Melrose Bandaiders, Inc.
Board Meeting
November 9, 2011
10 Corey Street, 2nd Floor Conference Room
Melrose, MA
In attendance: Margaret Nuytkens, Sandy Shinkwin, Karen Konicek, Annette Whittier, Caroline O’Brien, Bill Corvene, Nancy Ingram, Mike Buckley, Taylor Rubbins
Meeting Came to Order at 7:10 pm
Routine Business
Secretary’s Report – October minutes accepted
Corresponding Secretary – K. Konicek will put together email announcements the week before Thanksgiving as she will be out of town during this time. We received a lovely letter from Laura and Rick Fitzpatrick complimenting how wonderful our band is this year. Margaret N. read the letter.
Treasurer’s Report - a request was made by the treasurer to award a former band member who is now a sophomore in college her unclaimed scholarship money. A vote was taken and the request was approved. Cruise trip statements will go home soon. We need to pay the travel company.
Publicity Report – no report
Band Director’s Report – POPS date is May 25th. Discussion on winter guard budget. Expense budget will be higher for winter guard this year. 7 shows, 20 students, approximately $115 a piece for winter guard uniforms. Boarding passes are needed for all 74 people going on band trip. Annette Whittier volunteered to help Mr. Buckley with this. Band director requested that the 6 official chaperones (3 couples) be given a reimbursement break on the cost of their trip. We approved a break of $269 a person. An email will be sent home to parents requesting they send in $300 per student by November 16th for the band trip.
Uniform Committee – Students should drop off their uniforms at the dry cleaners (Boston Tailored on Tremont St.) soon after the Thanksgiving game.
Current/Future Business
Raffles and Seat Cushions – Raffle tickets and seat cushions will be sold at Thanksgiving Day Game near entrance. Joe P. reported that it is more difficult to reach people who want to buy raffle tickets because of the set up of the bleachers.
Poinsettias – We will donate 5 poinsettias to Most Blessed Sacrament Church for their generosity and kindness in the use of their space for the marching band pizza banquet .
Winter Guard – Concessions will stay open until last group performs.
Consent Forms for Publicity Pictures – A form will be sent home to band parents to sign for consent to have their child(ren)’s pictures and names printed in media releases. We are frustrated with the inability to announce band accomplishments in the newspaper because of the uncertainty of which students are allowed to have their pictures and/or names printed.
Anything Goes
Need ice packs for Winter Guard competitions
Lesson scholarships –Band will reimburse up to $200 to any student taking lessons on their band instrument. After student has paid instructor $200, have private instructor notate such and student can submit this proof to bandaider treasurer Bill Corvene for reimbursement.
Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:20 pm