JUNE 30, 2015
Scholarship and research at SCU is encouraged among faculty and recognized through the office of the Provost and Vice-President for Academic Affairs. Students are also encouraged to undertake research and present their findings/projects in the fall at the History and Christian Thought Forum or in the spring, at the Southern Nazarene University McNair Undergraduate Research Symposium.
Faculty research is encouraged as part of professional development and personal improvement. Annually during Commencement one member for the faculty is awarded with the Faculty Scholar Award. The description of that award is as follows:
The Faculty Scholar Award is given in recognition of outstanding scholarship and research resulting in the presentation, acceptance and publication of a body of work in a Peer-reviewed, juried, or referred journal. The body of work must be directly related to an academic discipline taught at Southwestern Christian University. This award is presented by the Office of The Provost to a member of the faculty whose primary function and role at the University is teaching.
Winners of Faculty Scholar Award since its introduction are
2011 Dr. Adrian Hinkle
2012 Dr. Adrian Hinkle
2013 Dr. Adrian Rus
2014 Dr. Adrian Rus
2015 Dr. Linda Breslin
Below are examples of research, publications and presentations undertaken by our faculty in the last several years:
History and History Education
Transnational migrations and the acculturation of Low German Mennonites – ongoing
Recipient of the E.E. Dale-Arell M. Gibson Memorial Scholarship in Western American History - University of Oklahoma for outstanding research and scholarship - April, 2015
Oklahoma Association of Professional Historians and Phi Alpha Theta Regional Conference at Oral Roberts University - "The Acculturation of Low German Mennonites on the Great Plains: 1874-1917."
"The Acculturation of Low German Mennonites in Oklahoma, Continuity and Change." The research for this included archival research at Bethel College in North Newton, Kansas, as well as oral history interviews in rural Western Oklahoma.
"Mennonites, Conscientious Objection, and Gender" – original Research - 2014
Collaborative research with the Western History Collection at the University of Oklahoma on theThe Chickasha Warrior: The W&B Flight School - 2015
"Mennonites and the First World War: Post Memory and its Effects on Mennonites in the Western United States", - 2015 Original Research
The accounting/taxation needs of micro small businesses and the available effective tools – 2015
Succession Preparedness in Nonprofit Arts Organizations Located Within a Mid-Western State - 2012
Theology & Missions and Graduate Program
Published Work
Hinkle, A. "IPHC Prayerfully Values Scripture." 7 Core Values. Franklin Springs, GA: LifeSprings, 2013.
_____. “Review of Dale Martin, ‘Pedagogy of the Bible: An Analysis and Proposal.’” Journal of Biblical and Pneumatological Research. Fall 2010, Vol. 2.
______. “Review of Paul Elbert, ‘Pastoral Letter to Theo: An Introduction to Interpretation and Women’s Ministries.’” Journal of the European Pentecostal Theological Association, 31 no 1 2011, p 114-117.
Papers Presented
Hinkle, Adrian. “Pedagogical Theory of the Hebrew Bible: An Application of Educational Theory to Biblical Texts.” Paper Presentation, Society for Pentecostal Studies, March 2015.
_____. “Led by the Spirit: A Perspective on Pentecostal Hermeneutics.” Paper Presentation, Society for Pentecostal Studies, March 2014.
_____. “Pedagogy of Deuteronomy.” Paper Presentation, Society for Pentecostal Studies, March 2013.
_____. “Academic Student Engagement.” Paper Presentation, Society of Biblical Literature, November 2012.
_____. “Sex from the Pulpit: A Declaration from Song of Solomon.” Paper Presentation, Society for Pentecostal Studies, February 2011.
_____. “The Engaged Classroom.” Paper Presentation, Christian Adult Higher Education Association, Oklahoma City, OK, July 29, 2010.
Pending Publications
Hinkle, A. Pedagogical Theory of the Hebrew Bible: An Application of Educational Theory to Biblical Texts. Accepted for publication with Wipf and Stock. Manuscript submitted August 2015.
_____. Pedagogical Theory of the Wisdom Literature: An Application of Educational Theory to Biblical Texts. Accepted for publication with Wipf and Stock. Manuscript due November 2016.
_____. Pedagogical Theory of Psalms: An Application of Educational Theory to Biblical Texts. Accepted for publication with Wipf and Stock. Manuscript due November 2018.
Creative Arts, Music
• White, for orchestra, 2014
• A Soldier’s Promise, for bass trombone and piano, 2014
• Leviathan, for six-part chamber choir, 2013
• Retroversion, dance collaboration, 2013
• Whispers of Hope, for middle school choir, 2013
• A Condition of Eternity, for wind ensemble, 2013
• The Unsustainable Concertino, for aluminum can, milk jug, and chamber ensemble
• Radio Scan, dance collaboration, 2012
• Into the Machine, for percussion ensemble, 2012
• Song of..., for baritone voice solo and piano accompaniment, 2011
• Paradigm Shift, for percussion ensemble, 2011
General Education – Math
Developing a Station Rotation Schedule for Vacation Bible School. Janice Ford, Ryan Hoffpauir, and Brad Paynter, University of Central Oklahoma, Oklahoma Research Day 2015, Tahlequah, Oklahoma
Research Methods – Graduate Program
Rus, A. V., Stativa, E., Butterfield, M. E., Pennings, J. S., Burcea, G., & Wenyika, R.
(2015). Prevalence and Predictors of Peer Exploitation in Romanian Institutionalized Children. Manuscript submitted to Psychology of Violence.
Stativa, E., Rus, A. V., Stanescu, A., Pennings, J. S., Parris, S. R., & Wenyika, R. (2015).
Prevalence and Predictors of Anaemia in Romanian Infants 6-23 Months Old. Manuscript submitted to the Journal of Public Health.
Society for Pentecostal Studies, Spring 2015, A Pentecostal Perspective of Faith/Learning
Integration: The Foundation of Spirit-Intellectualism and Spirit-Pedagogy. R. Wenyika
Butterfield, M. E., Rus, A. V., Stativa, E., Pennings, J. S., Burcea, G., Wenyika, R., &
Rookard, G. (April, 2014). Secrecy and adult legitimization predict bullying in Romanian institutionalized children. Poster presented at the 94th annual meeting of the Western Psychological Association, Portland, OR. DOI: 10.13140/2.1.1579.7765
Stativa, E., Rus, A. V., Suciu, N., Pennings, J. S., Butterfield, M. E., Wenyika, R., &
Webster, R. (2014). Characteristics and Prenatal Care Utilization of Romanian Pregnant Women. The European Journal of Contraception and Reproductive Health Care, 19(3):220-226. DOI: 10.3109/13625187.2014.907399 (2014 Impact Factor 1.394)
Developing a Survey Instrument for Assessing the Prevalence of Anti-intellectualism
Among Pentecostals: Poster Presentation, Southern Nazarene University Research Symposium Spring 2014. Derrick T. Smith1, Reggies Wenyika2
Recipient of First Prize in Category. 1Senior, Department of Theology & Missions, 2Provost & VPAA, Southwestern Christian University, OK, USA
Southwestern Christian University, History and Christian Thought Forum, Fall 2013
“Relating Social Darwinism and Social-Action Reluctance.” Wenyika, R.
Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association Annual Convention 2013
“Using MOOCs to Recruit.” Wenyika, R., Coon, K., and Moak, J.
Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association Annual Convention 2012
“Building Smart Partnerships for Online Programs on a Limited Budget.” Wenyika, R., and Chellis, J.
Christian Adult Higher Education Association (CAHEA) Conference, Summer 2010
“Maintaining Institutional Culture Integrity in Christian Adult Higher Education: An Integration of Faith, Learning and Living Imperative.” R. Wenyika
Southwestern Christian University, 2009
“Re-Examining Anti-Intellectualism And Pentecostalism: Implications For Spirit-Intellectualism” Wenyika, R.
Word & Spirit Press (2009)
Book Publication: “Engaging our World: Christian Worldview form the Ivory Tower to Global Impact: Selected Papers form the International Institute of Christian Studies Conference” Editors: Adrian, W., Roberts, M. & Wenyika, R.
Graduate Institute of Applied Linguistics, Dallas, Texas (Fall, 2008)
Paper Presentation: “Explorations of the Cultural Use of Scripture: Issues in Cross-Cultural Contexts” R.Wenyika
International Institute for Christian Studies, Kansas City, Kansas
Paper Presentation: “The Christian Worldview Conference with a Global Vision” Religion of the Heart: Expelled from the University. Adrian, W. & Wenyika, R. (Summer 2008)
Paper Presentation: “True Significance in the Academy: The Legacy of Christian Scholarship” The Socio-Cultural Use of Scripture: A Legacy of the Dynamic Relationship between the Bible Translation and the Academy. (Summer 2009) R. Wenyika
Thesis or Dissertation Supervision and Guidance
Ford, E. Michael, Sr. (2014). Increasing Awareness of the Need To Reach Members of The Nation of Islam in an Urban African American Church. Michael E. Ford, Sr. March 17, 2014 Doctor of Ministry Dissertation, Oral Roberts University, Tulsa, Oklahoma – R. Wenyika guide
Peoples, W. Eric, (2011) Building Long-Term Missionaries from Short-Term Experiences. Master of Ministry, Southwestern Christian University, Bethany, Oklahoma – R. Wenyika supervisor
Hurdman, Michael (2011) Pastor’s Reboot Camp: Offering Help to Those Wounded in Ministry. Master of Ministry, Southwestern Christian University, Bethany, Oklahoma – R. Wenyika supervisor
Scholarly/Creative Productivity
1995 - 2015 - 91 presentations made at the state, regional, national, and international levels
Sampling of presentations/papers
Owens-DeLong, D. (2014, October) Leadership and Organizational Structures. Southern Regional Council for Educational Administrators, Atlanta, GA
Owens-DeLong, D (2013, June) iOS Mobile Story Chasing Workshop. ISTE Conference, San Antonio, TX
Owens-DeLong, D. (2013, October) Capturing Yesterday through Digital Stories. Oklahoma Encyclomedia. Oklahoma City, OK
Owens-DeLong, D. (2012, March) Assessment for Improvement. Southern Regional Council for Educational Administrators, New Orleans, LA
Owens-DeLong, D. (2011, February). Teacher Education Alignment to Multiple Standards. Portfolio Users Conference, Lafayette, LA
Behavioral Sciences
Faculty Scholar of the Year – Southwester Christian University (May 10, 2014). In recognition of outstanding scholarship, research, presentation, peer-reviewed publication and contributing to a teaching discipline.
Faculty Scholar of the Year – Southwester Christian University (April 25, 2013). In recognition of outstanding scholarship, research, presentation, peer-reviewed publication and contributing to a teaching discipline.
Publications/Articles Submitted
Rus, A. V., Stativa, E., Butterfield, M. E., Pennings, J. S., Burcea, G., Wenyika, R. (2015). Prevalence and Predictors of Peer Exploitation in Romanian Institutionalized Children. Manuscript submitted to Psychology of Violence.
Stativa, E., Rus, A. V., Stanescu, A., Pennings, J. S., Parris, S. R., Wenyika, R. (2015). Prevalence and Predictors of Anaemia in Romanian Infants 6-23 Months Old. Manuscript submitted to the Journal of Public Health.
Published Articles
Cliff, S., Rus, A. V., Butterfield, M., & Parris, S. R. (In press). Effects of Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy on Romanian foster parents’ psychological functioning and their perceived parenting.Review of Research and Social Intervention. (2014 Impact Factor 0.798)
Rus, A. V., Ito-Jäger, S., Parris, S. R., Cross, D., Purvis, K., & Drăghici, S. (2014).
Behavioural and Emotional Profiles of Romanian Foster Children: A Brief Report.
Child Abuse Review, 23(5):342-352.DOI: 10.1002/car.2248 (2014 ImpactFactor 0.841)
Stativa, E., Rus, A. V., Suciu, N., Pennings, J. S., Butterfield, M. E., Wenyika, R.,
Webster, R. (2014).Characteristics and Prenatal Care Utilization of Romanian Pregnant Women. The European Journal of Contraception and Reproductive Health Care, 19(3):220-226. DOI: 10.3109/13625187.2014.907399 (2014 Impact Factor 1.394)
Rus, A. V., Butterfield, M. E., Cross, D. R., Purvis, K. S., Parris, S. R., & Cliff, S. (2014). Early Care Experiences and Later Functioning of Romanian Foster Children. Review of Research and Social Intervention, 44, 20-43. (2014 Impact Factor
Rus, A. V., Stativa, E., Pennings, J. S., Cross, D. R., Ekas, N., Purvis, K., & Parris, S. R., (2013). Severe Punishment of Children by Staff in Romanian Placement Centers for School-Aged Children: Effects of Child and Institutional Characteristics. Child Abuse and Neglect, 37(12), 1152-1162. (2014 Impact Factor 2.462)
Rus, A. V., & Parris, S. R. (2013). Relationship between neurotransmitters, behavior, and maltreatment: A review. Journal of Romanian Child and Adolescent Neurology and Psychiatry, 16(2), 7-22.
Rus, A. V. (2012). Child abuse in residential care institutions in Romania. (Doctoral Dissertation). Retrieved from Texas Christian University Digital Repository, Allowed=y
Tomuletiu, E. A., Rus, A. V. (2012). Organizational revitalization through continuous training - European funded project. In Resursa Umana in Turism – Implicatii in Devoltarea Durabila: Conferinta Internationala [Human Resource in Tourism - Implications for Sustainable Development: International Symposium Proceedings], June 5-6, 2011. Cluj-Napoca, Romania: Editura NapocaStar. DOI:
Articles in Final Stages of Preparation
Rus, A. V., Tomuletiu, E. A., Pennings, J. S., & Parris, S. R. (In preparation). Comparisons of Problems Reported by Parents and Teachers in Romania. Anticipated submission to Review of Research and Social Intervention, January 2016.
Stativa, E., Rus, A. V., Stanescu, A., Pennings, J. S., Parris, S. R. (In preparation). Hemoglobin Concentration in Romanian 6-24 Months Old Infants: Impact of Child Nutrition and Prophylactic Iron Consumption. Anticipated submission to Bulletin of World Health Organization, January 2016.
Other Articles in Preparation
Rus, A. V., Stativa, Pennings, J. S., Burcea, G., Parris, S. R. (In preparation). Sexual
abuse in Romanian Institutionalized Children. Anticipated submission to Sexual Abuse, December 2016.
Rus, A. V., Stativa, E., Pennings, J. S., Burcea, G., & Parris, S. R. (In preparation). The Effect of Neglect and Abuse on Self-Reported Educational Performance of Romanian Institutionalized Children. Anticipated submission to Child Development, December 2017.
Rus, A. V., Stativa, E., Pennings, J. S., & Parris, S. R. (In preparation). Physical Growth and the Caregiving Environment in Romanian Institutionalized Children. Anticipated submission to Child Development, December 2017.
Rus, A. V., Stativa, E., Pennings, J. S., & Parris, S. R. (In preparation). The Relationship between the Physical Growth, Neglect and Abuse of Romanian Institutionalized Children. Anticipated submission to Child Development, December 2017.
Rus, A. V., & Parris, S. R., Stativa, E. (Eds.) (in preparation). Child Abuse and Neglect in Residential Institutions: History, Research, and Current Implications. Anticipated submission to Guilford Press, New York, Spring 2016.