The Institute for Nuclear Materials Management presents the
33rdSpent Fuel Management Seminar
In Partnership with the U.S. Nuclear Infrastructure Council
January 23 -25, 2018
Hilton Alexandria Old Town
1767 King Street,Alexandria, VA 22314USA
Agenda as of January 11, 2018
Tuesday, January 23, 2018
0800 - 0930Registration
0930 - 0935Spent Fuel XXXIII Opening
Jeff England,Packaging, Transportation, and Disposition Division Chair,
Institute for Nuclear Materials Management
0935 - 0940Welcoming Remarks, David Blee
U.S. Nuclear Infrastructure Council
0940 - 0945Welcoming Remarks, Corey Hinderstein, President,
Institute for Nuclear Materials Management
0945 - 1030U.S. Nuclear Energy and its Future, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Raymond Furstenau, Associate Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Energy
1030 - 1115Scott Moore, Deputy Director, Office of Nuclear Materials Safety and Safeguards, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), (Invited)
1245 - 1330Overview of Spent Fuel Management Programs, Nigel Mote, Executive Director, U.S. Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board
1330 - 1450Global Spent Fuel Management Initiatives, Chair, Robert Watkins, Savannah River National Laboratory
- Spent Fuel Storage Overview, Carlyn Greene, UXC
- The Swedish Spent Nuclear Fuel Management Programme, Anders Sjöland, SKB
- Spent Fuel Management in China, KP Lau, Fraser Energy Consulting, LLC
- Spent Fuel Management and Research Activities in Korea, Woo-Seok Choi, Korean Atomic Energy Research Institute
1450 - 1520Break
1520 - 1600Spent Fuel Political Landscape, Chair, David Blee, U.S. NIC
- Steve Nesbit, Duke Energy
- Eric Knox, AECOM
- Katrina McMurrian, Executive Director, Nuclear Waste Strategy Coalition
1600-1745Impact of Spent Fuel Transport from Utility Storage to Interim Storage to Repository, Chair, Joanne Lorence, DOE-EM4.24
- Stefan Anton, Holtec
- Jack Boshoven, Transnuclear
- Darrell Dunn, DSFM/NRC
- Jeff England, NAC International
- The Role of the Fuel vs the Role of the Canister, Brett Carlsen, INL
1800-200033rdSpent Fuel Seminar Reception
Wednesday, January 24, 2018
0745 - 0830Registration
0830 - 0835Opening Remarks,Bradley Loftin, Savannah River National Laboratory
0835 - 0905NRC Division of Spent Fuel Management, Tony Hsia
0905 - 0935Utilizing Advanced Nuclear Technology to Close the Fuel Cycle, Edward Pheil, CTO and Co-Founder of Elysium Industries
0935 - 0945Break
0945 – 1130Spent Fuel Transportation and Aging Management, Chair, John Kessler, Kessler Associates
- Management and Disposal of US DOE Spent Nuclear Fuel, Brett Leslie, NWTRB
- Monitoring and Aging Management of Spent Fuel, Jeremy Renshaw, EPRI
- Managing Aging Processes in Storage (MAPS) Report, John Wise, NRC
- License Renewal Implementation, Curt Lindner, ENERCON, (Invited)
- Spent Fuel Canister Transportation, Robert Quinn
1130- 1300Lunch
1300 - 1500Spent Fuel Management Technology and Projects,
Chair, Rod McCullum, Nuclear Energy Institute
- Spent Fuel Manufacturing and Technology in Japan, Ryoji Asano, Hitachi Zosen
- Spent Fuel Management, Ricardo Torres, NRC
- Spent Fuel Management at NAC, Juan Subiry, NAC International
- Spent Fuel Management in Japan, Masumi Wataru, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry
- Areva Spent Fuel Activities, Catherine Shelton, Areva
- Spent Fuel Management at Holtec, (Invited)
1500 - 1530Break
1530 - 1650U.S. Department of Energy Used Fuel Campaigns,
Chair, William Boyle, DOE NE, Used Fuel Disposition
- DOE Owned Spent Fuel, Hitesh Nigam, DOE-EM
- Spent Fuel Railcar Project, Patrick Schwab, DOE-NE
- ENSA Cask Transportation Vibration Test,Sylvia Saltzstein, SNL
- High Burn Up Cask Demonstration, Keith Waldrop, EPRI
Thursday, January25, 2018
0730 - 0815Registration
0815 - 0820Opening Remarks, Jeff England
Packaging, Transportation, and Disposition Division Chair, INMM
0820 - 0900International Spent Fuel Management Activities at WNTI, John Mulkern
0900 - 1000Spent Fuel and Impacts on Decommissioning, Chair, David Blee
- Frederick Bailey, Vice President, AREVA NM
- Eric Knox, Vice President, AECOM
- Adam Levin, Principal, AHL Associates, (Invited)
1000 -1015Break
1015 - 1155Private Sector Initiatives on the Backend of the Fuel Cycle,
Chair, Gary Lanthrum, NAC International
- WCS, Rod Baltzer, CEO WCS
- Holtec Activities, Ed Mayer, Program Director of Holtec International’s Krishna P. Singh Technology Campus & HI-STORE
- Funding CISF Under Existing Law, Michael McBride, Van Ness Feldman LLP
- Cost Considerations for CISF Funding Under Existing Law, Gary Lanthrum, NAC
1155 - 1200Closing Remarks, Bradley Loftin, INMM Spent Fuel Seminar Chair,
Savannah River National Laboratory