Collection ManagementINFO 665Instructor Thomas Karel

Ewell Sale Stewart Library and Archives

The Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Collection Development Preparation Document

Regarding Materials on the Prehistoric Arctic

To complement the new discoveries by Academy member Ted Daeschler

Part Three: Selection of Resources

I certify that:

  • This paper/project/exam is entirely my own work.
  • I have not quoted the words of any other person from a printed source or a website without indicating what has been quoted and providing an appropriate citation.
  • I have not submitted this paper/project to satisfy the requirements of any other course.

Signature: Robin Roggio

Date: Sunday, November 6, 2011


The Ewell Sale Stewart Library and Archivesis housed in The Academy of Natural Sciences Museum.The Library was createdto advance the Academy members’ research and accomplish its mission of scientific exploration and discovery (“Academy of Natural Sciences,” 2011). It serves the Academy’s staff, scientists, and members as well as external researchers and scientifically minded individuals of the international public.

Dr. Ted Daeschler, Vice President for Systematics and Curator of Vertebrate Paleontology at the Academy of Natural Sciences, has made important discoveries in the field of Paleontology (“Vertebrate Paleontology,” 2011). This selection of resources will complement his research on the Prehistoric Arctic. Scientists the world over would benefit from this collection. The user community would be the library’s clientele with specific groups such as researchers in the fields of Biology, Geology, Archeology, and Paleontology. According to The Paleontological Society website, members with an interest in the subject of Paleontology include “professional paleontologists, academicians, explorationists, science editors, earth-science teachers, museum specialists, land managers, students, amateurs, and hobbyists.”

The following criteria are felt to be applicable to the collection development of a Prehistoric Arctic Collection: potential use, relation to the collection (relevancy), authority, currency, scope and accuracy (“Selection of Library Resources,” 2011). The selection tools consulted were: Choice,Books in Print, WorldCat, Science, H-Net Reviews, Abebooks,Alibris,and Book Review Index. Google Scholar and databases such as GeoRef, GeoBase, and ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, among others,were also consulted.


Collection ManagementINFO 665Instructor Thomas Karel

Bibliographic &
ordering information / Format / Description / Selectioncriteriaused / Selectionaids used / Narrative justification / Price
#1Halffman, C. (2009). Bone as a biomarker of mercury exposure in prehistoric Arctic human populations: Initial method validation using animal models. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Alaska Fairbanks. Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses. (AAT 3374745).
/ Dissertation; monograph. / This dissertation discusses the analysis of fossilized Prehistoric Arctic human bones for mercury content from a diet of preindustrial marine mammals. / Relation to collection; currency; accuracy; potential use. / ProQuest Dissertations and Theses; WorldCat; AbeBooks. / The relevancy and currency match selection criteria and the potential for use of this material is high as it can be used as a basis of comparison of mercury content in present day diets. / $75.00
#2Meggers, B. J. (2010). Prehistoric America: An ecological perspective (3rd ed). New Brunswick, NJ: AldineTransaction. ISBN:0202363368. / Book; monograph. / This book looks at Prehistoric culture in relation to paleoclimate conditions. / Authority; potential use; relevancy; currency. / WorldCat; Alibris; Books in Print. / This expanded edition is current and relevant to the collection. Its high potential for use can be attributed to current interest in global warming and environmental impacts of man. / $29.95
#3 Anderson, D. D., Anderson, D. D., Anderson, D. D., Anderson, D. D., Dumond, D. E., Hamilton, T. D., Larsen, H. Human Relations Area Files, inc. (2010). Paleo-Arctic: ND60. New Haven, Conn: Human Relations Area Files. OCLC: 759117384. / Internet resource; computer file. / This is a collection of documents covering topics of geology and archeology of the Prehistoric Paleo-Arctic. / Authority; relevancy; currency; accuracy; potential use. / WorldCat; Yale University Library Catalog. / The currency of this material is key as it is a continually updated resource. The accuracy is assured because it is a Yale University publication. / Free trial:Email or call 203-764-9401.
#4 Senckenbergische Naturforschende Gesellschaft. (2009). Palaeobiodiversity and palaeoenvironments. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer-Verlag.ISSN: 1867-1594 / Serial publication; print and electronic. / This journal covers the topics of fossil remains in varied paleoenvironments including many articles in the Arctic. / Scope; relevancy; authority. / WorldCat; Springer. / Springer is a well-known publisher of scholarly academic materials. The scope of this journal spans the subject of the Prehistoric Arctic and fits the collection well. / $1200.00
#5Mow, J., Schmidt, C., Berry, R., Enoki, C., Sanders, J. O., Zerkalo, Inc., Big Island Pictures (Firm), WGBH (Television station : Boston, Mass.). (2009). Arctic dinosaurs. Boston: WGBH. ISBN:1593758669. / Visual material; DVD. / This DVD uses CGI to learn about fossil excavations of dinosaurs in the arctic. / Scope; authority; currency; potential use. / Books in Print; Alibris; WorldCat. / This fits nicely with the other juvenile materials on similar subjects. The potential of use is great for this type of material and WGBH/NOVA is a reputable producer of media. / $24.95
#6Renouf, M. A. P. (2011). Cultural landscapes of Port au Choix: Precontact hunter-gatherers of Northwestern Newfoundland. New York: Springer. ISBN:1441983236. / E-book; monograph. / This book looks at the Paleo-culture of the Arctic area covering subjects of geology, ecology, and anthropology. / Scope; currency; authority. / AbeBooks; WorldCat / The scope of this book spans several areas of study in the prehistoric arctic. It is a 2011 Springer publication which makes it both current and accurate. / $200.00
#7 International Council for Archaeozoology., & Maltby, M. (2006). Integrating zooarchaeology: Proceedings of the 9th Conference of the International Council of Archaeozoology, Durham, August 2002. Oxford: Oxbow Books. ISBN:1842171232. / Conference publication; transactions; proceedings. / The transactions from this conference include a report on the archaeofaunas of the arctic. / Scope; relevancy. / Alibris; AbeBooks; WorldCat. / Only one of the articles in this proceedings is directly about the prehistoric arctic, but the rest of the material fits into the collection development scope of the library. / $101.17
#8 Houghton, S. (2011) Expedition Week: Death of a Sea Monster. National Geographic.[Washington, D.C] : Fox Cable Networks Services. ASIN: B0058EAT9U. / Visual material; DVD. / Fossils from Jurassic marine animals are uncovered on an expedition to the Arctic. / Currency; accuracy; scope; relevancy; authority. / IMDB; National Geographic; Amazon. / This recently released DVD fits perfectly into the library. National Geographic’s authority and accuracy are trusted. / $19.95
#9Michels, J., & American Association for the Advancement of Science. (1880). Science. New York, N.Y. ISSN: 0036-8075. / Serial publication; electronic. / A preliminary search returned over 10,000 articles covering prehistoric arctic topics since 2006. / Currency; accuracy; scope; relevancy; authority. / WorldCat; Science. / This journal has thousands of articles covering the scope and relevancy desired. The currency, authority, and accuracy are filled by this well respected scholarly publisher. The library has online access until 2003 and hardcopy to present, we are adding online access 2006 to present. / $1800/yr
#10Quaternary science reviews. (1982). Oxford: Pergamon Press. ISSN: 0277-3791. / Serial publication; print. / This journal contains 1000s of relative articles covering the topic of the prehistoric Arctic. / Currency; authority; scope; relevancy. / GeoRef; WorldCat; ScienceDirect. / Oxford is a well-known reputable publisher. This journal fits into the scope of the library collection. / $2677.00


Collection ManagementINFO 665Instructor Thomas Karel


The process for selecting retrospective materials covering the Prehistoric Arctic is similar to the overall selection process. The subject area covers a wide geologic time frame therefore retrospective materials carry much the same importance as recent materials. Searches were performed in a number of the selection aids including WorldCat, GeoRef, AbeBooks, Alibris, Books in Print, and others. Materials were selected based on the relevance of the subject matter in relation to the Prehistoric Arctic. The online catalog of Ewell Sale Stewart Library and Archives was also checked to ascertain whether these materials were already in the collection.

Materials, such as dissertations, were also chosen based on the lack of other libraries having these items to loan. The thesis is only owned by a handful of other libraries and would therefore be a harder item to borrow through Interlibrary Loan and was subsequently added to the collection.

A variety of formats were chosen to add to the diversity of the collection. The formats include several monographs, including the previously mentioned dissertation, as well as a free online internet resource through the Canadian Museum of Civilization, and the serial Arctic Anthropology. The internet resource was chosen because it not only provides links to several informative pages, but also includes a mini-literature review which includes a number of further readings that could be of interest to a patron.


Collection ManagementINFO 665Instructor Thomas Karel

Bibliographic &
ordering information / Format / Description / Selection criteria used / Selection aids used / Narrative justification / Price
#1Gamble, C., & Porr, M. (2005). The hominid individual in context: Archaeological investigations of Lower and Middle Palaeolithic landscapes, locales and artefacts. London: Routledge. ISBN:0415284325. / Book; monograph. / Paleolithic studies in a variety of locations including the Prehistoric Arctic. / Authority; relevancy; authority. / Books in Print; WorldCat. / This book, published by Routledge, a well-respected publisher of scholarly materials covers relevant materials that fit nicely into the collection. / $145.00
#2Darwent, Christyann Marie (2001). High Arctic Paleoeskimo fauna: Temporal changes and regional differences. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Missouri - Columbia. (AAT 3036819). / Dissertation; monograph. / This thesis uses prehistoric animal fossils from the Arctic to study climate change. / Relevancy; scope. / WorldCat; ProQuest Dissertations & Theses / Darwent’s thesis covers material that is relevant to the collection and includes the subject at hand. It fits well into the scope of the collection. / $75.00
#3Peregrine, P. N., Ember, M., & Human Relations Area Files, inc. (2001). Encyclopedia of prehistory: volume 2: Arctic and Subarctic. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers. ISBN:0306462575. / Book; monograph series. / This book covers the prehistoric archeology of the Arctic and Subarctic. / Scope; accuracy; authority. / Books in Print; WorldCat. / Kluwer is a known publisher of academic materials. The topic of this book fits perfectly into the scope of the collection. / $265.00
#4Canadian Museum of Civilization. (1997). Life and art of an ancient Arctic people. Gatineau, Quebec.( ca/cmc/exhibitions/archeo/
paleoesq/peexheng.shtml) / Internet resource. / This site links to a number of pages covering the prehistoric Arctic. It includes a list of further readings. / Scope; relevancy. / WorldCat; Canadian Museum of Civilization. / This site is a nice collection of web pages organized by the Canadian Museum of Civilization. The material is relevant and fits nicely into the scope of the collection. / Free online access
#5 Arctic anthropology. (1962). Madison: University of Wisconsin Press. ISSN:0066-6939. / Serial publication; print and electronic. / This journal covers archeology to anthropology of the prehistoric arctic and much more. / Relevancy; scope; authority; currency. / WorldCat; University of Wisconsin Press. / This journal is relevant because its scope fits nicely into the collection. As a serial the material will be continually added and goes back to 1962. / $583.00/3 years


Collection ManagementINFO 665Instructor Thomas Karel


This assignment was one of the most informative and useful for me thus far. I will be interviewing for a Geosciences Reference Librarian position upon graduation. This selection process should prove very useful to prepare me for the position should I be chosen. One of the hardest aspects of this exercise was finding a wide variety of formats. I considered adding a VHS to the list because it fit all the criteria and I needed other formats besides monographs, but I decided against that because many people would not use the item because of the outdated format. Another issue I had was not being able to find any actual reviews of the items. Many were listed in Alibris, Books in Print, and AbeBooks, but not one was in Choice. I ended up removing it from my introduction paragraph because in the end I did not use it as a selection aid.

One thing I learned is that the more popular, well-known journals will not disclose their prices. While trying to find the institutional cost for ScienceI unintentionally signed up to be contacted by a sales representative. I was able to find a print cost for Quaternary Science Reviews, but you had to register to get the electronic version’s price and I couldn’t find any price for Springer’s Palaeobiodiversity and palaeoenvironmentsand was forced to estimate.

In my search for varied formats I branched out and searched the National Geographic and Amazon websites and in the end found a couple of very relevant DVDs to add to the collection. I enjoyed the process and really learned a lot about the work a subject specialist puts into selection.


Collection ManagementINFO 665Instructor Thomas Karel


AbeBooks (2011). Retrieved from

Alibris (2011). Retrieved from

Amazon (2011). Retrieved from

The Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University (2011). The Academy of Natural Sciences

Website.Retrieved from

The Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University (2011). The Ewell Sale Stewart Library

and Archives Website. Retrieved from

The Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University (2011). Governance Documents. Code of

Ethics and Conduct. Retrieved from

The Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University (2011). Vertebrate Paleontology.

Retrieved from

Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records (2011). Selection of Library Resources.

Retrieved from

Bowker's Books In Print Professional (2011). Retrieved from

Evans, G. E., & Saponaro, M. Z. (2005). Developing library and information center collections.

Westport, Conn: Libraries Unlimited.

GeoRef (2011). Retrieved from

IMDB The Internet Movie Database (2011). Expedition Week: Death of a Sea Monster.

Retrieved from

National Geographic (2011). Retrieved from

The Paleontological Society (2011). The Paleontological Society Website. Retrieved from

ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Database (2011). Retrieved from

Science (2011). Retrieved from

ScienceDirect (2011). Retrieved from

Springer (2011). Retrieved from

The University of Wisconsin Press (2011). 2012 Journal Subscription Rates. Retrieved from

WorldCat (2011). Retrieved from

Yale University Library (2011). Research Tools: Catalog. Retrieved from