83rd CSSC Target Rifle Championships
Bisley, 8th October 2016
For this year’s meeting we returned to our previous base at the Army Rifle Association clubhouse. Barry Linton, Treasurer of Bullet Lodge Rifle Club, kindly acted as Range Officer all day and Nigel Thomas looked after ‘Stats’, whilst Eric Stuart-Bamford looked after the ammunition (GGG 155 grain ‘Imperial’). Although belaboured with a nasty cold and unable to shoot Dick Roalf made a valiant effort to turn up early with the medals, glassware and funds for the targets and markers, chauffeured from Kent by his wife.
At this time of the year there is always concern that early morning mist could delay shooting, but although overcast with a brief spell of light drizzle in the afternoon conditions were good, with light but significant wind. Shooting proceeded ahead of schedule, helped by our excellent team of four privately hired markers.
On the short ranges there was concern that we might run out of HPS crosses! At 300 yards there were 7, 5 at 500, and 4 at 600. In fact the first 4 places for the HopkinsTankard (300 and 500 yd aggregate) all went to scores of 100, the winner being Al Haley (FCO) with 100.15. Colin Brook (HMRC) won the Corliss Cup (500 and 600 yd aggregate) with the only score of 100, and the Goodman Plaque for the short range aggregate with a splendid score of 150.19, earning him a rare silver cross for three HPS scores. Bronze HPS crosses were awarded to Howard Gray, Rob Lygoe, John Taylor, Ian Davison, Al Haley, and Roger Mundy. The non-members glass goblet went to a newcomer, Nicholas Kerins (Guernsey RC) with 147.21 and the NRA Bronze Medal to Colin Brook.
At 900 yards in the afternoon there were no HPS scores. It looked as if there would be one at 1,000 but for an unfortunate shot squeezed off early, hitting the mantlet! Highest score at that distance was therefore obtained by Howard Grey (Linked Member) with 72.9, winning the ROF Trophy. Combined with 74.8 at 900 this gave him the Captain’s Cup for the Long Range aggregate with 146.17. Tim Bedwell (Stock Exchange RC) won the non-members goblet with 145.15.
The Duke of Connaught Cup, the Allcomer’s Tankard, and the Veteran’s Medal for the Overall Championship went to Howard Gray with 294.38, just ahead of Al Haley with 293.39 and John Taylor with 293.35. Tim Bedwell won the non-members goblet with 292.31.
Only two teams could be assembled for the Interdepartmental Victory Challenge Shield, the winners (as last year) being ‘Communications’ (A.Haley, R.Lygoe, J.Taylor) with a very strong 445.59, ahead of MoD (I.Davison, E.Stuart-Bamford, P.Waldron) with 436.46 in the Short Range Aggregate.
With no CSSC Small bore Championships again in 2016 the magnificent Privett Cup was awarded for the highest combined score from the .22” Spring Postal Competition and this meeting, attracting three entries. With a score of 588 points out of 600 Howard Gray equalled last year’s winner, Rob Lygoe but had the edge with 38 V bulls compared to 32.
Team captain Ian Davison kindly presented the prizes in the bar lounge of the ARA clubhouse. As well as those already mentioned, thanks should also be given to CSSC TSA Secretary Roger North for producing and engraving the medals. Appreciation isalso due to the CSSC for sponsoring the Championships and The Army Rifle Association for providing the venue.
Targets and markers will now be booked for the 2017 Championships, scheduled for Saturday 14th October so make a note in your diaries. We do urge members however to recruit their friends, now that CSSC membership is open to them. They will then have the opportunity to take part in team matches, and enjoy a good day’s shooting at a very reasonable cost!