School Improvement Grant

Cohort 1

Amendment to Fiscal Year 2009

2013–14 Continuation of Funding Application

School Improvement Grant (SIG) Fiscal Year (FY) 2009, 2013–14 Continuation of Funding Applications must be received by the California Department of Education (CDE) no later than August 16, 2013

California Department of Education

Improvement and Accountability Division

School Turnaround Office

California Department of Education

1430 N Street, Suite 6208

Sacramento, CA 95814-5901



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8/12/2016 9:57 AM

Table of Contents

Timeline 3

School Improvement Grant FY 2009, 2013–14 Continuation of Funding Process 4

A. Background 4

B. Purpose 4

C. Continuation of Funding 4

D. SIG FY 2009, 2013–14 Continuation of Funding Application Submission 5

E. Grant Awards and Payments 5

SIG Form 1—Continuation of Funding Application Cover Sheet 6

SIG Form 2—Conditions of Critical Stakeholder Commitment of Support 7

SIG Form 2a—Signatures: Critical Stakeholder Commitment of Support (Page 1 of 2) 9

SIG Form 2a—Signatures: Critical Stakeholder Commitment of Support (Page 2 of 2) 10

SIG Form 3—Tier I or Tier II SIG Schools Identified for Continuation of Funding 11

SIG Form 4—Grant Contact Information 12

SIG Form 5—General Assurances 13

SIG Form 6—Sub-grant Conditions and Assurances (Page 1 of 3) 14

SIG Form 6—Sub-grant Conditions and Assurances (Page 2 of 3) 15

SIG Form 6—Sub-grant Conditions and Assurances (Page 3 of 3) 16

SIG Form 10—Implementation Charts 17

SIG Forms 4a, 5a, 4b, 5b—Budget Summary and Narrative 18

SIG Continuation of Funding Application Checklist 19

Criteria for Application Approval (CDE Use Only): 20


Important Events / Due Date
SIG FY 2009, 2013–14 Continuation of Funding Application Draft posted to SIG Web page / June 28, 2013
Present SIG FY 2009, 2013–14 Continuation of Funding Application to State Board of Education (SBE) for approval / July 10–11, 2013
Final SIG FY 2009, 2013–14 Continuation of Funding Application Posted to SIG Web page / July 15, 2013*
SIG FY 2009: 2013–14 Continuation of Funding Application due by mail and e-mail / August 16, 2013
CDE evaluation and approval of SIG FY 2009, 2013–14 Continuation of Funding Application / August 23, 2013
Approved local educational agencies (LEAs) notified and Grant Award Notifications (GAN) sent / September 1, 2013

*Pending SBE Approval


1.  Check the name of the school district superintendent in the LEA county-district-school (CDS) code database on the CDE California School Directory Web page at and update if there are changes.

2.  To obtain the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) identification number, the LEA can search for a school on the NCES Search for Schools, Colleges, and Libraries Web page at

Mail an original copy of this 2013–14 Continuation of Funding request to:

California Department of Education

Improvement and Accountability Division

School Turnaround Office

1430 N Street, Suite 6208

Sacramento, CA 95814-5901

E-mail a copy of this SIG FY 2009, 2013–14 Continuation of Funding request to .

School Improvement Grant FY 2009, 2013–14 Continuation of Funding Process

A.  Background

The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), through use of Section 1003(g) funding, authorizes the U.S. Department of Education (ED) to issue school improvement funds to states. The CDE awards school improvement sub-grants to LEAs with persistently lowest-achieving Title I schools and to LEAs with persistently lowest-achieving secondary schools that are eligible for, but do not receive, Title I funds.

The purpose of the SIG is to enable eligible LEAs to implement selected intervention models in identified persistently lowest-achieving schools to raise academic achievement levels of students attending these schools. An LEA that has been identified with one or more persistently lowest-achieving schools is eligible to apply for SIG funds. An LEA that wishes to receive a school improvement grant must implement one of four school intervention models: turnaround, restart, school closure, or transformation. These models are to be implemented at the beginning of the school year and throughout the term of the grant period.

B.  Purpose

A waiver to extend the availability of FY 2009 SIG funds until September 30, 2014, applies to an LEA with one or more Tier I or II SIG schools that began fully implementing a SIG intervention model at the start of the 2010–11 school year (Cohort 1). Such an LEA that is interested in implementing the extended waiver must request and receive the State’s approval to implement this extension.

Any SIG Cohort 1 school permitted by the State to continue to use FY 2009 funds in the 2013–14 school year must fully implement a SIG model. Implementing just one component or initiative is not permitted. As a result, the LEA should indicate the amount of funds needed, regardless of actual remaining SIG funds in that LEA, to continue full and effective implementation of the selected intervention model(s).

If excess SIG funds are available from the State, the State may award LEAs additional funding to ensure full implementation of the selected intervention model(s) at Cohort 1 schools only. If insufficient funds are available to meet all LEA requests, the State may correspondingly reduce all awards. As stated in section I-19 in the SIG guidance, a state educational agency (SEA) may reallocate funds to other eligible SIG Cohort 1 LEAs (or schools) consistent with the final requirements.

C.  Continuation of Funding

The CDE will consider the following factors in determining whether a Cohort 1 LEA can continue to fully and effectively implement one of the models in its Tier I or II schools until September 30, 2014.

·  Growth on the State Assessments in English-language arts (ELA) or mathematics

·  Growth on the nine federal leading indicators

·  Programmatic and fiscal capacity, including stakeholder support, budgets, planning, reporting status, and status of outstanding SIG findings

D.  SIG FY 2009, 2013–14 Continuation of Funding Application Submission

The SIG FY 2009, 2013–14 Continuation of Funding Application is due on or before August 16, 2013.

Applicants must submit an original and one electronic Microsoft Word 2003 or later copy (all single spaced in 12 point Arial font using one inch margins) of each application and ensure that the original and electronic copy are received by the School Turnaround Office on or before (not postmarked by) 4 p.m., August 16, 2013. Applicants must submit an electronic copy to . Mailed documents must arrive on or before the August 16, 2013, deadline and should be sent to the following address:

California Department of Education

Improvement and Accountability Division

School Turnaround Office

1430 N Street, Suite 6208

Sacramento, CA 95814-5901

E.  Grant Awards and Payments

The SIG FY 2009, 2013–14 Continuation of Funding Program is an amendment to California’s FY 2009 SIG Application to extend the waiver previously granted under Section 421 (b) of the General Education Provisions Act (GEPA), 20 United States Code (USC) Section 1225 (b), to extend the period of availability of the FY 2009 SIG funds awarded under Section 1003(g) of the ESEA, as amended, until September 30, 2014.

Grant payments will be subject to fulfillment of all fiscal, programmatic, and reporting requirements.

SIG Form 1—Continuation of Funding Application Cover Sheet

School Improvement Grant (SIG)

Continuation of Funding Application


August 16, 2013

Submit to:

California Department of Education

Improvement and Accountability Division

School Turnaround Office

1430 N Street, Suite 6208

Sacramento, CA 95814-5901

NOTE: Please print or type all information.

County Name: / County/District Code:
Local Educational Agency (LEA) Name / LEA NCES Number:
LEA Address / Total Grant Amount Requested
City / Zip Code
Name of Primary Grant Contact / Grant Contact Title
Telephone Number / Fax Number / E-mail Address
CERTIFICATION/ASSURANCE SECTION: As the duly authorized representative of the applicant, I have read all assurances, certifications, terms, and conditions associated with the federal SIG program; and I agree to comply with all requirements as a condition of funding.
I certify that all applicable state and federal rules and regulations will be observed and that to the best of my knowledge, the information contained in this application is correct and complete.
Printed Name of Superintendent or Designee / Telephone Number
Superintendent or Designee Signature (Blue Ink) / Date

SIG Form 2—Conditions of Critical Stakeholder Commitment of Support

All SIG FY 2009, 2013–14 Continuation of Funding applicants will need to include in their application signatures from critical stakeholders demonstrating their full commitment to and support of all SIG programmatic and fiscal requirements of the selected intervention model. For those LEAs implementing the Transformation Model, this includes, but is not limited to, the principal and teacher evaluation systems described in the SIG final requirements. These signatures are in addition to the signature of the LEA superintendent or designee provided on SIG Form 2—Continuation of Funding Application Coversheet in this application.

While not a requirement of this application, the LEA may also attach Letters of Commitment from any of the critical stakeholders identified in this application.

Demonstration of a commitment of support is evidenced by the signatures from the following critical stakeholders:

All Models (Transformation, Turnaround, Restart)

(1)  The Superintendent or designee at each school district receiving continuation of FY 2009 SIG funding until September 30, 2014;

(2)  President or designee of the School Site Council (SSC) at each school site receiving continuation of FY 2009 SIG funding until September 30, 2014;

Restart Model

(3)  Authorizer or designee of the Educational Management Organization (EMO) or Charter Management Organization (CMO) at each school district receiving continuation of FY 2009 SIG funding until September 30, 2014;

Transformation and Turnaround Models

(4)  Collective bargaining president or exclusive representative of the local teacher association for teachers at each school site receiving continuation of FY 2009 SIG funding until September 30, 2014;

(5)  Principals at each school site receiving continuation of FY 2009 SIG funding until September 30, 2014; and

(6)  President or exclusive representative of the local principal association for principals at each LEA receiving continuation of FY 2009 SIG funding until September 30, 2014, where applicable.

Note: It is the responsibility of the grantee to ensure that in observing the rights, remedies, and procedures afforded school or school district employees under Federal, State, or local laws (including applicable regulations or court orders) or under terms of collective bargaining agreements, memoranda of understanding, or other agreements between these employees and their employers, the grantee also remains in compliance with the requirements and definitions included in the SIG final requirements. In the event that a grantee is unable to comply with these requirements and definitions, the CDE may take appropriate enforcement action (e.g., terminate continuation of funding).

SIG Form 2a—Signatures: Critical Stakeholder Commitment of Support (Page 1 of 2)

Required Signatures: All Models

Local School Board Commitment of Support: The president or designee at each school district receiving continuation of FY 2009 SIG funding until September 30, 2014, must sign.

School District Name / Printed Name of Local School Board President, or Designee / Signature of Local School Board President, or Designee

School Site Council (SSC) Commitment of Support: The president or designee of the SSC at each school site receiving continuation of FY 2009 SIG funding until September 30, 2014, must sign.

School Name / Printed Name of SSC President, or Designee / Signature of SSC President, or Designee

Required Signatures: Restart

Educational Management Organization (EMO) or Charter Management Organization (CMO) Commitment of Support: The authorizer or designee at each school district receiving continuation of FY 2009 SIG funding until September 30, 2014, must sign. This signature only applies to a LEA that contracted with an EMO or CMO to restart a school.

EMO or CMO Name / Printed Name of EMO or CMO Authorizer / Signature of EMO or CMO Authorizer

SIG Form 2a—Signatures: Critical Stakeholder Commitment of Support (Page 2 of 2)

Required Signatures: Transformation and Turnaround

Local Teacher Association Commitment of Support: President, or exclusive representative of the local teacher association for teachers at each school site receiving continuation of FY 2009 SIG funding until September 30, 2014, must sign

Local Teacher Professional Association Name / Printed Name of Local Teacher Representative / Signature of Local Teacher Representative

School Principal Commitment of Support: The principal at each school site receiving continuation of FY 2009 SIG funding until September 30, 2014, must sign.

School Name / Intervention Model
(Transformation, Turnaround, Restart, or Closure) / Printed Name of Principal / Signature of Principal

School Principal Professional Association Commitment of Support: President or exclusive representative of the local principal association for principals at each school site receiving continuation of FY 2009 SIG funding until September 30, 2014, where applicable. If personnel decisions for site principals are not subject to collectively bargaining or collective agreement, a signature is not required.

Principal Professional Association Name / Printed Name of Local Principal Representative / Signature of Local Principal Representative

SIG Form 3—Tier I or Tier II SIG Schools Identified for Continuation of Funding

Identify the Tier I or Tier II SIG school(s) the LEA intends to serve and indicate the amount of funds needed, regardless of actual remaining SIG funds in the LEA, to continue full and effective implementation of the selected intervention model(s). Identified schools must be schools that began fully implementing a SIG intervention model at the start of the 2010–11 school year (SY) (Cohort 1).

County/District Code / LEA Name / 2013–14 SY Total Projected Amount
CDS Code / Name of Tier I or Tier II SIG School / 2013–14 SY Total Projected Amount

SIG Form 4—Grant Contact Information

Name of Primary Grant Contact
Professional Title
City, State, Zip
Phone Number
Fax Number
E-mail Address
Name of Fiscal Contact
Professional Title
City, State, Zip
Phone Number
Fax Number
E-mail Address

Note: Please confirm that all contacts listed above are updated in the SIG Monitoring and Reporting Tool at and in the California Accountability and Improvement System at