Watford House Residential Home LtdService Users GuideJan 2017

Watford House Residential Home.

Service Users Guide

Watford House Residential Home Ltd

263 Birmingham Road

Shenstone Wood End


WS14 0PD

Tel. 0121 3081342

Fax. 0121 3080429




Terms and conditions of admission

Contract Documents

Please Note that our latest inspection reportavailable on request, is displayed in the main entrance of the home and on our web site.

Our Mission statement

To provide the appropriate specialist residential and dementia care, and support for residents and their families in a homely Environment.

Watford House Residential Home

Overview Statement

Watford House Residential Home has been caring for the elderly since 1986

Watford House offers specialist residential dementia care in a homely environmentideally suited to its category.

At Watford House we believe that residents deserve as normal life as possible, it is our intention to ensure that all residents enjoy normallife experiences. Residents are free to walk either inside the building oroutside in our secure garden.

It is our fundamental ethos that those residents who live in thehome should be able to do so in accordance with our Statement ofPurpose.

( please read this- separate document)

Aims and objectives at Watford House.

Our Overall Aim: To provide all our residents with a homely,secure, relaxed and happy environment inwhich their care is provided.

Our Care Service is designed to achieve the following objectives: -

We need to:

Ensure that every person feels supported within the home

See past the condition of dementia and value the person

Form strong links with families and loved ones, to create anatmosphere of partnership and common purpose

Create a homely and relaxed environment

Promote a positive approach towards a person with dementiaand to value their skills and abilities.

Provide the appropriate quality care

Make Watford House feel like home

Ensure comfortable and dignified end of life for all people.

At Watford House we believe in the normalisation of life. We aim to providea lifestyle that is stimulating, comfortable and reflects the choice ofthe individual.

Regular outings and social activities are at theforefront of our care.

Philosophy of care

We believe that unnecessary restraint whetherchemical or physical, causes distress agitationand enhances feelings of hopelessness. Uponadmission to the home a full medicationreview will take place to ensure thatunnecessary medication is withdrawn. Weendeavour to minimise restraint of movementwithin the building but occasionally access tosome areas will be discouraged to minimiserisk of harm to residents.

Choice and Capacity

Choice for the people in the home is paramount. All individuals areassessed as to whether they have capacity in all areas.The promotion of choice and capacity are key principles at Watford House.

What is the mental Capacity Act?

It was developed to bring together and simplify existing law.

Puts the needs and wishes of a person who lacks capacity at

the centre of any decision making process.

Core Principles of the Mental Capacity Act

A person is assumed to have capacity. A lack of capacity has

to be clearly determined.

No one should be treated as unable to make a decision unless

all practicable (reasonable) steps to help them have beenexhausted and shown not to work.

A person can make an unwise decision. This does notnecessarily mean they lack capacity.

If it is determined that a person lacks capacity then anydecision taken on their behalf must be in their best interests.

Any decision taken on behalf of a person who lacks capacitymust take into account their rights and freedom of action. Anydecision should show that the least restrictive option or intervention is achieved.

Human Rights Act Influences

  • Article 2 Right to life
  • Article 3 Prohibition of inhuman or degrading treatment
  • Article 5 Right to liberty
  • Article 8 Right to respect for private and family life such asautonomy and self determination

What is lack of capacity?

An individual lacks capacity if they are unable to make aparticular decision

This inability must be caused by an impediment ordisturbance of the mind or brain whether temporary orpermanent.

Capacity can vary over time and type of decision.

The Management team

Our Registered Manager(acting)

–Mrs Gwendolyn Elizabeth Sheehy

Gwen has worked in the nursing and caring industry for 39 years, she holds the Registered Managers Award. Gwen originally trained as a nurse, then moved to Social Services. Gwen has managed care homes since 1982 and obtained Executive Director status in 2009. Gwen has a passion and commitment to the care of the elderly and is focused on person centred care to our residents


Carers will strive to preserve and maintain dignity at all times.

Carers will be appropriately qualified to deliver the higheststandards of care. A continuous staff training programme isimplemented to ensure that these standards are maintained in linewith the latest initiatives and developments in care practices as laiddown by appropriate legislation, and regulator guidelines.

This willbe monitored through a comprehensive policy of supervision, induction and training by the management team. All members ofthe team are encouraged to take part in the improvement processat Watford House therefore maximising the positive contribution that teammembers can bring.


At Watford House we believe that training and information are vitalcomponents in the running of the home and delivery of care. Allstaff take part in on site training through up to date DVD resources that explore the experiences of people

with dementia and learn skills which improve communication and the use of outside training contractors. Training is carried out in our detached activities building and training centre.

Most of our staff have competed or are studying for their NVQ2/3qualification in Health and Social Care.

Privacy and Dignity

We recognise the changes residents face when moving into a carehome.

To minimise the impact of those changes we will promote thephilosophy of a ‘home from home` environment. We will endeavourto retain as much privacy, dignity and freedom of choice as possibleby:

Helping people to personalise and furnish their rooms as theywish.

Providing a secure place for their valuables or supervise theirpossessions in the event of them being unable to themselves.

Giving residents the opportunity to have privacy whenreceiving visitors, making telephone calls, or opening andreceiving mail.

Ensuring that all team members understand the importance ofknocking at doors before entering any occupied room.

Making sure that residents receive personal care in their ownrooms wherever possible.

By enabling residents to rise in the mornings when they areready and not allowing time constraints to dominate individualwishes.

Respecting the confidentiality and security of resident recordsand information.

Treating each resident as an individual and a respectedmember of the family circle.

Assisting residents to maintain their dignity through theirpersonal appearance and behaviour.

Helping residents to overcome any shortcomings they mayexperience through age or disability.


We recognise the importance for all residents to retain theirindependence and the problems that group living can give. We willencourage residents to act and think as an individual by: -

Maximising the opportunities for residents to self care.

Helping residents to take reasonable and fully assessed risks.

Ensuring residents maintain links with society outside the home, enjoying shopping, walks, church services, and visits tocafes and pubs.

Helping residents gain access to outside agencies for care orsocial purposes.

Giving all residents the opportunity to contribute to therecords of their own care and express their own views on thecare through coffee mornings, keyworker contact and individual talks. Wherethis is not practical relatives are encouraged to join monthly coffee mornings and have their say.

Freedom of choice

We will recognise that every resident should have the opportunity tochoose a home, which will meet their needs and can offer the carethey require. They should be given the opportunity to exercise theirright of choice in all aspects of daily living. To facilitate that choice,we will;

Provide families with a questionnaire relating to theirperception of the quality of service being delivered.

Provide comprehensive information on the home and thequality of services and care available.

Provide each resident with a contract or a statement of termsof conditions of residency.

Facilities and services

Watford House residential Home is registered to provide accommodation without nursing care for 43 service users, the home currently provides care services for residential and dementia care.

There are currently 35 single and 4 double bedrooms with assistedbathrooms on every level.

Residents are only placed in doublerooms by agreement, which isusually for couples, company, medical grounds or purely onavailability. The shared rooms are often an excellent way of keepingeither family members or two goodfriends in close contact oralleviating the feeling of isolationthat many dementia sufferersexperience.

If it is felt that the safety of the resident permits, they are able tospend time in their rooms but more often than not they will seekout the company of other residents in the communal areas.

Picture signage on key areas is provided to assist with orientation.

There is ample communal space. The home has five lounges which cater for all preferences, TV, musicand a quiet area.

Three passenger lifts allow level access to all areas of the home.

Although a converted property there is good disabled accessthroughout out the home and on entry and exit.

The dining rooms and our dedicated activity and training centreare areas which when not in use are usedfor activities such as supervised arts and crafts, cooking, painting and many others


Watford House has the following rooms:

4 Shared Rooms Ensuite

34 Single Rooms Ensuite

1 Single Room

1 Commercial Kitchen

1 Staffroom

4 lounges

2 Dining Areas

1 Activity/Training Centre (incl. Residents Kitchen)

1 Seniors Office

1 Administration office

1 Archive room

1 Managers Office

1 Hairdressing salon

1 Medical room

5 Assisted Bathrooms

Watford House enjoys 2 acres of outside areas and a secured resident private garden to the front ofthe home which residents enjoy inwarmer weather. Garden partiesare arranged periodically andoften residents will enjoy tea onthe lawn.

More frequently the rear securegarden area is preferred, on thelevel and directly leading from the living space.

Residents are encouraged to pursuetheir hobbies and leisure interests in the home.

All residents enjoy the attention of the qualified hairdressers whovisits on a twice weekly basis. (charges not included in weekly care fee)

We have a chiropodist who visits every sixweeks.

(charges not included in weekly care fee)

Outings are organised throughout the year and booked in advance, these are indicated on notice boards throughout the home and included in the weekly fee. The residents raise money through the resident association/fund to contribute to more expensive outings and to pay for entry fees.


Watford House offers a wide range of activities provided by our own Activity team in our detached Activity Centre and within the care home. The team is supported by outside Activity contractors and entertainers.

Our Activity centre is available for use to family and friends please contact Gwen should you wish to organise a function- we only ask that you make a donation to the resident’s fund in exchange.

Planned Activities at Watford House include:

  • Cooking
  • Arts and Crafts
  • Internet resources and Games
  • Email/Internet
  • Full Skype Facilities
  • Public Access internet- (Password- watford2011)
  • Supervised shopping trips- by arrangement-(escort fee applies)
  • Excursions
  • Big Screen Sports days- i.e. Wimbledon
  • Painting
  • Gardening
  • National Trust trips (LINK Members)


  • Music and Dance
  • Piano and golden oldies
  • Dance hall Classics
  • Frantic Theatre Company
  • Singers
  • Animal therapy
  • Reminiscence work


Watford House has public Access Internet System throughout the home available to anyone with wireless devices the access code for the system is:

Password- watford2011

Watford House also offers internet access to all service users.

On admission to the home all residents are given their own personal email and have full use of the skype facilities so that with help from staff residents can contact family and friends globally.

Out internet system is strictly safeguarded against websites that are deemed unsuitable.


Three (3) well presented and nutritionally balanced meals are prepared daily on site by our trained catering staff. Alternative menus/meals are also prepared on request.

The catering staff are on call from 8am-5:30pm to prepare any food requested by residents.

A late supper of hot drinks and assorted snacksare also available before bedtime.

Fresh and locally sourced ingredients are used whenever possible and our qualified staff pay attention to the residents’ individual tastes and preferences.

Our Food is locally sourced as we believe in supporting local businesses whenever possible.

Menu Boards are prepared daily and alternatives are available on request.

Fruit and vegetables arelocally sourced weekly from Local Farms/suppliers.

Meat is also sourced locally Local Butchersand is ordered fresh once a week.

Meal Times:

Breakfast- 7:30am-10.00am

Lunch-12.30pm- 1.30pm

Tea-5.00pm- 6.00pm

Supper-10pm (Toast & Sandwiches on request)

Biscuits, Tea, Coffee and soft drinks are available throughout the day.


For the protection of all residents the exits from the home areelectronically secured, although linked to the fire alarm in the eventof emergency.


Due to the nature of the conditions that service users have, we are unable to be responsible for the loss of any jewellery that residents may bring into Watford House in their belongings or on their person. We strongly recommend that valuable jewellery is either removed by families or handed over to the manager for safe keeping in the company safe.

Spiritual needs

Watford House welcomes residents from all denominations. Eucharistic

Ministers will visit on request from residents or their families.

Service user rights

The rights of all our residents are the main priority in our philosophy

of care. We will promote, protect and encourage all service users toexercise their rights in full.

Smoke Free Policy

At Watford House, we operate a smoke free policy toprotect all our residents and their relatives, employees and allvisitors from exposure to second hand smoke and to assistcompliance with the Health Act 2006. A smoking shelter area is offered in the rear garden for residents who wish to smoke.


Watford House has an open house policy and visitors are welcome at any

time during the day, however we do ask that you try and avoid meal times.

Quality of Care

Questionnaires on the quality of care are sent out at least annually. These questionnaires/feedback forms are also available outside the manager’s office. We would encourage you to use and submit these as it helps us continually improve our service. Please note: You are not required to leave your name on the questionnaire.

We wish to include all interested parties and hold periodic socialevents throughout the year as well as monthly coffee mornings for friends,relatives, and residents.

Watford House can Provide Care for the following:

1. Immobility.

2. Diabetes.

3. Psychiatric diagnosis with dementia.

4. Incontinence.

5. A desire to wander

6. A combination of dementia and general health

7. Disinhibited behaviour

8. Parkinson’s

9. Alzheimer’s

Watford House cannot provide care those experiencing the following:

1. Service users age 55 and under

2. Challenging Behaviour

3. Violent Behaviour

4. Nursing Care


If as a Service User, Relative or Visitor, you feel that there is cause for complaint, you should first discuss the matter with the Person in Charge. If the matter is in your opinion, a serious one, or if you remain dissatisfied, you can record the complaint in the Complaints Register, available from the Person in Charge. A full investigation will be made into the complaint and you shall be contacted to acknowledge the complaint within 72 hours, and you will be advised of the results as soon as possible. Please feel free to make compliments when we do something special or comments that may be helpful to the smooth running of the home.

In the case of an investigation into a complaint we guarantee to reply to you within 28 days with our investigation and resolution results. In reality most complaints are dealt with within a matter of days.

If after this investigation, you are still not satisfied, or if you feel that the complaint is of a serious nature and you wish to speak to a registration officer first, then you should contact the Inspection Unit at CQC.

CQC, Care Quality Commission

National Customer Service Centre:



Newcastle upon Tyne,


Tel: 03000 616161

Fax: 03000616171


Complaint forms are available from the manager’s office as well as a book to record comments, compliments and complaints.

The office also keeps a log of minor concerns; this log is for any minor problems, for instance not being able to find a jumper etc. We are still available for a chat if you prefer to discuss problems informally.

We record these things and make note of our findings; this log is kept private to the offices of the home and is reviewed by us and the offices of the Care Quality Commission


In the unfortunate event of bereavement, the family can expect every possible support and consolation from staff.

Whereas funeral arrangements are usually made by the next of kin, the Home Staff can be relied upon to assist and explain what is required. Where there is no next of kin, the staff will attend to the necessary arrangements. In the case of a death the Service Users drugs need to be kept for seven days. On admission you will be asked to agree to this and give permission for us to dispose of the drugs after this period according to the required procedure.