Volunteers Registration Pack.
Please complete this document and return it to:
or to the office at:
People in Action
3rd Floor
Symons House
Belgrave Street
Leeds LS2 8DD
If you need help filling out this document please get in touch:
0113 2443729
For office use only
Date reference sent / Date reference rec’d / DBS1. / 1. / Date completed:
Date checked
2. / 2.
Volunteering Application Form
/ NameD.O.B.
/ Address
/ Tel No
/ Mobile
What is your preferred method of contact?
Please give details of any disability or medical condition you feel we should know about…
Have you any particular interests or hobbies (past or present) which could be shared with somebody?
Have you worked as a volunteer before? (please give details)
Emergency contact
Tele no
Where did you hear about People in Action?
………………………………………………………………. ( please specify)
When are you available to volunteer?
Daytime Evenings
Weekdays Weekends
(Mon-Fri) (Sat – Sun)
Other (please say)
Do you have a full, clean driving license?
Yes No
Do you have transport available?
Yes No
Own vehicle: Yes No
Public Transport: Yes No
Please give the names of two referees, for example: employer, tutor, long-standing friend (not a relative).
People In Action works with vulnerable people and we always take up references.
Reference 1
Tel No
Relationship to you
Reference 2
Tel No
Relationship to you
We have to check with the Criminal Records Bureau for any record of criminal convictions, which may affect your application. In order to do this we need the following information:
Date of birthName (if you were previously known by another name).
(under 18s please get your parent/guardian to sign for you)
Photography consent form
People In Action may take photographs or record videos of its projects or events. This material may be used to promote the work of People In Action through press and publicity materials, for example Newsletters, Leaflets and the People In Action website.
Please indicate as to whether you DO or DO NOT permit to the careful use of your photograph in any of the following:
/ Leaflet: / I DO give permissionI DO NOT give permission
/ Website: / I DO give permission
I DO NOT give permission
/ Newsletter: / I DO give permission
I DO NOT give permission
Volunteer’s Agreement
People In Action are mindful that people’s circumstances may alter over time and so any commitment made to volunteering may have to change.
However, as People In Action tries to avoid letting people down, we would ask you to ensure that you can keep to any commitment you make to volunteering as far as possible. If any change has to be made, please try to give as much notice as you can.
I have read and understood People In Action’s Volunteers’ Policy and agree to the requirements for volunteering with People In Action.
I agree to undertake training in, and work in accordance with, People In Action’s policies.
I will inform People In Action if I wish to change, or end, my arrangements for Volunteering.
Please register me as a People In Action Volunteer.
Volunteer’s SignatureName
Equal opportunities form
Inline with our equal opportunities policy, People In Action would like you to answer the following questions. Filling in the form is optional. This form is only used for monitoring to make sure that our procedures are as fair as possible.
Male Female
Do you have a disability?
Yes No
Age group:
0 - 11 / 12 - 20 / 21 - 30 / 31 - 40 / 41 - 50 / 51 - 60 / 61 -70 / 70 +Ethnic origin:
WhiteBritish / European / Other – give details
White and Black Caribbean / White and Black African / White and Asian
Other – give details
Asian or Asian British
Indian / Pakistani / Bangladeshi
Other – give details
Black or Black British
Caribbean / African / Other – give details
Other ethnic groups – give details