Graduate Entrepreneur Visa Tier 1

Guidelines for Students


1.0 Background

2.0 Endorsement process

3.0 Pre-application preparation

4.0 Application requirements

4.1 Business Requirements

5.0 When and how to apply for your visa

6.0 Application Deadlines for those graduating in 2015

7.0 Outcome of application

8.0 Conditions of endorsement

9.0 Process and monitoring following successful applications

10. Extension process

1.0 Background

The SOAS Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur) visa scheme is designed to enable non-European graduates that SOAS identify as having developed genuine and credible business ideas, to extend their stay in the UK after graduation to establish one or more businesses.

SOAS can endorse up to 150 students per year on the scheme and we have been very successful in allocating places to our students.

These guidelines are for candidates who have been recommended for endorsement under the SOAS Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur) visascheme. They are intended to provide an overview of endorsement processes under the scheme to help you consider and prepare your visa application and explain the conditions you must adhere to whilst endorsed bySOAS.

NB while this information is accurate to the best of our knowledge at the time of writing, the immigration rules and guidance change and we may not be able to inform you directly of any changes that may affect you and your visa application. Please familiarise yourself with the Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur) visa information on the website:

2.0 Endorsement process

To endorse an applicant for the Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur) visa scheme, SOASwill issue a letter of endorsement. You cannot apply for your Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur) visa before receiving your letter of endorsement.

Once you receive the letter of endorsement, you must apply within three months of the date on the letter. If you are applying in the UK, your current visa must be valid at the time of application.

3.0 Pre-application preparation

  • Makean appointment withthe Student Advisor (Immigration and Finance) to confirm visa status/immigration requirements
  • Make an appointment with Student Enterprise Representative by emailing discuss your business idea.

4.0 Application requirements

  • If you have previously held a Tier 1 (Post-Study Work) visa, you will unfortunately not be eligible to apply
  • You can apply for the Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur) visa whilst you are in the UK with a student, or the Tier 4 visa, or you can apply overseas
  • You will need to prove that you have held £945for a consecutive 90-day period in your bank account, prior to submitting your Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur) visa application if you are applying in the UK
  • If you are applying outside the UK you will need to prove that you have held £1,890 for a consecutive 90-day period in your bank account, prior to submitting your Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur) visa application
  • If you are applying in the UK and your Tier 4 visa was issued after 13 December 2012 youcan begin to work on your new business as soon as you have applied for your Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur) visa, whilst you are waiting for a decision
  • You can also apply for the scheme if you are a SOAS sponsored Postdoctoral Researcher on a Tier 2 visa
  • Eligible individuals will be sponsored by SOAS for up to 12 months in the first instance with the possibility of an extension for a further 12 months
  • As well as starting your business, any work is permitted on the Tier 1 (GE) scheme except employment as doctor or dentist in training or professional sportsperson (including coach)
  • If you have dependents, they can apply for a dependent visa to remain or come to the UK with you while you are on the Tier 1 (GE) scheme. For more details please the GOV.UK website:

4.1 Business Requirements

When endorsed, you will need to set up one of the legal entities listed below as a part of the engagement. If you are not sure or have questions about which legal entity is the best for your business idea, please contact Student Enterprise at SOAS.

  • i) Sole Trader
  • ii) Partnership
  • iii) Company Registered in the UK


  • Business must generate revenue, charities will not be considered
  • From the 6th April 2015 applicants are not allowed to engage in businesses principally concerned with property development or property management.

5.0 When and how to apply for your visa

UK Visas and Immigration require you to apply within three months of the date on your letter of endorsement and whilstyour visa is valid if you are applying in the UK. You cannot start working on your business venture until youhave submitted your Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur) visa application,

In order to submit a full application you must do the following:

Submit a completedGraduate Entrepreneur Visa Business Idea Plan Formapplication form and upload with yyourCV,highlighting relevant experience,a covering letterexplaining why you wish to apply for a graduate entrepreneur visa and the basic financial spread sheet

Your application will be considered by a panel and you will be notified by email if you get through to the next stage of application;

Successful applicants will be asked to give a 10 5-minute presentation followed by 510 minutes of questions and answers in front of the panel. Decisions will be communicated within 2 weeks following the panel meetings.

NB: Please be aware that completed applicationswill not be consideredif you have not discussed your idea with the Student Enterprise team and confirmed your eligibility to apply with the b Student Advisor (Immigration and Finance)

6.0 Application Deadlines

There will be 3 deadlines for applications during the period during the period April to March in any year. These dates will be communicated on the SOAS website:

7.0 Outcome of application

The Home Office ultimately decides on whether to grant you the visa.

If granted, your visa should be valid for one year. Generally the Home Office does not inform us directly of theoutcome of your application. Therefore you must notifyRegistry as soon as you receivethe decision and you will be required to bring in your visa so we can copy the original for our records.

If the Home Office refuses your application, you must informRegistry immediately.

Please note that it is unlikely that SOAS will be able to support a further visa application. This is because we have a limited number of endorsements by the Home Office each year and once an endorsementhas been submitted with a visa application, it cannot be used again.

8.0 Conditions of endorsement

You need to be aware that there arecertain conditions attached to your visa as detailed below. It is very important that you fully understand andcomply with these responsibilities. If you fail to comply, the Home Office requires SOAS to report this,which may result in the curtailment of your visa.

These conditions apply once you receive your new visa and remain until that visa expires or date curtailed.

Start your venture only after making your Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur) application;

Maintain as a minimum, quarterly contact with Student Enterprise representative,Registry will receive a formal record of this contact. If you are unable to make an agreed contact you mustinform the Student Enterprise representative within 24 hours, explaining why an alternative date is required;

Actively work on developing your business in the UK. The Student Enterprise representative will assess progressat each contact;

Keep to the conditions of your leave;

Do not claim UK state benefits;

Update your Police Registration Certificateif required;

Do not take employment as a Doctor or Dentist in training or professional sportsperson (including a sportscoach);

Inform UKVIVIand Registryof any ‘change in your circumstances’ (e.g. change in contact details, dependants’details, your name, nationality, appearance);

Whilst not compulsory, we strongly advise that you attend the monthly group meetings organised for graduate entrepreneur visa holders as well as the many events organised by student enterprise.

NB:Please be aware that the decision made by SOAS is final.

9.0 Process and monitoring following successful applications

A representative of the Student Enterprise team will be assigned to you to offer mentoring support

You will be informed of the expected time scale of progression meetings, aAs a minimum these will be held quarterly but may be required on a more regular basis, depending on progress

The first meeting should be held following the successful approval and endorsement by the UKVI Border Agency, and subsequent meetings confirmed at the first meeting with your mentor. Please bring with you a copy of your visa to the first meeting

The mentor will determine the level of progressional evidence that is required for each meeting. The minimum level of documentation required is quarterly written reports of the business as per your set milestones, although monthly reports may be requested

SOASmust be satisfied that the graduate is developing the business and working towards its growth and progression, therefore all documentation and evidence of meetings are to be retained along with business reports, by both the mentor and graduate, as required by the UK Border AgencyUKVI.

Equally, should non-satisfactory evidence be submitted to demonstrate their continuing involvement in the company, business or partnership, or if you are no longer working for that enterprise and have taken up employment elsewhere, SOAShas the right to revoke the endorsement and report you to UKVI.

Lack of communication, non attendancenon-attendanceat the quarterly meetings or lack of suitable evidence of business progression will also be reported to UKVI and will result in your endorsement being revoked.

NB:SOASis legally obliged to report any non-attendance at progression meetings, should we not be informed in advance.

10. Extension process

After one year, UKVI allows you to apply for one further year to remain in the UK under the Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur) visascheme. This requires further endorsement from SOASand we must assessthat you are making satisfactory progress in developing your business. Therefore, before your current visa expires you will be required to apply for an extension, details of which can be found in the Student Guidelines for Extensions.


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