Issue 8, 22nd March 2011 Week 8 Term 1, 2011

Dear Parents and Students,

“What are the qualities that make effective learners?”

A fairly open-ended question...... with so much scope for interpretation. Think about these qualities as significant areas.

Passionate – enjoys learning; perseveres to achieve goals; celebrates the success of self and others; cares for equipment and environment; actively participates in the learning process.

Creative – thinks or behaves imaginatively; takes risks; uses original responses and ideas; explores alternatives; uses and transfers previous knowledge.

Collaborative – listens to, and considers, the ideas of others; displays co-operation; communicates with others; accepts differences; resolves disputes peacefully.

Compassionate – displays empathy and respect; speaks and behaves courteously; displays stillness, quite and wonder; generous with time, skills and knowledge.

Reflective – asks questions; takes personal responsibility; looks at things from different points of view; self evaluates; can work independently.

Sometimes we need to gently coax our children along the way and at other times we need to really give them a nudge so that they can fly.

The Push

Robert Ruggeri


Video Clips

There have been some technical hitches with producing the latest Multimedia Clips. The National Ride2School, ASISSA Swimming and Year 3/4 Assembly will be ready for viewing next week.

Parents and Friends AGM

The AGM is on this Wednesday 23rd March at 7:30pm in the Board Room. Please come along and join in the activities.

Canteen Convenor

The position of Canteen convenor will be vacant after the AGM. Anyone who is interested in the position, could you please drop a note in the P&F box. A detailed role description is available on the IBS website.

Class Parent Representatives

Thank you to all the parents who have nominated to be class reps for this year. It is with great pleasure we announce the following people who will be representing their children’s class in 2011 -

Preps - Cate Vardanega (Stella's Mum), Maria Rossi (Yule) (Mia's Mum) and Kylie Mitchell (Lyla's Mum)

Kindergarten - Ali Marcotte (Gavin's Mum)

Year 2 - Rita Di Napoli (Massimo's Mum) and Danielle Mc Master (Zac's Mum)

Year 3 - Paola Prinetti (Chiara's Mum)

Year 4 - Sharon and Richard Natoli (Isaac's parents). As you can see there are still vancancies for Year 1 and Year 5/6. So if any parent wishes to nominate for these classes just ask Rina for a nomination form and hand it to her when completed.

ANZAC Day Service

Year 5/6 will be representing IBS at the RSL and Schools Remember ANZAC Commemoration Service at Hyde Park South from 11:30AM - 12:30PM on Wednesday 6th April accompanied by Mrs Cabarrus.

Assemblies for Term One Lunch at Pioneer Park

Friday 1st April – Year 1 Monday 4th April

Kindergarten will have their first assembly in Term Two.

Mensa this Thursday Gnocchi Napoletanna $4

Fresh homemade Ricotta Gnocchi with a Napoletana sauce

Link to School Calendar

Diary Dates: Notes Sent Home

22nd Mar CIS Swimming Carnival 21st March–Mothers Day note

23rd March Inaugural IBSEAC Meeting 6:00pm

23rd March Parents and Friends AGM 7:30pm

8th April Last Day of Term One