Rockville Town Council Meeting
June 19, 2013
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Rockville Town Council
June 19, 2013
Rockville Community Center
CALL TO ORDER – ROLL CALL– Mayor Dan McGuire called the meeting to order at 6:00p.m. The following members of the Rockville Town Council were present: Jeff Ballard, Bernie Harris, and Megan Honer-Orton. Pam Leach was excused. Town Clerk Elaine Harris recorded the meeting. This meeting is a postponement of the regular meeting scheduled for June 12, 2013.
1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE– Mayor McGuire led the Pledge of Allegiance.
3. PUBLIC COMMENT– There were no public comments.
VOTE on the motion:
Dan McGuire – Aye
Jeff Ballard – Aye
Bernie Harris – Aye
Megan Honer-Orton – Aye
The motion passed unanimously.
Rob Snyder thanked the Town Council for their efforts in putting together a budget and plan for the Town of Rockville.
5. ADJOURN PUBLIC HEARING–Megan Honer-Orton MOVED to adjourn the public hearing. Bernie Harris SECONDED the motion.
VOTE on the motion:
Dan McGuire – Aye
Jeff Ballard – Aye
Bernie Harris – Aye
Megan Honer-Orton – Aye
The motion passed unanimously.
6. REPORT AND ACTION, IF NECESSARY, ON RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION – PLANNING COMMISSION CHAIR – Planning Commission Chair Rob Snyder reviewed two applications presented at the last Planning Commission Meeting. The first was for Tydon Oler who would like to build a home on a parcel east of the cul-de-sac on South River Road. The application was tabled due to water requirements that still need to be met, as well as a lot line adjustment that is needed prior to building permit issuance. Mayor McGuire stated that an approved water source must be identified prior to issuing a building permit.
A concern was raised that if the permit is approved and there is a lack of sufficient water, issues could result. Furthermore, if the well is close to the river the applicant will need to install reverse osmosis and filters in order to ensure a clean water source. Chair Snyder offered to contact Southwest Health Department to obtain information on their purification process.
The second building proposal was for Bill and Mary Foreman (owner) and Ms. Jill Wilks (buyer) located on a parcel on the mesa south of Rockville. The application was denied because the site plan did not meet the rear and east side setback requirements. It was noted that the Foremans have not yet sold the property to Ms. Wilks. There was a potential appeal to be filed by the owners and buyer with regard to the Planning Commission decision.
7. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE THE 2013 CERTFIIED TAX RATE FOR THE TOWN OF ROCKVILLE – Bernie Harris MOVED to approve Resolution Number 13-40619-1, establishing the Certified Tax Rate for the Town of Rockville. Megan Honer-Orton SECONDED the motion.
VOTE on the motion:
Dan McGuire – Aye
Jeff Ballard – Aye
Bernie Harris – Aye
Megan Honer-Orton – Aye
The motion passed unanimously.
8. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION TO ADOPT THE FISCAL YEAR BUDGET ENDING JUNE 30, 2014, FOR THE TOWN OF ROCKVILLE, UTAH–It was noted that the accepted tax rate will result in a projected revenue of $45,713. The total budget was $50,000. It was noted that this figure will need to be changed. It was proposed that the difference of $4,262 be added from the General Fund bringing that amount from $4,195 to $8,482. The bottom line was to remain unchanged. The total balanced budget is $201,537.
Jeff Ballard MOVED to adopt Resolution Number 13-40619-2 of the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014, for the Town of Rockville, Utah. Megan Honer-Orton SECONDED the motion.
VOTE on the motion:
Dan McGuire – Aye
Jeff Ballard – Aye
Bernie Harris – Aye
Megan Honer-Orton – Aye
The motion passed unanimously.
9. DISCUSSION AND ACTION TO APPOINT A VARIANCE/APPEAL HEARING OFFICER FOR THE TOWN OF ROCKVILLE – Bernie Harris MOVED to appoint Tom Dansie to serve as the Variance/Appeal Hearing Officer (VAHO). Megan Honer-Orton SECONDED the motion.
VOTE on the motion:
Dan McGuire – Aye
Jeff Ballard – Aye
Bernie Harris – Aye
Megan Honer-Orton – Aye
The motion passed unanimously.
10. DISCUSSION AND ACTION TO APPROVE VARIANCE/APPEAL HEARING OFFICER’S RULES AND REGULATIONS OF HIS/HER PROCEDURES AND THE CONDUCT OF HIS/HER DUTIES –All public meetings will be called by the Town Clerk, and the call to order at each meeting will be conducted by the VAHO. The meetings will not require witnesses to be sworn in, therefore, the VAHO will not require special authority.
Megan Honer-Orton MOVED to approve the Variance/Appeal Hearing Officer’s rules and regulations of his/her procedures and the conduct of his/her duties. Jeff Ballard SECONDED the motion.
VOTE on the motion:
Dan McGuire – Aye
Jeff Ballard – Aye
Bernie Harris – Aye
Megan Honer-Orton – Aye
The motion passed unanimously.
11. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION TO ABANDON THE EAGLE CRAGS ROAD TASK FORCE – It was determined that the task force had accomplished what they were created for.
Megan Honer-Orton MOVED to disband the Eagle Crags Road Task Force, also known as the South Mesa Road Task Force. Jeff Ballard SECONDED the motion.
VOTE on the motion:
Dan McGuire – Aye
Jeff Ballard – Aye
Bernie Harris – Aye
Megan Honer-Orton – Aye
The motion passed unanimously.
12. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION TO BEGIN THE PROCESS TO VACATE EAGLE CRAGS ROAD – Mayor McGuire stated that to “vacate” the road would mean that while the road would remain public, the Town of Rockville would no longer be responsible for its maintenance. All responsibilities would be turned over to the area residents.
He explained that if the road is to be maintained, it should be a percentage of the total road budget based on the amount of road available. The road is located far from the Town. Therefore, it is not cost-efficient for tax dollars to be spent on a road that only serves a small percentage of residents and poses several safety concerns, especially with its steep grade. Other options included utilizing community impact loans or grants that may be available; however, it was concluded that this would not be a likely option because the project will benefit so few people. In addition, that particular type of funding should be used on other projects. Federal Access Loans could supply funding; however, there are homeowners on neighboring properties that would not want portions of the land opened up as a result.
There was previous discussion by various individuals about contributing the necessary funding and labor in order to maintain the road; however, no progress had been made. It was determined by the State Auditor that donations to the Town in order to support the project would be tax deductible, under certain circumstances.
Town Clerk, Elaine Harris, pointed out that in order to vacate the road, a detailed, written description needs to be documented specifying the location of the road and the purpose of the vacation. Mayor McGuire planned to speak with County officials to obtain additional information on the process.
Bernie Harris MOVED to proceed with the process of vacating Eagle Crags Road. Jeff Ballard SECONDED the motion.
VOTE on the motion:
Dan McGuire – Aye
Jeff Ballard – Aye
Bernie Harris – Aye
Megan Honer-Orton – Aye
The motion passed unanimously.
13. APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES FOR THE MONTH OF MAY 2013 – TOWN CLERK – Expenditures for the month were reviewed and discussed. Mayor McGuire noted that “Rob’s Repair” shows a zero because the check had to be re-written due to numeric errors. As a result, the expenditure was on the report twice.
Bernie Harris MOVED to approve expenditures for the month of May 2013. Megan Honer-Orton SECONDED the motion.
VOTE on the motion:
Dan McGuire – Aye
Jeff Ballard – Aye
Bernie Harris – Aye
Megan Honer-Orton – Aye
The motion passed unanimously.
14. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE MAY 15, 2013, TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING – Bernie Harris MOVED to approve the minutes of the May 15, 2013, Town Council Regular Meeting, as printed. Jeff Ballard SECONDED the motion.
VOTE on the motion:
Dan McGuire – Aye
Jeff Ballard – Aye
Bernie Harris – Aye
Megan Honer-Orton – Aye
The motion passed unanimously.
Dan McGuire reported the following:
· The field on the former Fatali property has been cleaned up.
· The residents that live in the trailer located on Dennett Lane do not own the trailer, and in talking with Jensen Property Management it was concluded that the trailer needs to be removed from the road.
· With regard to sewer odor, Mayor McGuire reported that he has been corresponding with Rick Wixom in order to identify the worst manholes. Currently, four have been identified. Mr.Wixom quoted a cost of approximately $600 per filter to be placed in the manholes and four is all the upcoming budget will allow.
· A highway clean-up was conducted on May 30, 2013, with community volunteers.
· Mayor McGuire reported that he will be out of town from June 30th to July 6th.
· The Washington County Fair will take place in August. Dates were to be announced. Rockville will be participating and a team was to meet on Monday, June 24 at 6:00 p.m. The theme for this year will be “Lucky 13.”
· A compliment was made with respect to the care provided to outside bathrooms.
Bernie Harris had nothing to report.
Megan Honer-Orton reported the following:
· She received two complaints about red water. She provided the individuals with phone numbers for Rob Snyder, Bernie Harris, and the water company.
· Discussion was opened by Megan Honer-Orton regarding former Mayor Allan Brown’s proposal that Rockville entertain the concept of opening up a Town-run campground. If it is a Town-operated campground, the commercial limitations in Rockville’s Land Use Code would be skirted. This operation would help the current situation of individuals camping on Town roads and neighborhoods and building fires in non-designated areas. It was suggested that by allocating an area for camping, the Town could collect a modest fee and supply port-a-potties and possibly water. Fire hazards will continue to be an issue in upcoming seasons, and this was expected to help control campfires and protect neighboring lands. Megan agreed to conduct additional research and report back at the next meeting.
Jeff Ballard reported that Judge Lee dismissed the case against Springdale Town Manager Rick Wixom and Police Chief Kurt Wright. It was dismissed on the basis of lack of criminal intent.
16. TOWN BUSINESS – Clerk Harris reminded the Council that it was discussed previously that painting white strips along the edge of the steps of the main hall is necessary for safety purposes. Mayor McGuire agreed to look into expense and labor needed in order to accomplish this task in the most practical manner.
A new projector screen has also arrived in order to replace the old one, which has been torn. Clerk Harris proposed that use of the projector be restricted in order to keep it in good quality.
Clerk Harris also reminded the Council that she will be gone from July 11th—July 15th.
17. ADJOURN – Bernie Harris MOVED to adjourn. Jeff Ballard SECONDED the motion.
VOTE on the motion:
Dan McGuire – Aye
Jeff Ballard – Aye
Bernie Harris – Aye
Megan Honer-Orton – Aye
The motion passed unanimously.
The meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m.
Minutes prepared by:
Teri Forbes, Owner
T Forbes Group
__Mayor Dan McGuire______