Giggleswick Rental c1550

Ref DD/121/29/2

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Richard Ratclyff holds one messuage, one bovateand one parcel of arable land by the lord’s warrantfor the term of the lord’s life and that of the saidRichard, and that of his wife during her widowhoodand renders per annum28s 8d

James Brown [holds] one messuage with gardenand half an acre of arable land by the lord’s warrantand renders per annum6s

Gersum 15s paidRichard Payley holds one messuage and one bovate

to Anthony Daleand a half , with the appurtenances, by the lord’s

warrant, and renders per annum10s

Note. For the son.Richard Brayshay holds one messuage with the

Gersum 34s 6d paidappurtenances in the same place by the lord’s

to Anthony Dalewarrant and renders per annum23s

Gersum 42s 6½dWilliam Banke holds one messuage with the

paid to Anthonyappurtenances in the same place by the lord’s

Dalewarrant as before and renders per annum28s 4½d

The same William holds <3 parts> of a fulling mill

in the same place and renders 114d & 3 …

At willJohn Webster holds one tenement with the

appurtenances in the same place at the will of the

lord and renders per annum24s 8d

Gersum 24s paidThomas Brashay [holds] one messuage with the

to Anthonyappurtenances in the same place by the lord’s

Dalewarrant and renders per annum15s 11d

Gersum paidWilliam Preston senior holds one messuage and

in fullone bovate of land and a parcel of demesne land

and renders per annum 23s 11½d, and one cottage

and renders per annum 3s, and two parcels of land

called Thakthwayte per annum 22d by the lord’s

warrant and by his commission, and he renders per

annum in total28s 9½d

Giggleswick Rental c1550

Ref DD/121/29/2

Gersum 20s paidThe same William holds the fourth part of a fulling

to the lordmill by Indent warrant of Commissaries of the lord

and renders per annum 3s 4d

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Gersum 30s paidRoger Claphamson holds one messuage, one bovate

to Anthony Daleof land and one parcel of demesne land, with the

appurtenances, by the lord’s warrant, and renders

per annum20s

Gersum 42s paidReginald Wilson holds one messuage, one bovate

to Anthony Daleof land and one parcel of demesne land, by the

lord’s warrant, and renders per annum21s 4d

Gersum 6s 8dWilliam Saylbanke holds one cottage in the same

paid to the lordplace by the lord’s warrant and renders per annum6d

Gersum £5 10sWilliam Foster holds one tenement with the

paid to the lordappurtenances in the same place by the lord’s

warrant as before and renders per annum22s

Gersum 20s paidRandolph Newhouse holds one fulling mill in the

to Richard Grenesame place by the lord’s warrant and renders per

annum3s 4d

Gersum 8s paidThomas Tailour holds one tenement with the

to the lordappurtenances in the same place by the lord’s

warrant as before and renders per annum4s 7d

Gersum 15s 6dRobert Taillour holds one messuage and one

and it was paidbovate of land with the appurtenances in the same

to various peopleplace by the lord’s warrant and renders per annum10s 4d

as appears;And Anthony Dale was paid 5s, Richard Ratclyffe

5s, John Caterall esq 5s 4d and Thomas Lyster 2d

Gersum 20s paidThomas Claphamson holds one cottage with the

to the lordappurtenances by the lord’s warrant and renders

per annum2s 4d

Giggleswick Rental c1550

Ref DD/121/29/2

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Note. For the son.John Rome senior holds one messuage and one

At willbovate of land with the appurtenances in the same

place and a parcel of demesne land at the will of

the lord, and he says that he has lost the lord’s

warrant, and he renders per annum20s 9½d

William Ro

Gersum 18d paidThomas Brennande holds one cottage by the lord’s

warrant and renders per annum6d

Fine. Warrant andRichard Foster holds one messuage with the

fine 20sappurtenances at the will of the lord but says that

he delivered his warrant to the lord’s counsel, and

renders per annum6s

And he has taken the premises from the

Commissaries for a gersum of 20s

Note. At the lord’sThomas Payley holds one messuage and one

will. Dead.bovate of land at the will of the lord and renders

Dismissed for a fineper annum10s

William Payley his son has taken the said messuage

from the Commissaries for a fine of 40s

Gersum 2s 2½dJohn Grewe (Chew) holds one cottage and garden in

paid to Anthonythe same place by the lord’s warrant and renders per


Gersum 40s paidHugh Newhouse holds one cottage with garden

to Richard Greneand two small closes and the moiety of a fulling

mill by warrant of the lord’s Commissaries and

renders per annum6s 8d

Gersum notRandolph Newhouse the son of John holds a small

appraisedmessuage, one bovate of land and a parcel of

demesne land by the lord’s warrant and renders

per annum22s 6d

Giggleswick Rental c1550

Ref DD/121/29/2

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Note. For the son.<Agnes Craven> The relict of Richard Craven

Gersum 3s 6dholds one cottage by the lord’s warrant during her

paid to Anthonywidowhood and renders per annum2s 4d

Note. For the son.<Sibyl> the relict of John Falthorpe holds one

Gersum 25s paidtenement with the appurtenances in the same place

to Anthony Daleby the lord’s warrant during her widowhood and

renders per annum16s 8d


Note. For the son.Giles Houghton holds one messuage with the

Gersum 14s paidappurtenances in Raithmell by the lord’s warrant

to Anthony Daleand renders per annum9s 4d

Gersum notOliver Houghton holds one messuage with the

appraisedappurtenances in the same place by the lord’s

warrant as before and renders per annum8s 8d

Note. At the lord’sAlan Carr and Jane Carr widow hold one messuage

willwith the appurtenances in the same place without

warrant and renders per annum17s

And he says that he has paid 12s 9d to Anthony Dale

and Richard Ratcliff for a warrant of half a tenement

Gersum 17s 4d.John Houghton holds one messuage with the

Paid to the lord 7s.appurtenances in the same place and he renders

Residue toper annum8s 8d

Anthony Dale

Gersum 3s paidRoger Craven holds one parcel of land called

to Anthony DaleHudholme by the warrant of Anthony Dale,

Commissary, and renders per annum18d

Giggleswick Rental c1550

Ref DD/121/29/2

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Note. He took theRoger Armysted the son of Randolph holds one

tenement for a finemessuage with the land appertaining to the same

of 4 marksat the will of the lord and renders per annum10s

And he took the aforesaid tenement from the lord’s

Commissaries by warrant for a fine of 4 marks

Note. Gersum 15sRoger Armysted senior holds one messuage with

whereof unpaid 10sthe land appertaining to the same by the lord’s

warrant and renders per annum10s

Gersum 3s paidThe relict of Hugh Smyth holds one cottage by the

to Anthony Dalelord’s warrant during her widowhood and renders

per annum2s

And the said relict released title etc in the following

Note. Fine. Warrant.form. Lawrence Smyth took the said cottage by the

for a fine of 6dlord’s warrant provided that he permits the said

relict to occupy half of the said cottage during her

widowhood and that he should pay to the said relict,

every week during her natural widowhood, 1d.

Gersum £3 paidRobert Tailour holds one messuage with the land

to Richard Greneappertaining to the same by the warrant of the lord

lord’s Commissaries and renders per annum21s

Robert Payley holds one messuage with the land

appertaining to the same in the same place [blank]

and renders per annum30s 4d

Who says that his warrant is in the keeping

of his brother

Gersum 24s 6dThomas Brown holds one messuage and the land

paid to Anthonyappertaining to the same, and two acres of demesne

land, by the lord’s warrant, and renders per annum16s 4d

Giggleswick Rental c1550

Ref DD/121/29/2

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Gersum 22s 6d paidMargaret Foster widow holds one messuage and

to Anthony Dalethe land appertaining to the same in the same place

by the lord’s warrant during her widowhood and

renders per annum15s

Gersum 8s paidJames Jackes holds one tenement with the land

to the lord andappertaining to the same by the lord’s warrant and

Thomas Lysterrenders per annum12s

Gersum 60s paidAdam Carr holds one tenement with the land

to Thomas Lysterappertaining to the same by the lord’s warrant and

renders per annum12s

Gersum 40s paidRichard Burton junior holds one toft and one croft

to the lordwith the appurtenances by the lord’s warrant

and renders per annum4s

Gersum 6s paidWilliam Lyndsey holds one cottage and garden

to the lordby the lord’s warrant and renders per annum2s

Note for the sonJohn Brown holds one tenement with the land

At willappertaining in the same place at the will of the

and renders per annum21s

Fine 63sAnd he says that he paid gressum to Anthony Dale

DismissedBarnard Brown took the said tenement through the

death of his father and he renders gressum of £3 3s

Gersum 63s paidRoger Carr holds one messuage and certain land

to Richard Greneappertaining to the same by the warrant of the

lord’s Commissaries and renders per annum21s

Thomas Robert Stackhouse holds one tenement

with garden and croft in the same place [blank]

and renders per annum7s 4d

It is reported that he is in London.

Giggleswick Rental c1550

Ref DD/121/29/2

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Gersum 18s paidJohn Brashay holds one cottage and garden with

to Richard Grenethe appurtenances by the warrant of the lord’s

Commissaries and renders per annum3s

The same John holds the third part of one fulling

mill by [blank] and renders per annum12d and

the third

part of 1d

Peter Iveson holds one cottage with garden in the

same place by [blank] and renders per annum2s

William Preston junior holds one cottage with

garden in the same place [blank] and renders per


Fine etcRichard Newhouse holds 2 cottages parcels of

Warrant mademeadow close by Hunthwayte Thornes by the

lord’s warrant after the widowhood of Isabel

Payley widow and renders per annum6d

And the same Richard Newhouse released the

premises to a certain Adam Carr, to have in the form

aforesaid after the widowhood of the said Isabel, and

the aforesaid Adam took the said parcel of land from

the Commissaries aforesaid for a fine of 10s

The relict of Roger Tailour holds one messuage

with the lands appertaining [blank] and renders

per annum13s 4d

Roger Wilson the son of John holds one tenement

with the lands appertaining by [blank] and renders

per annum10s

Giggleswick Rental c1550

Ref DD/121/29/2

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The relict of John Newhouse holds one cottage

per annum4d

Gressum 4s 8d paidThomas Cooke <and Robert Somerscale> holds

to Anthony Daleone fulling mill by the lord’s warrant and renders

per annum3s 4d

Henry Tenaunt holds one cottage in the same place

by [blank] and renders per annum2s

The same Henry holds one messuage with garden

and one close called Newfield by [blank] and

renders per annum28s 8d

The same Henry holds a grain mill in the same

place by [blank] and renders per annum66s 8d

Gersum 13sRichard Banke holds two parts of one fulling mill

Gersum 6sand John Brashay holds the third part of the said

received bymill by the lord’s warrant and renders per annum3s 4d

Giggleswick Rental c1550

Ref DD/121/29/2

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Free Tenants

John Banke renders freely per annum1 lb of


Ralph Proctour renders for his land per annum2s

William Armisted renders for his land per annum16d

Thomas Lyndsey renders for his land per annum3s 4d

Richard Tennaunt, John Tennaunt and John12½d and

Kettelwell render per annum1 lb of


Peter Proctour renders per annum for his land12d

Oliver Armysted renders per annum12d

Richard Stackhouse Armysted renders per annum3d

William Scarburgh and Roger Newill and the heirs

of William Gaysgill render per annum2s 3d

The late Abbot of Fornace for one carucate of land

in Stakhouse[blank]

The Prior of Fynkill for two carucates of land[blank]

The tenants of Stakhouse as a fine for the escape

of their beasts from Howriddinge as far as the
