March 13, 2017


·  Ron

·  Gerhard

·  Deb

·  Jeff

·  Dennis

·  Joe

·  Rob

·  Jonathan (new member)

·  Eileen

  1. Winding Brook Trail—Conservation Commission—Eileen, Ron
  2. No new news to share
  3. Town Capital Improvements 2017—Dan
  4. A few sidewalk improvements planned
  5. Plan of Conservation and Development—Gerhard, Bike Advisory Group
  6. Transportation & Traffic Circulation
  7. input due 4-18, meeting 5-9, 6:00-7:30, Meeting Room A
  8. Greenways & Trails
  9. Input due 5-23, meeting 6-13, same time and place
  10. Complete Streets wording is now in the proposed update
  11. Action: Dan to follow-up with Bike Advisory Group to have Dan P give an overview as to how Complete Streets is “operationalized”
  12. Action: Joe and Gerhard to craft a response to be submitted by BWG
  13. Facebook update—Dennis
  14. Facebook page is now active; modest engagement, but hopeful that as we have more to share, we’ll get more engagement
  15. Bike-friendly facilities, Chamber of Commerce update—Deb, Dennis
  16. BFF program is getting closer to going live – aiming for a go-live in May (National Bike Month)
  17. Motion approved to provide up to $60 to fund the Window Stickers for the BFF program
  18. Discussion on the possibility of reviving our offer to partially fund bike racks (to help when a business wants to be in the BFF but doesn’t have a rack) – Action: Jeff & Dan
  19. Bicycle month—proclamation, Bike to Work/School—Deb
  20. Motion approved to contribute $50 to fund refreshments for a Glastonbury Bike to work day
  21. Bike Advisory Group update
  22. Last BAG was lightly attended by town representatives, so no additional news to share (aside from the above)
  23. MTB biking group and Parks and Rec are moving forward on trails for the Longo property.
  24. Membership—response to outreach—Ron
  25. Several donations received after last appeal
  26. Rickshaw—Ron, Jeff
  27. The Hearth has expressed no interest
  28. Still looking for another alternative
  29. Tour of Glastonbury
  30. Aiming for the weekend after Labor Day
  31. Seeking to partner with Bike Walk Connecticut Discover Series
  32. Joe to hopefully find out this week whether or not Glastonbury is selected again; then connect with Jeff.
  33. Joe is seeking support from BWG to help with labor
  34. BWG could offer some volunteer staffing, but the event would depend upon someone else to do most of the staffing (e.g. Bike Walk CT)