Protocol: Meeting of the POIC Section in Brussels,

9th March, ISICEM 2010


Claudia Spies /
Michael Hiesmayr /
Manu Malbrain /
Willehad Boemke /
Claude Martin /
Michael Sander /
Bernhard Walder /
Rupert Pearse /
Rui Moreno /
Sascha Tafelski /

POIC and ESICM activities (Claudia Spies and Michael Hiesmayr)

·  opening and feedback to development during 2009

·  DSA

·  More abstracts were good, however, compared to others POIC could send more abstracts

·  Problems with updates of ESICM - Website- contents to display POIC activities: no changes despite two initiatives from Berlin

·  Establishing new working groups?

§  e.g. on Liver diseases?

·  Summer conference : 2011 – ESICM call for abstracts

·  ESICM PRIDE campaign

§  Letters submission from ICU patients & families in original languages, contest , 5 select to win for Meeting BE2011

§  Data authorities cleared or will be requested

·  Daniel Annane – chief of new ESICM Meta Analysis Unit

·  ECCRN – two POIC projects included (WG EWAIT: Claudia Spies and Claude Martin as well as WG AP: Manu Malbrain)

Abstract categories (Claudia Spies)

·  Report on agreed Abstract categories for ESICM

·  1 reviewer should not have more than 30 abstracts, need more staff, discuss the work effectively

·  PRIZE inside of our section – nominating best of the group, perhaps not money, each abstract category? – the best 5 of POIC !

·  Is there anything else beside money? à Webside announcement of best abstracts; could be a question for all Sections, will be discussed with JD Chiche

·  Voting/Agreement: 100%

EU harmonization (Claudia Spies)

·  survey intended by Bernhard Walder

Creating awareness for different systems with inherent danger: e.g. mixed up syringe for opioid and relaxant because of some colour label

Din-En ISO will be send to Bernhard, this issue will be readdessed

·  Checklist: Items- a problem, several steps are done in other places, standards are different in different countries, so implementation is unclear

·  Question: Who is using a Checklist? Report of France: mandatory to use, Report of UK: mandatory to use

·  Practice in France: Responsibility by surgeons; per decision of department chief,

·  Discussion: the results of the WHO list seam very clear and convincing, on the other hand the hospital mix might not be representative

·  Bernhard Walder: did not find the same results in a comparable study, perhaps the problem of care level, depending on local practice?

·  Bernhard Walder: POIC should wait until published evidence by other studies, ESA will be showing new data, this issue could be addressed again following these studies

·  Claudia Spies: Is it time for ICU checklists? On a basis of a one-day prevalence study?

·  ICU Admission and Discharge criteria: Study Idea one day survey? Problems are the economic pressure on hospitals and different treating groups; Claudia Spies will send local Standards to Bernhard Walder – Can we know if they are right? Should we develop a Scoring System?

WG-AP (Manu Mabrain)

·  Recent activities in WG AP

·  abstract ESICM – 415 patients finished – GIF study

·  Discussion: Idea of a promotion newsletter for Nutrition day?

WG-GDT (Michael Sander)

·  reports on ISA – Cooperation, MILAN meeting: EGDT in the OP affects outcome?

·  New Study: EuSOS, everyone is invited to participate

·  Simulation Team – hemodynamic monitoring – for ESICM 2010

·  PG- Training in ESICM PACT module: Airway management & hemodynamic monitoring; cooperation with Hans Flaaten, descriptions and instructions are needed for this issue

·  PG-course : Sepsis and Infection are now also included

EuSOS (Rupert Pearse)

·  ESA und ESICM (ECCRN) granting for an collaborative project

·  STUDY start in APRIL 2011, pure observational study 1 week, aim is to show that ICU is beneficial following surgery, differences in different countries

·  Death after surgery, giving the data to support the hypothesis,

·  Discussion: what is major surgery – data quality, depending on primary aim, surgery with hospital stay, excluded: neuro-/ heard surgery, where paths exist; others are intended. A consistent definition for major surgery will be searched.

·  Different steps: One step after the other, design like case control first, pilot data? Answer: There is pilot from UK, but limited. Definition for ICU: Could mean every unit with possibility for invasive ventilation

·  Study includes confidential reports for every center: country & EU data sharing, including the possibility to compare performance

·  Still some things to do…

WG EWAIT - joint with Infection section (Claudia Spies & Claude Martin)

·  Delay problem, focused with EWAIT

·  Partners are welcome

·  funding: EU grants are intended, but not open as an issue this year

·  presentation on last program changes and coming updates (Sascha Tafelski)

·  Important Date for Antibiotic initiatives: ECDC – antibiotic awareness day was on 18. November 2010, EWAIT is cooperating with the initiative

Claudia Spies: WG PODECOD

·  Introduction on topic, translation is one major issue at the moment

·  CAM-ICU is translated, but misses some sub-syndroms, all scores are useful,

·  an idea could be: EU - study on prevalence one day survey (Hiesmayr – prevalence in concordance with nutrition day study?) – idea will be developed in abstract form in cooperation with Claudia Spies, large national differences – 8% implementation rate was baseline level, after implementation more than 60% is achieved, worse outcome without is displayed

§  Discussion: Sedation: - must be included into protocol, otherwise there will be a problem regarding data interpretation

Further open issues:

·  Cirrhotic patients without transplantation - can there be space bedside the liver transplantators or “LECAGE Group”?

§  Claudia Spies: depending on the focus, proposals are welcome

·  Closing remarks