Weekly Status Report, May10-21
For the week of: 11/02/2009
NameWeek HoursTotal Hours
Matt Stemper251.5
Jason Ekstrand430
Daniel Jason426
Timothy Jacobs1061
Meeting Summary:
circling code used 4 way points - language for writing is being studied.
PCB layout needs a little more tweaking
Method for adjusting PID loop gains was figured out.
parts were ordered this week for the rotation around the tube plan
camera receiver/transmitter parts were finialized totaling about $500
need to continue matlab simultaion work
PID loop for camera servo and flight bank angle HAM Radio licensing
Need more than a licensed technician
Need a video overlay board
Jason and Matt S. plan to take the test
half scale wing was made
need to get CNC model for fuselage to Bill
talk to professor Sarkar to get wind tunnel time
buy servors from Hobby Haven
wating to hear back from ISU research farms as test sites
Present - all but those absent
Absent - Matt Stemper, Peter Hodgell
Weekly Report for Matt Stemper
Work on control system
Did more work on control system and started looking at requirements for design document.
Unable to attend weekly meeting because I was out of town.
Next week:
Work on control system and start design document.
Hour breakdown:
1 hour- control system
1 hour- design document
Hours this week: 2
Cumulative hours: 51.5
Weekly report for Timothy Jacobs
Work on PCB and auto pilot camerapointing.
Wrote a basic function for the autopilot to move the camera and orbit a point. Worked on pcb layout and tested power supply design.
Power supply still has some over heating issues.
Next week:
Work on power supply and order rest of parts
Hour breakdown:
Autopilot-4 hours
power supply-4hours
Hours this week: 10
Cumulative hours: 61
Weekly report for Jason Ekstrand
Finish parts list for video transmission system and find airfiled
Parts list submitted and components are ordered, I'm going to go look at potential airfields on Wednesday
Next Week:
Study for HAM exam and work on putting together documentation on the new video transmission system.
Hour breakdown:
2 – HAM research
6 – Transmitter research
Hours this week: 4
Cumulative hours: 30
Weekly report for Daniel Jason (jasondj)
Figure out how to adjust the PID loop gains for the autopilot and investigate possible values for the gains.
I know now how to adjust the PID loop gain values, and think that we should use the default values assigned by the autopilot system.
We won't know how to adjust the gain values until after our first flight.
Next week:
Find a way around the guess and check method for determining the PID loop gain values
Hour breakdown:
1 hour reading manual on PID loops and programming.
2 hours online research
1 hour meeting
Hours this week: 4
Cumulative hours: 26