Unit 3: Plate Tectonics: Test Review

Continental Drift

1.  What is the large landmass when continents were joined together? Pangea

2. What is the hypothesis of continental drift? Continents drifted to their current location after Pangea.

3. Who proposed the hypothesis of continental drift? Wegener

4. What are the three evidence clues for continental drift?

- Climate Clues

- Rock Clues

- Fossil Clues

5. What was the Glossopteris? A fern-like plant which only grows in warm climates. Found in Antarctica.

6. Where was it found? Antarctica, South America, India, Africa and Australia.

7. How did it prove the existence of Pangaea? The continents which are now in cooler climates, could not have supported the growth of Glossopteris proving the continents must have been in a warmer climate at one time.

Plate Tectonics

8. In which layer of the Earth is magma formed? Mantle/Asthenosphere

9. Which layer provides the heat? Core

10.  What do we call the large sections of the Earth’s crust? Plates

11.  What are convection currents? A cycle of heating, rising, cooling, and sinking which is thought to be the force behind plate tectonics.

12.  Is hot water more or less dense than cold water? Less dense

13.  What causes magma to rise to the surface? Heat and density.

14.  What causes Earth’s plates to move? Convection Currents

15.  What could cause the plates to stop moving? No heat source/Outer core became solid

16.  What are the three types of plate boundaries? Transform, Convergent, and divergent

17.  What Geologic activities occur at each type of boundary?

Transform: Earthquakes

Convergent: Earthquakes, Mountains, Volcanoes, Subduction Zone/Trench

Divergent: Ridges/ Mountains, Volcanoes, Rift Valleys and Seas, Earthquakes

18.  What is the “zone” where continental and oceanic crust meet and the oceanic crust sinks below the continental crust?

Subduction Zone

19.  What type of plate boundary causes this “zone”? convergent

20.  What type of boundary is the Mid-Atlantic Ridge an example? Divergent

21.  Which two plates are to the left of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge? North American and South American

22.  Which two plates are to the right of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge? African and Eurasian

23.  What type of boundary is the San Andreas Fault? Transform

24.  What occurs at the San Andreas Fault? (Earthquakes, Mountains and/or volcanoes)? Earthquakes

25. What type of plate boundary is found at the location of the Himalayan Mountains? Convergent

26. What occurs at the Himalayan Mountains? (Earthquakes, Mountains and/or volcanoes) Mountains, Earthquakes

Sea Floor Spreading

27. Who came up with the theory of Sea Floor Spreading? Hess

28. What happens during this process? Hot, less dense material rises to the surface and cools to form a ridge/ mountains.

29. What type of boundary does it occur along? Why? Divergent, because it is spreading.

30. Is new crust created, destroyed or neither? Created

31. What happens when continental crust meets continental crust? Mountains