on the topic “General Aspects: Acceptance – Briefing – Unfair Contract Terms” (2011)

A presentation at the international scientific – practical conference “Legal aspects of consumer protection in the European Union: The protection of the consumer as the contract party” on the topic “Are the sanctions against unfair terms effective?” (2012)

Participation in Research Projects

The implementation of European Union Legal Acts in Lithuanian Civil Law

The practice of European Court of Justice in specific matters of consumer protection law: consumer concept, average consumer etc.

The regulation of Advertisement: The experience of Lithuania and EU. Problems and perspectives

An analyses and evaluation of alternative means of consumer regress other than redress through ordinary judicial proceedings: Lithuanian report

Evaluation of the effectiveness and efficiency of collective redress mechanisms in the European Union: Lithuanian report

Study Regarding the problems faced by consumers in obtaining redress for infringement of consumer protection litigation and the economic consequences of such problems: Lithuanian report (2008)

The Analysis of regulation of the group action and proposals for development of this institute in Lithuania (2008)

The Conception of Transformation of the Enforcement Procedure into Electronic Environment (2009)

The Electronic Auction in Enforcement Procedure (2009)

The Lithuanian Coordinator and Researcher in the Project “The Perspectives of Europeanization of Law of Succession” (2009, 2010)

Project related to the Implementation of Services Directive (organized by the German Research Institute for Public Administration Speyer) (2009, 2010)

The implementation of the consumer alternative dispute resolution mechanisms and possibilities for their implementations in Lithuania (2012)

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