Algebra 1- S2A
Dearborn High School 1 born High School Mrs. Fardous
Course Descriptions and topic covered
Welcome to Mrs. Fardous’ Algebra 1 class. Algebra 1 is a freshman/sophomore level course designed to complete the introductory level on the foundations of algebra. In the second semester, Students can expect to use the skills learned in semester 1 to tackle quadratic functions, solve systems of equations, and deal with radical (square root) functions, rational (fractions) functions, and right triangles.
Materials/Textbook Information
Algebra 1, 2004, Prentice Hall Mathematics
Online text: Login: Dearborn 1516 PW: Pioneers!
· Students will provide with a notebook for daily notes.
· 3-ring binder with lined and graph papers
· Pencils, Colored pencils, Highlighter, Eraser, Ruler
· After school internet access either home or public library
Class Procedures and Rules
Classwork Expectations and Procedures
ü Follow the Golden Rule: Treat others as you would want to be treated.
ü Come to class prepared to learn: well rested with text, pencil, paper, calculator, and
completed homework. Bring your charged computer to each class. No phones, earbuds or headphones except as directed.
ü Use the restroom prior to coming to class. Bathroom passes will only be issued for emergencies.
ü Enter the classroom and be in your assigned seat, homework out, and working on bell work*.Please be silent while attendance is taken.
ü Observe one person speaking at a time. Raise your hand and be recognized prior to
ü Remain silent during tests and quizzes until all papers are turned in.
ü Respect the furniture and classmates; keep your feet off the furniture.
ü Water bottles are allowed in the classroom. There will be no eating or drinking other than
ü Ask for help when needed
ü Hand your assignments on time
*privileges and reward points will be given based on work ethics and good behavior
1. 1st Offense: Verbal Warning
2. 2nd Offense: Move to different seat.
3. 3rd Offense: Parents contacted. 1 session after school study.
4. 4th Offense: Parents contacted. 2 sessions after school study
5. 5th Offense: assign school suspension
Homework Procedures
1. Homework will be assigned daily and checked daily based on completion. The answers will be available on the blog the next day.
2. Depending on class participation, there may be time available at the end of class to work on homework.
Assessment Plan
Students will receive two types of grades:
Formative grade (20%) - This will include homework, quizzes, and in class activities
Summative grade (80%)- This include tests, projects, and major assignments
Letter grades for the course are determined by the school wide-grading scale outlined below:
Letter Grade / % Equal to or Greater thanA / 93-100
A- / 90-92
B+ / 87-89
B / 83-86
B- / 80-82
C+ / 78-79
C / 73-77
C- / 70-72
D+ / 68-69
D / 63-67
F / <60
Make Up Work and Retakes
Assignments will only be accepted on the due date, unless a valid excused absence is
recorded. In that case of absence, you will have two school calendar days for each period of excused absence to turn in make up work. Stay up to date by checking my blog for assignments.
Makeup tests and retakes: The student is responsible for arranging with the teacher to make up a test missed for an excused reason. Class time will not be sacrificed to support making up a test. Make up tests should be completed no later than two days before the next scheduled test. Situations may allow for a test to be taken early, although this will not be the norm. There will be certain scheduled time for test retakes and it will be either during lunch time or after school.
Online Resources
Text book website listed above
Teacher blog for daily work, homework and test or quizzes notifications
Students/parents connect to check grades and missing assignments. Passwords are released from the office.
Parents’ signature:------
Parent e-mail address:------